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Everything posted by Robert_Wynter

  1. I've tried Wamp for Windows and I was unsuccessful getting the PHP version down to 5.3.29. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but haven't figured that out yet. There are only 6 pages so far. However he has multiple webpages hosted on his server and therefore he not willing to do the update even though he received update notifications every-time he logs in. He's old school and believes it's going to break his server LOL
  2. @ fastsol which fully installed server would you suggest? @ scootstahbelieve me I've tried to convince them I'd much prefer to code in mySQLi. The problem is he wrote the old code himself a long time ago and doesn't want to let go but at the same time does not have the time to do it himself.
  3. I'm working on updating a clients webpage and the existing code is written in old school php syntax and running on PHP 5.3.29 I've tried a few local servers, WAMP,AMP, easyPHP with no luck getting his existing page to work locally and the client is not willing to upgrade to PHP 5+. Does anyone have any suggestions that can help me get it going locally
  4. ok fixed that too by removing tye href. The only think now how will the user know that that part of the map is clickable <td> <img src="pictures/durham_mapgoodbeforewhitby.png" alt="durham_map" width="417" height="340" usemap="#durhammap"> <map name="durhammap"> <area shape="poly" coords="193,207,284,207,391,214,190,287,260,299,300,307,344,310,389,322" onClick="myclick('Bowmanville')" title="Bowmanville" /> </map> <br> </td>
  5. got it to work but now the checkbox goes away after onClick </td> <td><img src="pictures/durham_mapgoodbeforewhitby.png" alt="durham_map" width="417" height="340" usemap="#durhammap"> <map name="durhammap"> <area shape="poly" coords="193,207,284,207,391,214,190,287,260,299,300,307,344,310,389,322" href="?city=Bowmanville" onClick="myclick('Bowmanville')" id="Bowmanville" title="Bowmanville" alt="Bowmanville" /> </map> <br> </td>
  6. I have checkbox function that creates a checkbox list from my database. I also have a map that I want onclick to check the checkbox align with that section of the map. So if you click Bominvile on the map the checkbox for Bominville gets checked/unChecked. [FUNCTION CALL] (From db.php) / This will create a CHECK BOX based on the property/value pairs in table AND the toggle all checkbox. function buildCheckBox($table, $prechecked) { $conn = db_connect(); // establish connection $sql = "SELECT property, value FROM ".$table.""; $results = pg_query($conn, $sql); //THIS LOOP ONLY RUNS ONCE ON PAGE LOAD. JUST TO DISPLAY // THE REORDS IN THE CITY DB TABLE. while ($record = pg_fetch_array($results)) { $checked = ($prechecked == $record['value'])?"checked=\"checked\"":""; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="'. $table.'[]" ' .$checked.' value="'. $record['value'] .'">'. $record['property'] .'<br/>'; } //echo "show me whats record ". $record['property']. "<br/>"; } [/FUNCTION] <script language="javascript"> function myclick(whichone) { if (document.getElementById(whichone).checked == true) { document.getElementById(whichone).checked = false; } else { document.getElementById(whichone).checked = true; } } </script> <tr> <td class="left"> <input type="checkbox" id="city_toggle" onclick="cityToggleAll();" name="city[]">City Toggle All<br/> <!-- FUNCTION CALL TO LOOP THROUGH TOGGLING CHECK BOXES ON/OFF--> <?php echo buildCheckBox('city', $selected_city);?> <input type="checkbox" id="city[]"><br> </td> <td><img src="pictures/durham_mapgoodbeforewhitby.png" alt="durham_map" width="417" height="340" usemap="#map1"> <a href="#" onClick="myclick('city[]')"> <map name="map1"> <area shape="poly" coords="193,207,284,207,391,214,190,287,260,299,300,307,344,310,389,322" href="#" id="city[]" title="Bowmanville" alt="Bowmanville" /> </map> </a><br> </td> </tr>
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