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Everything posted by phpallwinner

  1. Thanks for quick reply! I already know by heart HTML, CSS3 and some PHP (only basic tags, but I can make out of them a working website, for example for a small company), but I don't know how to build the idea's structure I mentioned above. Guess what I mean?
  2. Hi everybody, this is NOT me in the picture. I would like to tell you that I am so pleased that I can be a registered member of this site. But all I registered for is to get help. As you could have found out from the title. For what I do need your help? Yes, I'm not kidding, I really need a good brain, but I do not want to take your brain literally. No, I just need you to tell me how to create the following easy php script. What should it do? The php script should be able to find things I'm searching for. For example: - I type in: used apple iphone pink with hello kitty scrandguru (I don't know what does scrandguru mean, don't ask me) and it searches immediately on ebay, amazon.com, google etcetera, all the sites I just want it to search on. The Structure: A simple html and css made page, with the script. I type in "something", hit enter, it submits the data and sends it to the php script, the php script connects to internet, no database used for this so far, it searches on ebay, amazon etc etc.. The Dilemma: How..can.. I.. make.. THIS?! Thanks for good and smart replies in advance, I hope you can help me out. Best wishes, Micky
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