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Everything posted by bazjones

  1. Got this error when trying to run one of my scripts anyone any ideas? Notice: Undefined index: Update in c:\website\quality_management\backup_log\backup_edit.php on line 104 Thanks Bazjones [code]<form action="<? echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method=POST>   <table width="129%" border="0">     <tr>       <td width="68"><strong>LogID:</strong></td>       <td colspan="9"><input type="TEXT" name="logid" size=150 value="<? echo($get_info["logid"]); ?>">       </td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td> </td>       <td colspan="9"> </td>     </tr>     <tr width="100%">       <? $source = array("APP1",                 "APP2",                 "APP3",                    "APP4");                          # probably "nicer" to get above list of names from a database table? echo <<<EOD   <td><strong>Source:</strong></td>   <td><select name="source" id="source"> EOD; # add each eng as an option: foreach($source as $value) {   $selected = "";   if($value == $get_info["source"])   {     # mark this one as the selected entry:     $selected = " selected";   }   echo "<option$selected>$value</option>\n"; } echo <<<EOD </select></td> EOD; ?>       <? $type = array("Event",             "Warning",                                           "Error");                            # probably "nicer" to get above list of names from a database table? echo <<<EOD   <td><strong>Type:</strong></td>   <td><select name="type" id="type"> EOD; # add each eng as an option: foreach($type as $value) {   $selected = "";   if($value == $get_info["type"])   {     # mark this one as the selected entry:     $selected = " selected";   }   echo "<option$selected>$value</option>\n"; } echo <<<EOD </select></td> EOD; ?>       <td><strong>Time:</strong></td>       <td width="130">         <input name="logtime" type="TEXT" id="cal-field-1" value="<? echo($get_info["logtime"]); ?>" size="10" />           <button type="submit" id="cal-button-1">...</button>           <script type="text/javascript">             Calendar.setup({               inputField    : "cal-field-1",               button        : "cal-button-1",               align         : "Tr"             });           </script>     </td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td> </td>       <td colspan="9"> </td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td><strong>Description:</strong></td>       <td colspan="9"><textarea class="textarea" name="logtext" rows=8 cols=150><? echo($get_info["logtext"]); ?></textarea></td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td> </td>       <td colspan="9"> </td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td> </td>       <td colspan="6"><input name="Update" type=SUBMIT class="button" id="Update2" value="Update">         <input name="Cancel" type="button" id="Cancel" onClick="MM_goToURL('parent','/quality_management/incident_log/incident_report.php');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Cancel"></td>       <td width="315" colspan="2"><div align="right"> </div></td>     </tr>   </table>   <br> </form> <? if($_POST['Update']) { $query = "UPDATE `incidentlog` SET `source` = '". $_POST["source"] ."', `type` = '". $_POST["type"] ."', `logtime` = '".$_POST["logtime"]."', `logtext` = '".$_POST["logtext"]."' WHERE `logid` = '$logid'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(!@header("Location: incident_report.php")){ echo("<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"1; URL=incident_report.php\">"); echo("<script> window.top.location.href = 'incident_report.php'; </script>"); echo("You should now be redirected to the home page, click <a     href='incident_report.php'>here</a> if you are not redirected."); }; } ?>[/code]
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