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Everything posted by RaoufOsman

  1. You guys are great!! Jairathnem your answer made everything click. Thanks Josh for the clarification. Btw good guess because that's basically what it is doing.
  2. So I am an intern doing PHP development, the issue is I am having a hard time understanding what a colleague of mine wrote: $x=(array) $child->tid; $tagname = (string) $child->name[0]; Just in a broad sense why does he initialize $x = (array)? etc.. I never seen this syntax, my OOP isnt as well as it should be, but any help is appreciated. I cant post the code because my boss is wary of people stealing code.
  3. Set the css for your text to display inline-block or any other way you want to display the text. I hope this helps.
  4. Sorry I am on my cell phone. But from what I am understanding, I think you are trying to have a background image behind some text. Try this: Have a div container with the background and your code inside the container can be the text. <div id="container"> <! - - your code - - > </div> CSS #container{background:url(your url) //add all your other background css Then you want to set your text to display inline-block.
  5. If I am understanding correctly all you want to do is make everything line up in the center instead of justifying?
  6. Thanks @sKunKbad. I haven't looked at a lot of frameworks. I should do that..
  7. I have been working in drupal and doing a lot of custom theme development, I write one custome module but I want to do more back end than front end. Any advice I will extremely appreciate it.
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