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Everything posted by Xmodding

  1. Hi can someone help me out as i'm new to php. I have a grabber built in to my script that gets info from other sites for example. This part is from the site that my grabber gets the info from. <div class="txt-block"> <h4 class="inline">Runtime:</h4> <time itemprop="duration" datetime="PT103M">103 min</time> </div> And this is how my grabber gets this info from the site. $times = $dom->getElementsByTagName('time'); for($i=0; $i<$times->length; $i++){ $itemprop = $times->item($i)->getAttribute("itemprop"); if ($itemprop == "duration"){ if ($times->item($i)->textContent!='-'){ $res['duration'] = $times->item($i)->textContent; } } } Now what i'm stuck on is what would the code be to get the date published from the site. <span class="nobr"> <a href="/title/tt0099785/releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_inf " title="See all release dates"> 16 November 1990 <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="1990-11-16"> (USA) </a> </span> Would it be something like this. $meta = $dom->getElementsByTagName('meta'); for($i=0; $i<$meta->length; $i++){ $itemprop = $meta->item($i)->getAttribute("itemprop"); if ($itemprop == "datePublished"){ if ($meta->item($i)->textContent!='-'){ $res['datePublished'] = $meta->item($i)->textContent; } } } Could someone please help as i don't have a clue about writing php.
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