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  1. Got a question. Hope not worked with PHP too long so, I'm trying to print/echo the date but I don't understand what the hell the date is that it's sourcing. My code is; <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <body> <?php $t=date("H"); if ($t<"15") { print "Have a good Morning"; } else if ($t<"17") { print("Have a good Evening"); } else print("Have a good Night"); ?> </body> </html> But it's producing each answer randomly in my browser because I don't know what 'Date' it supposedly is. Any enlightenment to this would be much appreciated. Basically, I've written, if ($t<"15") { print "Have a good Morning"; } So what date is this '15' ? It's not day of the month and it isn't year or time. Help
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