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Everything posted by Funky348

  1. For my uni project i have created a website for my local rugby team... I have a database of players and in that database i have a column for player photo. I was told to just put the path to the image in the player record which i did (the column is a VARCHAR(255). The path i inserted is H:\WebDesign2\Xampp\htdocs\BedlinogRFC\images\Benji.jpg (the image is definitely where i said it is i copied the path from the properties) My image is isnt displaying just the alt text. I have searched everywhere for fix to my problem but cant find where im going wrong!! Any help will be great. Below is my dreamweaver code: <div class="playerProfilePhotoContainer"> <table height="250" width="299" border="0" cellpadding="3"> <caption> Player Photo </caption> <tr> <td><img src="<?php echo $row_Recordset1['ProfilePhoto']; ?>" alt="Profile Photo of Player"/></td> </tr> </table> </div>
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