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Posts posted by erikla

  1. I installed Xampp on my Windows computer. It actually works well, but one thing that is a bit annoying is the fact that when you want to show the output of a PHP document, then it is necessary for the site to be located in the htdocs folder of C:\xampp. Or is it necessary? Is there a way to sort of "redirect" to another folder on the computer? I have my system (Windows 7) on my C drive and my data on my D drive. Sometimes I clone my C drive to keep it up to date and fast. Is there a way to have my website files on the D drive and Xampp installed in the default location on C:\xampp and still be able to test my site locally?



  2. Superb explanations from both of you (David and Jacques)! David: Your line mysql_query("Set names 'utf8'"); did the trick! Now the Danish letters display correctly. I am perfectly aware, that the code is not appropriate. Actually I got the advice to use MySQL PDO from this site about a month ago. The reason why I used the above implementation is because I found it in a tutorial elsewhere. The situation is that I need to take one step at a time in my learning process. Firstly I used quite some time to find Xampp to install phpMyAdmin making the appropriate settings. I need to make things work locally before I upload things. Now I realize my local version of php/MySQL is working properly, my next step will be to change the php code to MySQL PDO. I have already read the article about "prepared statements". Besides I have begun using Dreamweaver, so this is new too. I have a license for an Adobe bundle, including Dreamweaver, so I better learn to use it now. So far I have been using a not so wellknown Web Editor named Namo. Mostly I have created my webpages via the WYSIWYG part, with some knowledge about the HTML code itself - but not too much. I never considered the thing about HTML vs. XHTML that you write about, Jacques. I just used an almost empty page settings from Dreamweaver. At least it did include the meta tag with the charset utf-8 part. Now that I know how to handle things in phpMyAdmin and Dreamweaver, I will take the next step and change to MySQL PDO. Maybe the charset=utf-8 is handled differently in this environment? Anyway I will probably return with more questions later. Again big thanks for the advice. I appreciate it! Great site!!



  3. I have a problem with the three special characters in the Danish language: æ, ø and å. I have created a database with a simple table manually within phpMyAdmin, and I have added contents, which is text with the letters mentioned. Everythings looks correct in here. But when I get the content of the database written out via a php document, these three letters are replaced with a box sign. In phpMyAdmin I chose "utf8_danish_ci" as collation. And here is the code of the php document writing out the content of the database table, named "lille_tabel", with the password written with stars.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    $server = "localhost";
    $brugernavn = "root";
    $kodeord = "************";
    $db = "lille";
    mysql_connect($server,$brugernavn,$kodeord) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "Forbundet til MySQL server<br/>";
    mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "Forbundet til Databasen<br/>";
    $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lilletabel") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($data))
    echo "ID: ".$info['id']."<br/>";
    echo "Navn: ".$info['navn']."<br/>";
    echo "Tekst: ".$info['tekst']."<br/>"."<br/>";

    By the way: I use Dreamweaver. I hope someone have suggestions to pinpoint the problem ...





  4. Hi requinix


    Good question. A number of years ago I created a guestbook for my website, with a lot of help from a tutorial. This tutorial did have the IP address for the computer as a field in the database table. I think they added the IP address field in order to be able to lock out certain computers if they applied spam or so, but I am not sure. Now I just need to "repair" the code to make it work on my new Webhotel - since then some of the code has been deprecated and outdated. I still want the table to contain the IP address from contributors. From what you say, I guess a string type will be appropriate. I think I will still be able to compare string against string, right? So VARCHAR for email addresses as well as IP addresses?



  5. I am quite new to PHP and MySQL. I am trying to figure out what datatypes to use for different fields in a Database. For ID (Identification) I use INT, for  name I use VARCHAR and for people to write text messages, I use LONGTEXT. For date and time I use DATETIME.


    What I am unsure about, however, is what type to use for an email adress and for an IP address? I have been watching videos at Youtube about the Datatype for IP addresses, but they don't seem always to agree. I hope someone can put me in the right direction on those two.





  6. I have used the XAMPP installer to install php and MySQL locall on my computer. I also succeeded in setting the security for XAMPP pages, the MySQL admin user root and phpMyAdmin login. When I enter phpMyAdmin via the link in the XAMPP initial page I do however receive a red notification:

    phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not fully configured; some extensions are not activated. To find out click here.


    I have attached a screenshot showing three items which are not OK, shown in red. I looked up in the documentation, but could not find out. I hope someone can help. I don't even know if it is important to fix this problem.











  7. Jacques1, I will follow your advice and read the tutorial in order to understand the logic behind PDO, and get back if I get stuck in specific tasks. I really can't answer your question, why I use a "persistent connection". Have never heard about it, to be honest! Maybe 12-15 years back I took the code from a webcafé and modified it for my own purposes. I was able to do so without having read books about MySQL. Therefore I am not aware of all the tiny (but important) details. I think I need to look at it a bit closer without, hopefully, to need to read entire books about it.



  8. Interesting with PDO, indeed! Sounds as it is easier and more fluent to use, but that it does not cover as much as the alternative in a few situations ... I will try it. Below is my code, before I make any changes. I have omitted some error-handling code and also the details on how to display the content of the Guestbook. Basicly there are three files:


    save.php: Saving guestbook data entered into in a HTML Form (the latter file not shown). 

    mysql_functions.php:  Additional functions to handle the interaction with the database.

    gbook.php:  The page to display the entire guestbook entrances, including the new one.




    function write_in_guestbook($name, $epost, $contribution)  {
      global $REMOTE_ADDR;
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $sql = "insert into guestbook(name,epost,contribution,ip,time)
    header("Location: gbook.php");


    function open_connection_and_choose_db() {
      $server = "*********";
      $user = "*********";
      $password = "*********";
      $database = "*********";
      if (!@mysql_pconnect("$server","$user","password")) {
        udskriv_fejl("Kunne ikke oprette en forbindelse til MySQL.");
      if(!mysql_select_db("$database")) {
        print_error("Was not able to choose the database: $database");
    function close_connection() {
      if(!mysql_close()) {
        print_error("Was not able to close the connection to MySQL!");
    function sql_ask_and_receive_answer($query) {
      $result = mysql_query($query);
      if(!$result) {
        print_error("Was not able to execute: <em>$query</em>");
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $result_array[] = $row;
      return $result_array;
    function sql_ask($query) { 
      $result = mysql_query($query);
      if(!$result) {
        print_error("Was not able to execute: <em>$query</em>");
    function print_error($fejl) {
      echo "<p>$fejl";
      if ($mysql_fejl = mysql_error()) {
        echo "<br>The error is: <em>$mysql_fejl</em>";


    if(!$start_nr || $start_nr < 0)  {
      $start_nr = 0;
    $sql = "select id, name, epost, date_format(time, '%e/%c %Y, %H:%i') as time,
      contribution from guestbook order by time desc limit $start_nr, $number_at_a_time";
      $counter_sql = "select count(*) as number from guestbook";
      $result = sql_ask_and_receive_answer($sql);
      $counting = sql_ask_and_receive_answer($counter_sql);

    I would de delighted if someone could push me in the right direction on how to make the changes in the PDO way ...





  9. Thanks a lot mac_gyver. Good explanations! I will try to replace the old mysql functions with the new mysqli_ functions, remembering the extra database parameter. Also I will try to take into account your other recommendations. If I don't succeed, I will return with more questions ... great website!



  10. Dear php freaks


    I am working on updating the php code of my old Guestbook. I haven't been working on php for years, so I am very rusty. From searhing on php.net, I realize that quite a few of the commands in my old php code are deprecated. Here is a list.


    global $HTTP_USER_AGENT


    Regarding for example the mysql_query php.net says the following:



    But thare are several options, I see. Can someone guide me how to make the proper changes. Should I just replace the above commands with some newer ones?





  11. Thanks a lot! I understand that I have been using deprecated code and the new Webhotel did not support the old way ...

    I just changed it the way you describe and now it Works as expected! Great!



  12. Dear phpfreak users


    It is several years ago I looked at php code, so I am very rusty here. Many years ago I managed (with some help) to produce a guestbook for my website. It is the only part containing php code. A week ago I changed webhotel and after transferring my website to the new Webhotel, something is not working properly. I have been trying to pinpoint what it is. I think I have found one issue: When a user fill out a form and press the submit button, the variables are not transferred to the php page, which is written in the action part of the form. To make it less confusing I have deleted parts of my php page and just kept the part, where I guess there is a problem.



    The form page named guest_form.html:


    <TITLE>Add items to the Guest book</TITLE>

    <LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE="text/css" HREF="generel/hoved.css">


    <h1><font color="#903C39">Guestbook</font></h1>
    <FORM method="POST" action="guest_save.php">

    <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5>

    <td valign=top><strong><p><b><font color="#903C39">Name</font></b></p></strong></td>
    <td valign=top>
    <INPUT type="text" name="navn" size=40 maxlength=60>


    <td valign=top><strong><p><b><font color="#903C39">E-mail</font></b></p></strong></td>
    <td valign=top>
    <INPUT type="text" name="epost" size=40 maxlength=60>

    <td valign=top><strong><p><b><font color="#903C39">Contribution</font></b></p></strong></td>
    <td valign=top>
    <TEXTAREA name="indlaeg" cols=50 rows=6></TEXTAREA>

    <td align=center colspan=2>
    <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit Contribution">




    The guest_save.php page:



    if ($navn == "") {echo "Name is empty";}
    if ($navn != "") {echo "Name is not empty";}






    I uploaded both pages and they are located at the same level. Then I filled out the form and pressed the submit button. The php page was displayed with the text: "Name is empty". So it look like the content of 'navn' is not tranferred to the php page. Is my code wrong could it be a problem at the Webhotel? I really hope somebody can push me in the right direction ...






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