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Posts posted by KaiSheng

  1. I just found out, when i print S_SESSION['id]; 

    the id is always 5.

    it doesn't change no matter which account i log into.

    Is this a simpler to understand?

    I have a session_start()

    i do not know why is my session always the same.


  2. what i want to achieve is that


    when a user login, he can see a page called gameInfo.php

    when he clicks onto that gameInfo.php, the link will show localhost/../gameInfo.php?id=1, if his user id is 1 in the database.

    if another user login, if the person user id in database is 2, the page will show localhost/../gameInfo.php?id = 2.

    that's what i meant.


    I got the id to show up on the page already.

    But however, no matter which account i log into, it will still show the page localhost/../gameInfo.php?id=1 

    i do not know what is the mistake.

    I am trying to get the session id to pass through and appear on the link of the page.

  3. thanks for the fast reply, that works well.

    but the result i want to achieve is for example

    in database

    userid 1 = john, so when john clicks on gameInfo.php, it will show ..gameInfo.php?id=1

    userid 2 = mary, so when mary clicks on gameInfo.php, it will show ..gameInfo.php?id=2


    that's the part i can't get it ):





    and also, they can only access the page after they have logged in.

  4. Hi, 

    on the 1st page

    i echo the session id to the 2nd page url

    This is the code. <a href="gameInfo.php?id=<?php echo '' . '(' . $_SESSION['id'] . ')'; ?>">


    on the 2nd page, i try to get the session id to appear to be something like ..gameinfo.php?id=(5).php on the page

    with this code

     $id = $_GET[($_SESSION["id"])];

    however it only shows up the first id of the user in the database.

    I changed account to a different ID user, it still shows up the same result.

    is there anything wrong with my quotes or something?

    help please thanks!!!

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