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Everything posted by johnstamos

  1. Oh yes, I just edited that in to my post there. And thank you so much for helping out!
  2. Hello! process.do was originally receiving the data by <form method="post" action="somewebsite.com/whatever.process.do" and the data is key/value pairs. I'm setting up a simple credit card payment form and sending the data to a service called Virtual Merchant that will process the payment after I have collected the data, validated it, and sent it off to them. I would simply set the form action to that process.do url, but I first need to validate it and add in some info like virtual merchant account id and account pin and such. I will look into using cURL This should be a helpful bit of info for anyone who's taking the time to read this! Number 4 is where Im stuck kind of! Create a form on your website. Set the action of the form to a script on your server that will send a POST request to the process.do URL using cURL or an equivalent. Refer to the URLS section to set your URL for either the demo or production environment. Collect as much or as little transactional data on the website as needed and pass the values through the POST to your servier-side script. Example: Pass an amount to your script, but allow the customer to fill out the VirtualMerchant hosted payment form with their contact and shipping information and credit card data. On the server-side script, collect the information from the POST request (typically using $_POST variables or an equivalent) and include the ssl_merchant_id, ssl_user_id, and ssl_pin. Note: Do not include your ssl_merchant_id, ssl_user_id, andssl_pin in hidden fields on the website. Set the transaction type you wish to perform ssl_transaction_type to ccsale to perform a sale or ccauthonly for an authorization. Call VirtualMerchant’s process.do through cURL or the equivalent and VirtualMerchant will return the source code for your payment form, or the response as indicated by the ssl_show_form value to the customer’s browser. Set the value of the ssl_amount so that it is unable to be changed on the payment form (unless you are accepting donations). Add a Submit button on your website. This dev guide has been a real struggle https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/download/developerGuide.pdf
  3. Hello everyone, I'm been racking my brain for far too long, and I need help. I'm just not as advanced in PHP yet to get this. Here is what I am trying to do: - A user submits a simple form from form.php - Form data is sent to validateform.php - Form data is validated - If there's an error: display the error to the user back on form.php, otherwise: - Include a few more bits of information (I'm not supposed to keep them as hidden fields on the form page) - Send it all to a process.do script on some other server It should be easy enough, but I can't wrap my head around it all yet. Here is roughly what I got, cleaned up and trimmed down to exclude all of the messy incorrect code I've been messing around with. // Code for form.php // <form action="validateform.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="field1" placeholder="Field1 Data"> <input type="text" name="field2" placeholder="Field2 Data"> <input type="text" name="field3" placeholder="Field3 Data"> <input type="text" name="field4" placeholder="Field4 Data"> <input type="submit" value="Submit Form"> </form> // Code for validateform.php // $field1 = $_POST['field1']; $field2 = $_POST['field2']; $field3 = $_POST['field3']; $field4 = $_POST['field4']; // if/else validation script code goes here // // Somehow add in the following data // // It was orignaly in the form.php page as hidden text fields, but I've been told I'm not supposed to do that for secureity reasons) name="hiddendata1" value="Data" name="hiddendata2" value="Data" name="hiddendata2" value="Data" // Code that sends all the data to process.do // If you guys could give me any help on this I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
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