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Posts posted by RaoufOsman

  1. So I am an intern doing PHP development, the issue is I am having a hard time understanding what a colleague of mine wrote:


    $x=(array) $child->tid;

    $tagname = (string) $child->name[0];

    Just in a broad sense why does he initialize $x = (array)? etc.. I never seen this syntax, my OOP isnt as well as it should be, but any help is appreciated. I cant post the code because my boss is wary of people stealing code. 
  2. Sorry I am on my cell phone. But from what I am understanding, I think you are trying to have a background image behind some text. Try this:


    Have a div container with the background and

    your code inside the container can be the text.


    <div id="container">

    <! - - your code - - >





    #container{background:url(your url) //add all your other background css


    Then you want to set your text to display inline-block.

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