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Everything posted by Roopavathy

  1. I have displayed student's result.Now i want to download the result as a pdf file.How could i do it? Here is my link. http://bhc.edu.in/commerce/Resultsprocess.php?examno=12345&submit=Show+my+results Pls help. Thank in advance.
  2. Are there anyone to help me.I want to show you an image.Pls help me.....................
  3. I want to post an image here.But don't know how ton insert here.Please help.
  4. I want to show a screen shot about my results page.But don't know how to insert.Please help.
  5. I have inserted the code inside my while loop but it displays like this Warning: Illegal string offset 'Name' in C:\xampp\htdocs\COMMERCE\Resultsprocess.php on line 301 and it goes on like this. Here is my code: <?php include("CommentBox/includes/Connection.php"); $exno=$_GET['examno']; $query=mysql_query("Select * from results where Examno='$exno'",$con); if (!$query) { die ("Problem in query".mysql_error()); } while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $tableOne = "<table> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>Exam no:</td> <td>Roll No:</td> <td>Semester:</td> </tr>"; if (!empty($row)) { foreach ($row as $data) { $tableOne .= "<tr> <td>{$data['Name']}</td> <td>{$data['Examno']}</td> <td>{$data['Rno']}</td> <td>{$data['Sem']}</td> </tr>"; } } $tableOne .= "</table>"; $tableTwo = "<table> <tr> <td>Paper Code</td> <td>Title</td> <td>CIA</td> <td>ESE</td> <td>Credits</td> <td>Grade</td> <td>Grade Pt</td> </tr>"; if (!empty($row)) { foreach ($row as $data) { $tableTwo .= "<tr> <td>{$data['Subcode']}</td> <td>{$data['Title']}</td> <td>{$data['CIA']}</td> <td>{$data['ESE']}</td> <td>{$data['Credits']}</td> <td>{$data['Grade']}</td> <td>{$data['Gradept']}</td> </tr>"; } } $tableTwo .= "</table>"; echo $tableOne; echo "<br />"; echo $tableTwo; } ?>
  6. Hello, I am very new to php programming.Please help me to display the students results from the database.I want to display all the papertitle,marks etc of a particular student.Here is my code <?php include("CommentBox/includes/Connection.php"); $exno=$_GET['examno']; $query=mysql_query("Select * from results where Examno='$exno'",$con); if (!$query) { die ("Problem in query".mysql_error()); } while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if($row['Examno']==$exno) { $Examno=$row['Examno']; $studname=$row['Name']; $studrno=$row['Rno']; $studsem=$row['Sem']; $papercode=$row['Subcode']; $papertitle=$row['Title']; $studcia=$row['CIA']; $studese=$row['ESE']; $studcredits=$row['Credits']; $studgrade=$row['Grade']; $studgradept=$row['Gradept']; echo "<table> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>".$studname."</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Exam no:</td> <td>".$Examno."</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Roll No:</td> <td>".$studrno."</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Semester:</td> <td>".$studsem."</td> </tr></table>"; echo "<table> <tr> <td>Paper Code</td><td>Title</td><td>CIA</td> <td>ESE</td><td>Credits</td><td>Grade</td> <td>Grade Pt</td></tr>"; while($_GET['Examno']==$exno) { echo "<tr> <td>".$papercode."</td><td>".$papertitle."</td><td>".$studcia."</td><td>".$studese."</td><td>".$studcredits."</td><td>".$studgrade."</td><td>".$studgradept."</td></tr>"; } } else { echo "Invalid Number!"; } } ?>
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