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Everything posted by tazz24mania

  1. a quick update... I have now fixed the problem. I don't know what was wrong but all I did was restore to an old databse backup I created and it worked fine
  2. sorry I now get this... Undefined index on Line 31, also line 32 and 55
  3. <?php ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); error_reporting(E_ALL); I have used the above code to try and debug. But nothing shows up.
  4. Hello, I recently had a website crash. After restoring it i have a page that refuses to show any information from the database. When a user logs in they goto a page called 'My Events'. This then should list all the events that the user has paid for. Upon clicking a linkto a particular event it reloads the page with extra GET tags to get details of that event. Now the problem is the first step when a user first goes to the page. It refuses to show any events that the user is signed up for. Please help. Code Below. <?php session_start(); $page_title = 'My Events'; $username = $_SESSION['cre_email']; if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location='buy.php?id=$id'</script>"; } include("includes/headerOut.php"); include("db/pddb.php"); include("email.php");?> <!--main Nav--> <?php include('includes/mainNav.php'); ?> <!--Section Title--> <h1><?php echo $page_title; ?></h1> <!--primary Content--> <div id="primaryContent"> <?php include('includes/login.php'); ?> </div> <!--Main Content--> <div id="mainContent"> <?php echo("<div style='min-height:400px;'><span style='font-size:11px;'>"); $username = $_SESSION['cre_email']; $cust_id = $_SESSION['cust_id']; $email = $_POST['email']; $eve_id = $_GET["id"]; $daysActive = 7; //Change this to number of days an matching on an event is active for. if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == 1) { $q_events = "SELECT *, date_format(eve_date, '%D %b %Y – %W') as FormatedDate, datediff(now(), eve_date) as PastFuture FROM pd_events AS e INNER JOIN pd_booking AS p ON e.eve_id = p.eve_id INNER JOIN pd_credentials AS c ON c.cre_cust_id = p.cust_id WHERE c.cre_email='$username' ORDER BY eve_date DESC"; $r_events = mysql_query($q_events); echo mysql_error(); echo("<script> function enableSubmit() { document.form1.submit.disabled = false; } function disableSubmit() { document.form1.submit.disabled = true; } </script>"); if($_GET["id"]=="") { echo("<h2><span class=\"RedGbColor\">My Events</h2>"); //this is a list of all events this member has registered for while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_events)) { $_SESSION['cust_id'] = $row[cust_id]; if($row["PastFuture"]>3) { $eve_status = "<a href='event_matches.php?id=$row[eve_id]'>View My Matches</a>"; } else { if($row["PastFuture"]>0) { $eve_status = "<a href='event_matches.php?id=$row[eve_id]'>View Potential Matches</a>"; } else { $eve_status = "<span style='color:#C30E42'>Upcoming Event</span>"; } } echo("<br /> <p><b>Event Venue: </b> $row[eve_ven_location], $row[eve_ven_name]<br/> <b>Type: </b> $row[eve_type_name]<br/> <b>Date & Time:</b> $row[FormatedDate], $row[eve_time]<br/> <b>Status:</b> $eve_status<br/><br/></p> "); } } else { $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_events)) { if($row["eve_id"]==$eve_id) { $i = $row["PastFuture"]; } } if($i>$daysActive) { //show previous matches $eve_id = $_GET["id"]; //get details of the event $q_events = "SELECT *, date_format(eve_date, '%W %D %b %Y') as FormatedDate FROM pd_events WHERE eve_id = $eve_id AND datediff(now(), eve_date) > $daysActive"; $r_events = mysql_query($q_events); if(mysql_num_rows($r_events)==0) { echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location='event_matches.php'</script>"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_events)) { echo("<h2><span class=\"RedGbColor\">My Matches</span></h2><br /> <p><b>Event:</b> $row[eve_type_name], *$row[eve_ven_location]*, $row[eve_ven_name], $row[FormatedDate], $row[eve_time]<br/></p>"); } //this is a list of other members who attended the event $query = "SELECT * FROM pd_booking AS p INNER JOIN pd_customers AS c ON c.cust_id = p.cust_id WHERE c.cust_email<>'$username' and p.eve_id = $eve_id ORDER BY event_cust_id"; $result= mysql_query($query); $matchCnt = 0; echo(" <table width='390px' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=5> "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row[photo]<>'' && $row[photo_approves] == 1) { $photoUrl = "photos/thumbs/photo$row[cust_id].jpg"; } else { $photoUrl = "photos/thumbs/0.jpg"; } $q_matched1 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match WHERE cust_id = $cust_id AND match_cust_id = $row[cust_id] and event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched1 = mysql_query($q_matched1); //check to see if they have matched back $q_matched2 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match WHERE cust_id = $row[cust_id] AND match_cust_id = $cust_id and event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched2 = mysql_query($q_matched2); $match = false; if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched1)>0) { $info1 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched1); if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched2)>0) { $info2 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched2); if($info1[want_date] == true && $info2[want_date] == True) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='red'>DATE MATCHED!</span>"; $match = true; } elseif($info1[want_friend] == true && $info2[want_friend] == True) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='red'>FRIENDSHIP MATCHED!</span>"; $match = true; } elseif($info1[want_date] == true && $info2[want_friend] == True) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='red'>FRIENDSHIP MATCHED!</span>"; $match = true; } elseif($info1[want_friend] == true && $info2[want_date] == True) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='red'>FRIENDSHIP MATCHED!</span>"; $match = true; } } } if($match == true) { echo("<tr> <td valign='top'> <p><b>$row[cust_first_names]</b><br/> Candidate Number: $row[event_cust_id]<br/><br/> $matchStr<br/> $friendStr<br/></p> </td> <td align='right'> <img src='$photoUrl' alt='$row[cust_first_names]'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 style='height:4px;'><hr></td> </tr> "); $matchCnt = 1; } } if($matchCnt == 0) { echo("<tr><td><p><br>Sorry, you had no matches for this event.</p></td></tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } elseif($i>0 && $_GET["do"]<>"update") { //show potential matches $eve_id = $_GET["id"]; //get details of the event $q_events = "SELECT *, date_format(eve_date, '%W %D %b %Y') as FormatedDate FROM pd_events WHERE eve_id = $eve_id AND datediff(now(), eve_date) BETWEEN 0 AND 180"; $r_events = mysql_query($q_events); if(mysql_num_rows($r_events)==0) { echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location='event_matches.php'</script>"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r_events)) { echo("<h2><span class=\"RedGbColor\">You have matched with...</span></h2><br /> <p><b>Event:</b> $row[eve_type_name], $row[eve_ven_location], $row[eve_ven_name], $row[FormatedDate], $row[eve_time]<br/><br/></p>"); } $q_ticks = "SELECT sum(want_friend) AS friendTicks, sum(want_date) as dateTicks FROM pd_event_match WHERE event_id = $eve_id AND match_cust_id = $cust_id;"; $r_ticks = mysql_query($q_ticks); $i_ticks = mysql_fetch_array($r_ticks); //this is a list of other members who attended the event $query = "SELECT * FROM pd_booking AS p INNER JOIN pd_customers AS c ON c.cust_id = p.cust_id WHERE c.cust_email<>'$username' and p.eve_id = $eve_id ORDER BY event_cust_id"; $result= mysql_query($query); echo(" <p><b>In total you currently have $i_ticks[friendTicks] ticks for friendship, $i_ticks[dateTicks] ticks for dating.*</b><br/></p> <form action='event_matches.php?id=$eve_id&do=update' method='post' name='form1'> <table width='100%' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0> "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row[photo]<>'' && $row[photo_approves] == 1) { $photoUrl = "photos/thumbs/photo$row[cust_id].jpg"; } else { $photoUrl = "photos/thumbs/0.jpg"; } $q_matched1 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match WHERE cust_id = $cust_id AND match_cust_id = $row[cust_id] and event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched1 = mysql_query($q_matched1); //check to see if they have matched back $q_matched2 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match WHERE cust_id = $row[cust_id] AND match_cust_id = $cust_id and event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched2 = mysql_query($q_matched2); if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched1)>0) { $info1 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched1); if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched2)>0) { $info2 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched2); if($info1[want_date] == true && $info2[want_date] == True) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='header'>DATE MATCHED!</span>"; } elseif(($info1[want_friend] == true && $info2[want_friend] == True) || ($info1[want_date] == true && $info2[want_friend] == True)||($info1[want_friend] == true && $info2[want_date] == True)) { $matchStr = "Email Address: <a href='mailto:$row[cust_email]'>$row[cust_email]</a><br><br><span class='header'>FRIENDSHIP MATCHED!</span>"; } elseif($info1[want_friend] == true) { $matchStr = "Friendship Match pending...(awaiting $row[cust_first_names]'s tick)."; } else { $matchStr = "Date Match pending...(awaiting $row[cust_first_names]'s tick)."; } } elseif($info1[want_friend] == true) { $matchStr = "Friendship Match pending...(awaiting $row[cust_first_names]'s tick)."; } else { $matchStr = "Date Match pending...(awaiting $row[cust_first_names]'s tick)."; } } else { $matchStr = "<input type='radio' name='$row[cust_id]' groupname='grp$row[cust_id]' value='friend' onClick='enableSubmit();'>I want to be friends with this person.<br/>"; $matchStr .= "<input type='radio' name='$row[cust_id]' groupname='grp$row[cust_id]' value='date' onClick='enableSubmit();'>I want to date this person."; } echo("<tr> <td valign='top'> <p><b>$row[cust_first_names]</b><br/> Candidate Number: $row[event_cust_id]<br/><br/> $matchStr<br/> $friendStr<br/></p> </td> <td align='right'> <img src='$photoUrl' alt='$row[cust_first_names]'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 style='height:4px;'><hr></td> </tr> "); } echo("<tr> <td colspan=2> <p><input type='submit' name='submit' disabled='true' id='submitBtn' value='Update My Matches' onClick=\"return(confirm('Are you sure as this action cannot be undone?'))\"/><input type='reset' value='Clear' onClick='disableSubmit();'/></p> </td> </tr> </table><p><br/><br/> <sup>*</sup><i>Tick count is when someone has ticked you and includes people you may not have ticked back.<br/><br/> Dating ticks may include ticks for dating that you may have ticked as friendship.<br/><br/>We do not give out any information if there has not been a mutual match.</p></i> </form>"); } // ************************ UPDATE & SEND EMAIL ***************************************** elseif($_GET["do"]=="update") { // **** INSERT MATCHES $q_details = "SELECT *, date_format(eve_date, '%D %b %Y – %W') as FormatedDate FROM pd_customers as c INNER JOIN pd_booking b ON c.cust_id = b.cust_id INNER JOIN pd_events e ON e.eve_id = b.eve_id WHERE c.cust_email='$username' AND b.eve_id = $eve_id"; $r_details = mysql_query($q_details); $i_details = mysql_fetch_array($r_details); $cust_fNames = $i_details [cust_first_names]; $cust_event_id = $i_details[event_cust_id]; $matchStr = ";".$cust_id.";"; foreach($_POST as $key => $data) { if($data=="friend") { $q_matching = "INSERT INTO pd_event_match (event_id, cust_id, match_cust_id, want_date, want_friend) VALUES ($eve_id, $cust_id, $key, false, true)"; $r_matching = mysql_query($q_matching); $matchStr .= $key .";"; } elseif($data=="date") { $q_matching = "INSERT INTO pd_event_match (event_id, cust_id, match_cust_id, want_date, want_friend) VALUES ($eve_id, $cust_id, $key, true, false)"; $r_matching = mysql_query($q_matching); $matchStr .= $key .";"; } } //this is a list members who attended the event $q_allmatched = "SELECT DISTINCT c.cust_id, c.cust_first_names, c.cust_email, b.event_cust_id FROM pd_event_match AS me INNER JOIN pd_customers AS c ON c.cust_id = me.cust_id INNER JOIN pd_booking AS b ON b.cust_id = c.cust_id AND b.eve_id = me.event_id WHERE me.event_id = $eve_id AND (me.cust_id = $cust_id OR me.match_cust_id = $cust_id);"; $r_allmatched= mysql_query($q_allmatched); //now we have to loop through all matches and send all an email while($r = mysql_fetch_array($r_allmatched)) { $cID = $r[cust_id]; $pos = strrpos($matchStr, ";".$cID.";"); if ($pos === false) { // not relavant to this member } else { $cName = $r[cust_first_names]; $cEmail = $r[cust_email]; $cMEID = $r[event_cust_id]; $cnt = 0; $tickFriend = 0; $tickDate = 0; $matchFriend = 0; $matchDate = 0; $msgStrDate = ""; $msgStrFriend = ""; //check if any matches have happened and email the member $msgStr = "Dear $cName,<br/><br/> We hope you enjoyed the <span style='color:#AC2F82'>Pink</span>Date speed dating event in $i_details[eve_ven_name] on $i_details[FormatedDate]. Please find your matches so far below. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. <br/><br/><b>Match</b> = When two people have ticked each other (this is when you will receive each others email and it is then up to you both to contact each other) <br/><br/> <b>Tick</b> = When someone has ticked you, but you may not have ticked them back (we do not give out any information if there has not been a mutual match). <br/><br/>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match WHERE match_cust_id = $cust_id OR (cust_id = $cust_id AND match_cust_id = $r[cust_id]) "; $result= mysql_query($query); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //check to see if anyone is interested in friendship with them $q_matched1 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match AS em INNER JOIN pd_customers AS c ON c.cust_id = em.cust_id INNER JOIN pd_booking AS b ON c.cust_id = b.cust_id AND em.event_id = b.eve_id WHERE em.cust_id = $row[cust_id] AND match_cust_id = $cID"; $r_matched1 = mysql_query($q_matched1); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched1)) { if($row1[want_date] == true) { $q_matched2 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match AS em WHERE cust_id = $cID AND match_cust_id = $row1[cust_id] AND event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched2 = mysql_query($q_matched2); if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched2)>0) { while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($r_matched2)) { if($row2[want_date] == true) { $matchDate = $matchDate + 1; $msgStrDate .= " <tr> <td><p>Number $row1[event_cust_id]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_first_names]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_email]</p></td> </tr> "; } else { $matchFriend = $matchFriend + 1; $msgStrFriend .= " <tr> <td><p>Number $row1[event_cust_id]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_first_names]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_email]</p></td> </tr> "; } } } //else //{ $tickDate = $tickDate + 1; //} } else { $q_matched2 = "SELECT * FROM pd_event_match AS em INNER JOIN pd_customers AS c ON c.cust_id = em.cust_id WHERE c.cust_id = $cID AND match_cust_id = $row1[cust_id] AND want_friend = true AND event_id = $eve_id"; $r_matched2 = mysql_query($q_matched2); if(mysql_num_rows($r_matched2)>0) { //loop here $matchFriend = $matchFriend + 1; $msgStrFriend .= " <tr> <td><p>Number $row1[event_cust_id]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_first_names]</p></td> <td><p>$row1[cust_email]</p></td> </tr> "; //loop end } //else //{ $tickFriend = $tickFriend + 1; //} } } } if($matchDate==0 && $matchFriend==0) { $msgStr .= " <tr> <td colspan='3'><p><br/>Sorry, you currently have no matches.</p></td> </tr>"; } else { $cnt = $matchFriend + $matchDate; $msgStr .= " <h3>You have matched with $cnt people</h3> <table width='500'> <tr> <td><p><b>Candidate:</b></p></td> <td><p><b> </b></p></td> <td><p><b>Email Address:</b></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='highlight'><p>Number $cMEID</p></td> <td class='highlight'><p>$cName</p></td> <td class='highlight'><p>$cEmail</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'><p><br/>You matched with the following candidates:</p></td> </tr>"; if($msgStrFriend<>"") { $msgStr .= " <tr> <td colspan='3'><p><br/><b>Friendship Matches</b></p></td> </tr>".$msgStrFriend; } if($msgStrDate<>"") { $msgStr .= " <tr> <td colspan='3'><p><br/><b>Dating Matches</b></p></td> </tr>".$msgStrDate; } } $msgStr .= " </table> <p>In total $cName you received $tickFriend ticks for friendship and $tickDate for dating.<br/><br/> Remember, number of ticks includes people who you may have not ticked and who've ticked you.<br/><br/> To view all of your matches for this event, click on this link:</p> <p><a href='http://www.pinkdate.co.uk/event_matches.php?id=$eve_id'>http://www.pinkdate.co.uk/event_matches.php?id=$eve_id</a></p> "; //if no results then don't send if($msgStrFriend<>"" || $msgStrDate<>"") { sendEmail($cEmail, "Pink Date Match Results Update!", $msgStr); } } } //echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location='./event_matches.php?id=$eve_id&do=match';</script>"; } else { //echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location='event_matches.php;</script>"; } echo("<p><a href='event_matches.php'>Return to list of events</a></p>"); } } ?> </div> </div> <!--primary Content--> <div id="primaryContent"> <?php include('includes/newEvents.php'); ?> </div> <!--Footer--> <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?> </div> </div> </body>
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