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  1. Check the spelling in bold...The code is valid but the spelling of variable looks wrong...Check carefully the spelling (serviecid).
  2. Hey, here is a way to code to submit to your database table. <?php //Protect against mysql_injection $customername = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["name"])); $phonenumber = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["pnumber"])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["eaddy"])); $issue = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["issue"])); $result = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["results"])); $date = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["Date"])); //Now check form input(Validating the form). $errmsg_arr = array(); //Array to store validation errors $check_Error = false; //Validation error flag if (empty($customername)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please Enter Your Name'; $check_Error = true; } if (empty($phonenumber)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please Enter Your Phone Number'; $check_Error = true; } if (empty($email)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please Enter Your Email'; $check_Error = true; } if (empty($issue)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please what is your issue'; $check_Error = true; } if (empty($result)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please what is your issue'; $check_Error = true; } if (empty($date)){ $errmsg_arr[]= '.Please what is your issue'; $check_Error = true; } //Printing out any error message stored in the array. if ($check_Error == true){ echo '<h1>ERROR: </h1><h3>Please check below for Error Details</h3>'; if( isset($errmsg_arr) && is_array($errmsg_arr) && count($errmsg_arr) > 0 ) { echo '<ul><font color="red">'; foreach($errmsg_arr as $msg) { echo '<li><b>Error: '.$msg.'</b></li><br />'; } echo '</font></ul>'; } //Please change the a href link to the name of your page. echo "<p><a href='homepage_registration_form.html'>Go Back To Register</a></p>"; } //After validating successfully else { /* Now we will write a query to insert user details into database */ $host = "localhost"; // Host name...change it to your configuration information. $username = "root"; // Mysql username...change it to your configuration information. $password = ""; // Mysql password...change it to your configuration information. $db_name = "mydb"; // Database name...change it to your configuration information. // Connect to server mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password") or die('ERROR: Cannot connect' .mysql_error()); //connect to database mysql_select_db("$db_name") or die ('ERROR: Cannot connect'.mysql_error()); $tbl_name = "UserNote"; //Mysql Table name...change it to your configuration information. $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (CustomerName, Phone, Email, Issue, Result, Date) VALUES($customername', '$phonenumber', '$Email', '$issue', '$result', '$date')"; if ( ! mysql_query($sql) ) //notice the "!" it means if the mysql_query($sql) cannot be executed, then die error. ELSE execute the mysql_querry($sql) to //insert into table in the database. { die('Error in Registration,: ' . mysql_error()); } else { //Insert User into the database. echo "Your Note was insert into the record successfully, Please below are your information entered in the database."; echo "Customer Name: $customername<br /> Phone Number: $phonenumber<br /> E-Mail Address: $email<br /> Issue: $issue<br /> Results: $result<br /> Date: $date<br />" echo "......Stay cool and Goodluck."; ?> You should use css to change the field color.. check here for more tutorials on php and css.....www.w3schools.com.
  3. You code is ok. The problem is a syntax error, Please check the bold part of your code below: $result= mysql_query("select * from service where serviecid='$_POST[serviceid]'");$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result); Due to syntax error in: $result= mysql_query("select * from service where serviecid='$_POST[serviceid]'"); Then, the $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result); Could not fetch anything from the table service.
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