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Everything posted by MCD

  1. MCD

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    You Guys Rock .... I spent two weeks trying to get a straight and simple answer for an identical problem, that everyone I asked tried to answer with a different solution and some extra variant. They apparently didn't grasp that non-techie people, particularly designers are image/layout oriented. I don't expect an IT guy to do a drawing like Picasso for me but if he asks me to make one, I will. So why when I ask many IT people a qusetion needing very simple formatting (understanably limited by certain code language structures) do I not get a straight forward solution? If code samples are posted (that are regular requirements on many web sites) with their actual expected output, and respondents understand the layout needs in web page graphics, then it makes it so much easier for those who have to stretch their skills to be able to get a working solution. I even think if you organized the site/list into a body that charged an arbitary amount for a simple set of cut-n-paste codes it would go a long way to being very saleable and wet the appetites of novices and newcomers to learn more, otherwise frustration and depression can make you walk away from a solution. Spot on with this thread, even though other purists may argue that there are better coding solutions - but it works! <?php freaks $Thanks to all who contributed ==->toSolution Echo . '[YOU ROCK]' . ?>
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