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Everything posted by adamgonge

  1. Hey thanks for the help it seemed to be the <br/> tags, thanks for the rewrite I compared to mine and made adjustments accordingly. the final code takes your style which I am lacking in and and also your for each block. I appreciate it because im really trying to become a great programmer, not just capable of doing it. If you have any suggestions on how I could improve please let me know, and again thanks for the help. final code: <?php // this script reads data from a text file // open file and read data $fp=fopen("nflstats.csv", "rw"); if (!$fp){ echo "Could not open the file!"; exit(); } displayData($fp); function displayData($fp){ $line1 = fgets($fp, 256); $ratings = array(); while(!feof($fp)){ //read one line at a time $line= fgets($fp, 256 ); $total= 0; //Split the data using explode() function if($line !=""){ $info=explode(",", $line); $player_name = $info[0]; $c_value = ($info[2]*100/$info[3] - 30)/20; $y_value = ($info[4]/$info[3] - 3)/4; $t_value = $info[5]*20/$info[3]; $i_value = 2.375 - $info[6]*35/$info[3]; $pass_rating =round(($c_value + $y_value + $t_value + $i_value)*100/6, 2); $ratings[$player_name]= $pass_rating; } } arsort($ratings); echo "<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" ><h2>"."NFL Player Pass Ratings"."</h2></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Pass Rating</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($ratings as $player_name=>$pass_rating){ echo "<tr><td>{$player_name}</td><td>{$pass_rating}</td></tr>\n"; } echo"</table>\n"; echo"<table border=1>"; echo "<tr><th colspan=\"22\" ><h2>"."NFL Player Pass Ratings: Great, Good, Mediocre"."</h2></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Pass Rating</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($ratings as $player_name=>$pass_rating){ if($pass_rating > 95) { $rating_label = "Great"; } elseif($pass_rating >90){ $rating_label = "Good"; } elseif($pass_rating >85){ $rating_label = "Mediocre"; } else{ $rating_label = "Terrible"; } echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>{$player_name}</td><td>{$pass_rating}<b> -- {$rating_label}</b></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo"</table>\n"; } ?>
  2. Hi! I wrote this script that takes a nflstats.csv file reads it and then does some stuff to show the player name and corresponding pass rating. when I put it into tables the tables show up really far down the page and Im not sure why. If I remove the tables the info is displayed at the top but for some reason the tables move it down drastically. Here is my code: <?php // this script reads data from a text file // open file and read data $fp=fopen("nflstats.csv", "rw"); if (!$fp){ echo "Could not open the file!"; exit(); } //read the first line $line1 = fgets($fp, 256); displayData($fp); function displayData($fp){ $ratings = array(); while(!feof($fp)){ // as long as it is not the end of the file. //read one line at a time $line= fgets($fp, 256 ); $total= 0; //Split the data using explode() function if($line !=""){ $info=explode(",", $line); $player_name = $info[0]; $c_value = ($info[2]*100/$info[3] - 30)/20; $y_value = ($info[4]/$info[3] - 3)/4; $t_value = $info[5]*20/$info[3]; $i_value = 2.375 - $info[6]*35/$info[3]; $pass_rating = ($c_value + $y_value + $t_value + $i_value)*100/6; $ratings[$player_name]= $pass_rating; }} echo "<h2>"."NFL Player Pass Ratings"."</h2>"; arsort($ratings); echo"<table>"; foreach ($ratings as $player_name=>$pass_rating){ echo "<tr><td>Name: </td><td>".$player_name."</td><td> Pass Rating: </td><td>".round($pass_rating,2)."</td></tr><br/>"; } echo"</table>"; echo "<h2>"."NFL Player Pass Ratings: Great, Good, Mediocre"."</h2><br/>"; arsort($ratings); echo"<table>"; foreach ($ratings as $player_name=>$pass_rating){ // display name and team if($pass_rating > 85&& $pass_rating <=90) echo "<tr><td>Name: </td><td>".$player_name."</td><td>Pass Rating: </td><td>".round($pass_rating, 2)."<b> --Mediocre</b></td></tr><br/>"; elseif ($pass_rating > 90 && $pass_rating <=95) echo "<tr><td>Name: </td><td> ".$player_name."</td><td> Pass Rating: </td><td>".round($pass_rating, 2)."<b> --Good</b></td><td><br/>"; elseif($pass_rating > 95) echo "<tr><td>Name: </td><td>".$player_name."</td><td> Pass Rating: </td><td>".round($pass_rating, 2)."<b> --Great</b></td></tr><br/>"; } echo"</table>"; } ?>
  3. so i have a series of problems ive been working on and the last one is giving me problems. I have a script that reads a text file does some stuff with it and then displays it. that all works just fine now i have to add a fwrite to a external text file. basically the fget brings it in does some calculations and displays them line by line, I need to do the the same with fwrite but all it will do is write from the first line. heres my code <?php $fp =fopen("sales.csv", "r"); if(!$fp){ echo "could not open the file!"; exit(); } echo "<h2>Display Monthly Sales: "."</h2><br/>"; displayData($fp); function displayData($fp){ //define an array to store data while(!feof($fp)){ // read the current line $info = fgetcsv($fp, 250, ','); // add dataa only if data is nonempty if ($info[0] !=""){ // read the date into a variable $month = $info[0]; $sales =$info[1]; $rent =$info[2]; $wages =$info[3]; $supplies =$info[4]; }// end if // echo"<b>Month: </b> ".$month.",<b> Sales: </b> ".$sales."<b> Rent </b>".$rent."<b>Wages:</b>".$wages."<b>Supplies:</b>".$supplies."<br/>\n"; echo"<b>Month: Rent: Sales: Wages: Supplies: </b>"."<br/>\n"; echo "<b>".$month."</b>"." ".$sales." ".$rent." ".$wages." ".$supplies."<br/>\n"; echo "<br/>\n"; $fw = fopen("problem4.txt", "w"); $total_cost=$rent+$wages+$supplies; $operating_income = $sales-$total_cost; $net_income= $operating_income*.60; // use fwrite() to write data // syntax: fwrite('file_pointer, "string"); fwrite($fw, "Month: Sales: Total Cost: Operating Income: Net Income:"."\n"); fwrite($fw, $month." ".$sales." ".$total_cost." ".$operating_income." ".$net_income."\n" ); }//end while } ?>
  4. hello, Im stuck on a problem with my code. the program takes a csv file and breaks it down to use. I am using an array and displaying the dates and the differences between each open/close and hi/lo. My code does that much now after thats complete i want to display the highest and lowest of both the hi/lo and open/close. open/close is assigned to $dif_o hi/lo assigned to $dif. Ive tried the min max function but that's not working. not sure how to go about doing this heres my code: <?php//read the data from the file and display player's name and team$fp = fopen("http://cs.uww.edu/data/stocks/AAPL.csv", 'r');if(!$fp){ echo "could not open the file!"; exit(); } displayData($fp); function displayData($fp){//define an array to store data $stocks = array(); //read each line into an array, save name and team using an associative arraywhile(!feof($fp)){ // read the current line $info = fgetcsv($fp, 250, ','); // add dataa only if data is nonempty if ($info[0] !=""){ // read the date into a variable $date = $info[0]; // add this information to associative array //use $date as the key $dif =($info[2])-($info[3]); $dif_o=$info[1]-$info[4]; $stocks[$date]= $dif; $stocks[$date]=$dif_o; }// end if echo "Date: ".$date.", Difference between Hi and Lo: ".$dif.", Difference between Open and Close: ".$dif_o."<br/>";}//end while//sort data $min=min($dif);$max=max($dif); echo "Min: ".$min." Max: ".$max."<br/>";}?>
  5. i changed the equation but now it just ends up with 64squared whereas i think i need the sum of all the squares. new <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<p>Multiplication test</p>'; ?> <?php $total = 0; $even = 0; for ( $x = 0; $x < 64; $x++ ) { $sum =($x+1*2)*$x; } echo "The total sum: ".$sum."<br />"; ?> </body> </html>
  6. im working on a problem that involves a loop that goes to 64 with each time the number is doubling itself so it would be 1,2,4,8,16.. I dont know how to do it . I currently have this code which is wrong it just ends up taking 64*2 but i dont know how else to set this up. <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<p>Multiplication test</p>'; ?> <?php $total = 0; $even = 0; for ( $x = 1; $x <= 64; $x++ ) { $sum = 1+$x*2; } echo "The total sum: ".$sum."<br />"; ?>
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