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Everything posted by jay83rr

  1. i managed to do it another way, by doing a LEFT JOIN and it gave me the desired result. I would like to try and consolidate my queries but it's so confusing as it reads data from multiple tables and queries them to give a result. also the fact that im trying to do something that im a novice at creates more problems!
  2. i think the error is in query3 im not sure if i've formatted this correctly. <?php session_start(); //printf('<pre>%s</pre>', print_r($_SESSION, true)); require('includes/config.inc.php'); require('includes/session.php'); //WORKING DB_Connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM food_delivery_orders_items WHERE food_delivery_orders_items.type = 'product' AND food_delivery_orders_items.order_id=".$_SESSION['pdf_quote']['id'].""; $result = mysql_query( $query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $hash = $row['hash']; $foreignid = $row['foreign_id']; $qty = $row['cnt']; } $query2 = "SELECT * FROM food_delivery_products WHERE food_delivery_products.id = ".$foreignid.""; $result2 = mysql_query( $query2) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $name = $row['name']; $description = $row['description']; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $query3 = "SELECT * FROM food_delivery_orders_items WHERE food_delivery_orders_items.type = 'extra' AND food_delivery_orders_items.order_id=".$_SESSION['pdf_quote']['id'].""; $result3 = mysql_query( $query3) ; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $foreignidextra = $row['foreign_id']; $qtyextra = $row['cnt']; } print $row; $query4 = "SELECT * FROM food_delivery_extras WHERE food_delivery_extras.id = ".$foreignidextra.""; $result4 = mysql_query( $query4) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result4)) { $nameextra = $row['name']; } echo $nameextra; echo $qtyextra; DB_Disconnect(); //$products = implode(", ",$_SESSION['pdf_quote']['product_arr']);; //print $products ?>
  3. argh i just looked in the mysql database and there under orders are the products for each order!! i've seen them there 100 times and just haven't realised! Thanks a heap!
  4. im using the data to populate a ezpdf class php file. I've got all the info except what products the customer chose in the shopping cart. I'm guessing these are stored in the array that i can't see the contents of.
  5. when i run that i get the following but it still won't show me the contents of product_arr i think i need to implode to get the array... but thats where i get lost. Array( [id] => 46 [location_id] => 4 [type] => pickup [status] => pending [payment_method] => none [is_paid] => 0 [txn_id] => [processed_on] => [price_subtotal] => 3125.00 [price_delivery] => 0.00 [price_total] => 3125.00 [voucher_code] => [created] => 2013-10-15 21:12:20 [p_dt] => 2013-10-25 08:00:00 [d_address_1] => [d_address_2] => [d_country_id] => [d_state] => [d_city] => [d_zip] => [d_notes] => [d_dt] => [c_name] => test [c_email] => test@test.com [c_phone] => 8298392832 [c_address_1] => eokeoj [c_address_2] => [c_notes] => [c_country] => [c_state] => test [c_city] => [c_zip] => 2000 [cc_type] => [cc_num] => [cc_code] => [cc_exp] => [product_arr] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [extra_arr] => Array ( ) ) ))
  6. Hi I have a session $_SESSION['pdf_quote'] which has a number of variables which i can easily echo/print. But... in the same session i have 2 arrays. I have no idea how to echo/print the contents of what is in the arrays. These are the arrays [product_arr] => Array and [extra_arr] => Array
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