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Everything posted by Augury

  1. No. It doesn't work in IE 8 for sure. Not a great big deal. For me at least. Then again this site is still trying to load something. I don't know if you noticed that or not. As far as layout goes it was tricky to get the page to look clean on both sides of the phone and like I said the freakin dropdown menu is supposed to be on the RIGHT side of the screen. When the righthand thumb reaches over, the user can no longer see the display. It's not something a PC user would really experience, like an arm in front of the face. So I've got to DL the css at least and try to correct this problem. The dropdown also turns white. I may or may not ever be able to solve that problem. The HTML alternative is to use frames with min, max and percentages. I get horizontal scroll bars on most sites. The bootstrap solves this problem. I may be limited on the number of columns I successfully display while retaining semblance organized content presentation. The nice looking textboxes is worth the loss of W-1040 layouts. I'm not one for a whole lot of fanfare but if the display is rendered without alot of stress its more agreeable to users I think. When I use mobile web services it frustrates me that the content is reduced and I don't needed links. This solves the problem nicely I think. I had an unlocked nokia with some wifi back when. Like 2008? It had a browser and I could get google maps. Tight res. But everyone was into flip phones back then. Screen size is #1 on a pocket device. Touch screens are kind of queer but what can you do? Of course to key in a paragraph of text on smart is torturous. But it's what there is. I oft times slip into daydreams where I am keying meaningful data on a mobile device at a cost efficient rate....ahhhh. The pfcb class works. It's about as much typing for the calls as it is for the resulting HTML. But it's organized and the parsing is done with out too much confusion. It's not real stout code but it gets the job done. It leaves one wanting for greater functionality. If the development is open I like to see a table class. With the lightup boxes I don't how far it could get. Especially seeing that the text boxes are a little gainly in nature.
  2. I updated my pfcb to twitter 3.1.1. Protocol changes mostly. http://campkojak.com/pfbcgolden/ The dropdown menu switches back over to the left hand side on a mobile phone in vertical display. Unreal but I like the phone thing and it works on windows phone which is found the lower end models at Verizon Wireless.
  3. I have a "while" statement with a switch. I've tried embedding a second function but apparently I'm too stoopid to get it to re-reference it. Which is typical. But I saw this Generator class that has a yield. Is the yield thing any good? There were no comments on php.net manual. MemberRouter.snip.php
  4. include "file.php"; is an answer I was looking for
  5. I know the HTML has a dead link to ./index.php BUT I WANT IT TO BE A TOTAL FUCKIN SUPRISE OK.
  6. AHHHHH I run a teen porn site. It is not a free teen porn site. How do I prevent non-members from seeing any of the contents of my member pages? I still want them to go to the home page, even if the url is members only content.
  7. You want to go my ./home.php. I feed you cookies, but theres only so long you can hold it. I want you to now go to ./toilet.php so I don't have shit all over my house. How do I make you go to ./toilet.php now -- or whenever -- it is clear you need to be there? In the form the action of ./toilet.php is '$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]'. So whether you shit or not, you will always be in the ./toilet.php. I would like to let you into ./home.php when you are through. The self awareness is great. But I now do not want you in my bathroom. Like, where's the door?
  8. I've got forms with action = '$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]' which is OK if I do not want a different page. And I can load specific page via the action field as well. metaphorically...... Theres a Mens room and a Womans room. The user inputs something. I now determine such and such ...... #1 or #2?, gender?, whats the present location.... And nearest faculty is provided as soon as I know where it is. How do I now load ./toilet.php ?
  9. Say, in the if () conditional, will it stop at the first TRUE in an *or ||* clause. ie line one, its not going to go for that PostData() return will it? if (($halePostData === 1) || (self::PostData())) { if (self::MemberLogin ()) { $_SESSION['AMember'] = array('loggedin' => 'true', RID => '', Username => $_SESSION['field']['username'], ipaddress => '', time => ''); self::MemberRouter("loggedin");
  10. oooo thats sound like it could where it is! I don't like to line break but my tabs have been well kept. loose convention
  11. Forgot to remove the password again and I could even take down the post thanks to some js kike.
  12. all indentation was lost in the rich text pasty. this is the last time i see an indentation damn it
  13. I spelled "break" "brake" near half a dozen times. The highlighting thing was just pissing me off for ten minutes.
  14. As far as bringing my own text editor goes emacs doesn't do as much for this language. Disappointing.
  15. Where? <html> <body> <?php //html pages may need to reset 'submit' indexes! $email = $username = $password = $firstname = $lastname = $homephone = $address = $address2 = $city = $state = $zip = $cellphone = $submit = $Routed = ""; session_start(); class Member { public function __construct() { $member = array('id'=>'', 'usertype'=>'', 'username'=>'', 'email'=>'', 'pass'=>'', 'firstname'=>'', 'lastname'=>'', 'validation_code'=>'', 'address'=>'', 'city'=>'', 'state'=>'', 'zipcode'=>'', 'flag'=>''); //public $member = array_fill_keys($mymember, '') $member[2] = 'entryErr'; $member['username'][4] = $member['email'][4] = $member['firstname'][4] = $member['lastname'][4] = 'required'; } } class NoobMember extends Member { private $hasErr = NULL; private $postmember = NULL; private $member = NULL; private $logmein = NULL; function PostData() { $postmember = $_POST; $some = array(); $member = self::MemberDataCheck($postmember, $hasErr); $_SESSION['field'] = $member; $_SESSION['hasErr'] = $hasErr; var_dump($hasErr); var_dump($member); session_write_close(); echo '<br><br> heres session'; var_dump($_SESSION); if (empty($hasErr)) { self::MemberRouter($member['submit']); } else { self::MemberRouter("routeback"); } } function MemberDataCheck (&$member, &$hasErr) { echo 'member data check'; try { $atributestable = new PDO('snip'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Unable to connect: " . $e->getMessage() ."<p>"; } $sth = $atributestable->prepare("SELECT member_keys, required FROM AtributesT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('member_keys', $memkey); $sth->bindColumn('required', $reqval); $req = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $required[$memkey] = $reqval; } $sth = $atributestable->prepare("SELECT member_keys, errmessage FROM AtributesT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('member_keys', $memkey); $sth->bindColumn('errmessage', $errval); $req = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $errmessage[$memkey] = $errval; } $sth = $atributestable->prepare("SELECT member_keys, regxfilter FROM AtributesT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('member_keys', $memkey); $sth->bindColumn('regxfilter', $regxval); $req = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $regxfilter[$memkey] = $regxval; } $sth = $atributestable->prepare("SELECT member_keys, formsubmit FROM AtributesT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('member_keys', $memkey); $sth->bindColumn('formsubmit', $fsv); $formsubmit = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $formsubit[$memkey] = $fsv; } $some = array(); $hasError = self::BiancaData($member, $some); $member_keys = array_keys($member); foreach ($member_keys as $k) { if (empty($_POST[$k])) { if (!empty($required[$k])) { if ($required[$k] <> 'false' || $required[$k] == "not required" || $required[$k] == NULL) { $hasErr[$k] = "REQUIRED FEILD"; }} else { $hasErr[$k] = ""; $member[$k][0] ="";} } else { switch($k) { case $k === ('username' || 'firstname' || 'lastname'): if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z \-]*$/",$_POST[$k])) { $hasErr[$k] = "may only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphen"; $_POST[$k] = ""; $member[$k] = ""; } else { $member[$k][0] = $_POST[$k];} break; case $k === 'email': if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/",$_POST[$k])) { $hasErr[$k] = "not a vaild e-mail address"; $_POST[$k] = ""; $member[$k] = ""; } else { $member[$k][0] = $_POST[$k];} break; default: if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9\-]*$/",$_POST[$k])) { $hasErr[$k] = "may only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphen"; $_POST[$k] = ""; $member[$k] = ""; } else { $member[$k][0] = $_POST[$k];} break; } if (!empty($regxfilter[$k])) { if (!preg_match($regxfilter[$k],$_POST[$k])) { var_dump ($regxfilter[$k]); $hasErr[$k] = "may only contain letters, numbers, spaces and hyphen"; $_POST[$k] = ""; $member[$k] = ""; } else { $member[$k][0] = $_POST[$k];} } } } return $member; } function MemberRegister () { $Registernoob = ""; try { $MembersTable = new PDO('snip'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Unable to connect: " . $e->getMessage() ."<p>"; } $sth = $MembersTable->prepare("SELECT username, email FROM MemberT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('username', $users); $sth->bindColumn('email', $em); $sth->bindColumn('password', $pass); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $username[$users] = $password; $email[$em] = $password; if ($_SESSION['field']['username']) { $registerme = FALSE; $_SESSION['hasErr']['username'] = 'SORRY, USER NAME IS TAKEN'; } else { $registerme = TRUE; } if ($_SESSION['field']['email']) { $registerme = FALSE; $_SESSION['hasErr']['email'] = 'SORRY, THIS EMAIL IS ALREADY REGISTERED -- get your password!'; } } return $Registernoob; } function MemberLogin () { $Logmein = ""; try { $MembersTable = new PDO('snip'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Unable to connect: " . $e->getMessage() ."<p>"; } $sth = $MembersTable->prepare("SELECT username, email FROM MemberT;"); $sth->execute(); $sth->bindColumn('username', $users); $sth->bindColumn('email', $em); $sth->bindColumn('password', $pass); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $username[$users] = $password; $email[$em] = $password; if (!empty($_SESSION['field']['username'])) { $Logmein = password_verify($_POST['password'], $username[$_SESSION[$username]]); } if (!empty($_SESSION['field']['email'])) { $Logmein = password_verify($_POST['password'], $username[$_SESSION[$username]]); } } //password nullify //disconnect db /* $noob = new NoobMember; if ($noob->MemberEntry($giveMember)) { MemberRoute($outAction); } else { MemberRoute('login', $Routed); if ($noob->MemberVerify()) { $noob->MemberLogin(); } else { echo 'denied service!!!'; } } */ return $Logmein; } function MemberRouter ($routeme, $hailPostData) { $Routed = ""; switch ($routeme) { case "routeback": $Routed = '$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]'; break; case "login": if (($halePostData === 1) || (self::PostData())) { if (self::MemberLogin ()) { $_SESSION['AMember'] = array('loggedin' => 'true', RID => '', Username => $_SESSION['field']['username'], ipaddress => '', time => ''); //need site/server prob. self::MemberRouter('loggedin'); break; } else { self::MemberRouter("routeback"); $Routed = "loginFAILED -- possible miss 1 lo"; } } break; case "loggedin": if ($_SESSION['AMember']["loggedin"] == 'true') { if (!empty($hailPostData) && $hailPostData !== 1) { $Routed = $hailPostData; break; } else { $Routed = "CKmembers.php"; break; } } else { } break; case "register": if ($halePostData == 1 || self::PostData()) { self::MemberRegister (); $Routed = "login.php"; break; } return $Routed; $_SESSION['Routed'] = $Routed; } function MemberFormType ($FormTYPE, $giveMember, $outAction, &$whoMember) { switch ($FormTYPE) { //case login: //break; case register: $noob = new NoobMember; if ($noob->PostData()) { self::MemberRegister ($giveMember); echo "FUCK"; } else { echo "CONGRADULATIONS"; } break; } } function BiancaData ($mymember, $yourmember) { $themember = NULL; $mymember_keys = array_keys($mymember); $yourmember_values = array_values($yourmember); foreach ($mymember_keys as $i) { $themember = array ('$i' => '$yourmember_values[$i]'); } return $themember; } function BiancaDataDefault ($mymember, $yourmember) { $themember = NULL; $mymember_keys = array_keys($mymember); $yourmember_values = array_values($yourmember); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($mymember) - 1; $i++) { $themember[$mymember_keys[$i]] = $yourmember_values[$mymember_keys[$i]]; if (!$themember[$mymember_keys[$i]]) {$themember[$mymember_keys[$i]] = $mymember[$mymember_keys[$i]]; } return $themember; } } function MemberHTMLone () { $FLine[0] = array('Your e-mail Address', 'text', 'email'); $FLine[1] = array('Choose Your Login Name', 'text', 'login'); $FLine[2] = array('Your Site Password', 'text', 'password'); echo ' <table>'; echo ' <p><span class="error">* required field.</span></p>'; for ($m = 0; $m <= count($FLine) - 1; $m++) { echo '<tr><th>' , $FLine[$m][0] , '</th><th><input type="' , $FLine[$m][1] , '" name="' , $FLine[$m][2] , '" value="' , $member[$FLine[$m][2]] , '"></th><th><span class="error">' , $hasError[$FLine[$m][2]] , '</span><br></th></tr>'; } } }///////CLASS END $noob = new NoobMember; $noob->PostData(); ?>
  16. I hadn't edited anything at the bottom of the file, so, is there someway I could throw an exception when it trys to leave the class? bumping into ?> seems like it was elsewhere though.
  17. with out the $noob stuff there Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?>', expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /var/www/CampKojak.com/ck/NoobMember1.php on line 283 I've got gedit and emacs. They do a good job of highlighting, I think emacs will even jump the page up briefly. Not seeing anything.
  18. there is the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$noob' (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /var/www/CampKojak.com/ck/NoobMember1.php on line 279 this is the $noob who did not fulfill expectations. }///////CLASS END $noob = new NoobMember; $noob->PostData(); ?>
  19. Are there line length as by carriage return restrictions?
  20. OK if I have bracket enclosures like {{{}}{}}{{{}{}{{}}{{}} whats the game theory on finding the offending bracket? Is it possible? ...working under the assumption that that open lines will soon be closed. Unisex enclosures could be evading my text editors.
  21. Its the precession I wanted but the events immediately prior to syntax confusion would help as well. ATM debug_backtrace just moves the error around in place a little.
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