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  1. Jacques1, im ok even with the hard way... do you have any solutions here? what im missing or what is to be done to make it work? please.
  2. ok... i narrowed the code with my test code - lines and i will explain after posting the code what is what... global $db,$userid; $_GET['userid'] = abs((int) $_GET['userid']); $_POST['xferu'] = abs((int) $_POST['xferu']); $_POST['money'] = abs((int) $_POST['money']); $xferuser = $_POST['xferu']; $chkxusr=$db->query("SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE userid=$xferuser"); if($chkxusr<0) { print " User does not exist, please insert another ID! "; } if($_POST['xferu'] == $userid) { print " <br /> You can't send money to yourself! <br /> <br /> <a href=\"bank.php\">< Back to Banking</a> <br /> <br /> "; } ok, so "xferu" is the data inserted in a form, on a input type text named xferu by my users. when my users want to transfer some money or whatever to another user, they must insert an ID (that is xferu). but now i want to make an IF statemant that will tell the users to go find santa claus else where because that ID doesn't exist in our database. i tried lots of tests, but none gave me the result i wanted. so...? any other details required? please tell and i will provide them... framework: MCcodes v2.
  3. Hello, im working on a MMO RPG and im now trying to make a script transfer some points / or cash to other player. The problem is that all is working except when im transfering to an ID that doesn't exist, but players input that ID without knowledge in the form, my script transfers money/cash to that ID even if it doesn't exist instead of throwing player a message like "that user is not in our database". Can you help me? My script is: global $db,$userid; $_GET['userid'] = abs((int) $_GET['userid']); $_POST['xferu'] = abs((int) $_POST['xferu']); $_POST['money'] = abs((int) $_POST['money']); $xferuser = $_POST['xferu']; if($_POST['xferu'] == $userid) { print " <br /> Nu iti poti trimite bani singur! <br /> <br /> <a href=\"bank.php\">< Inapoi la Transferuri Bancare</a> <br /> <br /> "; } else { if((int) $_POST['money']) { if($_POST['money'] > $ir['money']) { print " <br /> Nu ai atata cash disponibil!<br /> Retrage din cont suma dorita apoi reincearca transferul.<br /> <br /> <a href=\"bank.php\">< Reincearca</a> <br /> <br /> "; } else { $db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money-{$_POST['money']} WHERE userid=$userid"); $db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+{$_POST['money']} WHERE userid=$xferuser"); print " <br /> I-ai trimis suma de \${$_POST['money']} utilizatorului cu ID-ul $xferuser. <br /> <br /> <a href=\"bank.php\">< Inapoi la Transferuri Bancare</a> <br /> <br /> "; event_add($xferuser,"Ai primit un transfer bancar de \${$_POST['money']} de la {$ir['username']}.",$c); $it=$db->query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$xferuser"); $er=$db->fetch_row($it); $db->query("INSERT INTO cashxferlogs VALUES ('', $userid, $xferuser, {$_POST['money']}, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['lastip']}', '{$er['lastip']}')"); } } else { print " <table width=\"90%\" class=\"table\" border=\"1\"> <tr><th colspan=\"2\">Transfer Bancar intre Jucatori</th></tr> <tr> <form action='bank.php' method='post'> <td>Beneficiar:</td> <td><input type='text' STYLE='color: black; background-color: white;' name='xferu' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Suma:</td> <td><input type='text' STYLE='color: black; background-color: white;' name='money' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type='submit' STYLE='color: black; background-color: white;' value=' Trimite ' /></td> </form> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width=\"90%\" class=\"table\" border=\"1\"> <tr> <th colspan=\"4\">Ultimile 5 Transferuri (efectuate)</th> </tr> <tr> <td width=\"190px;\"><b>Data</b></td> <td width=\"190px;\"><b>Beneficiar</b></td> <td width=\"190px;\"><b>Suma</b></td> </tr> "; $q=$db->query("SELECT cx.*,u1.username as sender, u2.username as sent FROM cashxferlogs cx LEFT JOIN users u1 ON cx.cxFROM=u1.userid LEFT JOIN users u2 ON cx.cxTO=u2.userid WHERE cx.cxFROM=$userid ORDER BY cx.cxTIME DESC LIMIT 5"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { if($r['cxFROMIP'] == $r['cxTOIP']) { $m="<span style='color:red;font-weight:800'>MULTI</span>"; } else { $m=""; } print "<tr> <td>" . date("F j, Y, g:i:s a",$r['cxTIME']) . "</td><td>{$r['sent']} [{$r['cxTO']}] </td> <td> \${$r['cxAMOUNT']}</td> </tr>"; } print " </table> ";
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