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  1. So, in other words, by shoving an "&" in front of the $result, that tells it that if I update $result, $r will also get updated? I was thinking I probably would have to throw everything into a brand new array.
  2. Greetings All ! So, based on this.... foreach ($r as $result){ // format results if ((array_key_exists('sr_number', $result)) && ($result['sr_number'] == "")){ $result['sr_number'] = " "; } if ((array_key_exists('start_dt_tm', $result)) && ($result['start_dt_tm'] !="")){ $result['start_dt_tm'] = date("m-d-y h:i A", strtotime($result['start_dt_tm'])); } } ... it occurs to me that I'm updating the value of $result, but I'm not really updating $r. I want to update it within $r, so that I can use all of the contents of $r. I'm basically trying to write a function that will prep some variables, if they exist, in an HTML table. I've got two PHP pages/ scripts where I'm essentially doing the same thing, but the variables / table columns differ slightly, so I thought I'd take the repetitive code from the two pages and try to combine them into a single function. So $r is going to be an array of results destined to be displayed as table rows, where each $r will essentially wind up as a single row. Thanks! -= Dave =-
  3. Greetings All ! Just joined these forums / first time poster here. I've been a PHP scripter for many years, but I've never really attempted to build something in an Object Oriented manner before. (Oh, I took some classes in C# / .NET and have been doing some OO stuff with that, but it's all very simple and Visual Studio sets up the scaffolding for me.) Anyways, I've been googling all day while working on building an app (actually a new version of an existing web site), trying to figure out how this all goes together. So far, I've got a basic database library, an index.php page where I'm keeping the presentation ultra-simple for now... and then... a file "in the middle" where I've declared a couple of classes, plus their getters, setters, and constructors. At this point, I started scratching my head a bit. As I built each class, I basically gave it properties matching fields names on my tables. So, I was thinking, how do I access those fields? I found some examples that suggested I put methods within each of my key data structure classes themselves for doing this. (Frankly, it didn't feel right, but I did it anyways.) For instance, here's an abbreviated version: class Incident_Row { private $id; private $start_dt_tm; private $incident_type; public function get_id(){ return $this->id; } public function set_id(){ $this->id = $id; } // Pretend the other two getters and setters are here public function __construct($id=null, $start_dt_tm = null, $incident_type=null){ $this->id = $id; $this->start_dt_tm = $start_dt_tm; $this->incident_type = $incident_type; } function load($id){ $oDB = new db(); // calls the db library / opens connection $obj = $oDB->fetch_one("SELECT id, start_dt_tm, incident_type from incidents WHERE id=$id"); return $obj; } OK, so I just get this feeling I shouldn't be instantiating the database class right there in that "load" function. Feels awkward / wrong. Oh it work... UNLESS, on my index page, I try to call TWO similar functions within the same page. Then it will do the first one... but upon the second attempt, it will give errors suggesting it has no idea what my database configuration info is. I'll post some of my db library here: class db { public $dbh; // Create a database connection for use by all functions in this class function __construct(){ require_once('db_config.php'); if ($this->dbh = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name)){ // Set every possible option to utf-8 mysqli_query($this->dbh, 'SET NAMES "utf8"'); mysqli_query($this->dbh, 'SET CHARACTER SET "utf8"'); mysqli_query($this->dbh, 'SET character_set_results = "utf8",'. 'character_set_client = "utf8", character_set_connection = "utf8",'. 'character_set_database = "utf8", character_set_server = "utf8"'); }else{ $this->error = true; $this->error_msg = 'Unable to connect to MySQL.'; $this->log_error('__construct', 'attempted connection to '. $db_name); } } function __destruct(){ mysqli_close($this->dbh); } // Fetch a single row, return the object public function fetch_one($query){ echo "DEBUG: query = $query<BR>"; $result = mysqli_query($this->dbh, $query); if ((!$row = mysqli_fetch_object($result))){ return FALSE; } return $row; } public function fetch_all($query){ echo "DEBUG: query = $query<BR>"; $a = array(); $result = mysqli_query($this->dbh, $query); while ($entry = mysqli_fetch_object($result)){ echo "DEBUG: checking row....<BR>"; $a[] = $entry; } if (empty($a)){ return FALSE; }else{ var_dump($a); return $a; } } } (As you can see, I've got some debug statements and a var_dump in there.) Note that if I change "require_once" to just "require" in the line up there, suddenly my index file IS able to do two functions similar to that "load" one in the same page... i.e. it will NOT behave like it doesn't know what the configuration info is. This is why I really I don't think I should be instantiating the database class like that. But, like I said, I've been googling all day, putting two and two together. Seems like a lot of folks use PDO or some other similar class to pull objects out of the database. But I wanted to do things slowly, in small steps, as I build this.. not slap in some other big library that I don't understand. Can anybody give me some advice on what I'm doing wrong here? Also, if you know of any tutorials where they not only show you classes and object-oriented design but also include how they get the data from the database all the way back through those classes / objects and to the presentation layer, I sure would like to see them! Thanks! -= Dave =-
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