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Everything posted by JustFriend

  1. JustFriend


    I want to make a Facebook Like Box and some After setting it on your index.php or game.php threw me an error that looks like this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/manoww/domains/manowwe.us.lt/public_html/index.php on line 282 FaceBook Like Box: <iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmanowwe&width=300&height=590&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&header=true&stream=true&show_border=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:590px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> <b>Could you explain where the error?<b>
  2. Bit I did not understand what you say because I am not an Englishman. This could identify the error Line 19?
  3. Here a lot of those lines are not sure what 19 :/
  4. Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in/home/manoww/domains/manowwe.us.lt/public_html/topu.phpon line 19 Somewhere there is some sort of mistake topu.php file <?php /////////pagr topas///////// $fp9 = fopen("topas.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[0]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("topas.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 3){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topas.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////2as topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topex.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[3]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("topex.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topex.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////gyv topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topgy.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[5]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("topgy.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 10){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topgy.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////patir topas///// $fp9 = fopen("toppa.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[6]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("toppa.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("toppa.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////extr topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topext.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $bkll = @file_get_contents("miners/$nyy.txt"); $hjj = explode("|",$bkll); $lygg = $hjj[15]; $tope = file("topext.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topext.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////jega topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topje.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $bkll = @file_get_contents("miners/$nyy.txt"); $hjj = explode("|",$bkll); $lygg = $hjj[16]; $tope = file("topje.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topje.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////pin topas///// $fp9 = fopen("toppin.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[7]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("toppin.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("toppin.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////kovu topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topkov.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = $hj[8]; $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("topkov.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topkov.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} /////kreditu topas///// $fp9 = fopen("topkrd.txt","w"); fwrite($fp9,""); fclose($fp9); $link="users/"; $dira=glob($link."*") or die('error '); $eil=count($dira); for($i=0; $i<$eil; $i++){ $bkl = @file_get_contents($dira[$i]); $hj = explode("|",$bkl); $lygg = file_get_contents("kreditai/$nyy.txt"); $nyy = $hj[2]; $stt = $hj[16]; $tope = file("topkrd.txt"); $kl = explode("|",$tope); if ($lygg > 1){if ($stt == "Narys"){ $vrdll = "$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Adminas"){ $vrdll = "@$nyy"; } if ($stt == "Moderatorius"){ $vrdll = "*$nyy"; } $fp9 = fopen("topkrd.txt","a"); fwrite($fp9,"$lygg|$vrdll|\n"); fclose($fp9); }} ?> IF YOU CAN PLEASE FIND ERRORS
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