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Everything posted by zunebuggy

  1. Yes I just don't know how to have my PHP read the text. Thank you.
  2. I created a website for my Mother's civic association. She is in charge of the associations announcements. She does not know HMTL. I am new to PHP. I want to create her Announcement/Event page using PHP and want her to be able to simply write the events in notepad and I will give her instructions on how to upload that txt file to the website. From there I want my PHP page to read the txt file and display the contents on the page. If someone can just help me get the part that can open and reading each line of a txt file from a web location, I think I can handle outputting the results to the Announcement page. I am an old vb programmer and I need something that is the equivalent of this below, but in PHP and from a web location and not a drive: Open myFileLocation & "/" & myFileName For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, myLine ' do stuff here Loop Close #1 Thank you.
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