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  1. I actually want to send an email exactly 2 minutes after a form is submitted. I found a solution to use sleep(240) function to freeze the processing for two minutes. I implement the sleep function on response.php page I submit the form from form.php and on successful submit i redirect to response.php page where it waits for 2 minutes before sending an email. Everything works perfect but it waits for 2 minutes when i hit submit form button and then redirects to response.php I want to wait on response.php page Hope this makes sense
  2. Any easy elaboration on using shell_exec ? Thanks for your help
  3. Dear Guru :-) Thanks very much for quick response. I am sorry but that was what I meant. I don't want the page b.php should wait for the result of a.php here are the url for the 2 pages http://simplemenu.com/menus/a.php (Have sleep(10) code) http://simplemenu.com/menus/b.php (Just redirects to a.php) I run http://simplemenu.com/menus/b.php and it waits for a.php's result (10 seconds) and then loads a.php Is there anything we can implement using jquery or ajax ? Thanks
  4. Hello Experts, I am new to phpfreaks and excited about following it :-) Well I have an issue with sleep function. Whenever I use the sleep function it halts the page (which is supposed to be). But the problem is that it halts the page other than where the sleep is written. For example I have 2 Pages Page a.php ---------- <?php // Some Code sleep(10) // Some Code ?> and Page b.php --------------- <?php // redirect code header("Location: a.php"); ?> When I run a.php through browser it halts (sounds like keep loading) for 10 seconds. (Which is acceptable for me). But When run b.php why does it halt for 10 seconds, and then go to a.php (without halt). What I want is Load b.php, Redirect quickly to a.php where it can halt for 10 seconds (I dont' care) Please Help it is very important Looking forward to having quick and affective responses. Regards Gohar
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