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  1. OOOh thanks would you mind telling me how to update the columns in phpmyadmin, im really new in that thanks
  2. thanks for answering It's not that i'm looking for html codes but want in the date that i put in the server to have break lines (so <br > or <p >) When importing date with a CSV Load-Date file thourgh phpmyadmin, you have a function that automatically detects line breaks en converts them to <p > or <br > html codes (I think) but it doesn't seem to work when I do that???
  3. Hallo I have the following problem. I have a CSV file with articles (for joomla) that I want to import to my server through phpmyadmin. Now after figuring out how to import date format i came across my second problem, and that is how to import the articles that is stored in a cell that is in a csv-load date file???? The problem is that when importing it, I don't see any line breaks in the articles, not in joomla and not in the html code that sould be stored in phpmyadmin. (In the CSV file I see line breaks, just like when copying it to word, but not on the server) So I hope that somebody can help me with that Thanks in advance
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