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Everything posted by dan182skater

  1. processor.php <?php $where_form_is="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strrev(strstr(strrev($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"/")); mail("dan182skater@gmail.com","MCWL New Member - Form submission","Form data: Name: " . $_POST['field_1'] . " Telephone: " . $_POST['field_2'] . " Email: " . $_POST['field_3'] . " Business Address: " . $_POST['field_4'] . " Address Line 2: " . $_POST['field_5'] . " City: " . $_POST['field_6'] . " State: " . $_POST['field_7'] . " Zip Code: " . $_POST['field_8'] . " Website: " . $_POST['field_9'] . " Areas of Practice: " . $_POST['field_10'] . " "); include("newmember_thankyou.html"); ?> Thanks!
  2. Hello everyone! Quick question: I have a form that I made with phpFormGenerator and the processor.php file makes the form have this in the "From" field when it is sent to my email: Nobody [nobody@burgos.ourhostingservers.com] I'm not that good with PHP but can see from below that the email above is a default server email address for the hosting account I have and it is being retrieved from the PHP line below: $where_form_is="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strrev(strstr(strrev($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"/")); How can I make the "From" field simple be an email address that I specify? THANK YOU!!!!
  3. thanks for your replies... maybe there is a way to stop the flash from reloading each time from within the flash itself? I just want to know if it's possible to do so I can research how to do it (I don't want to research how to do it if it's impossible; a waste of time) Thanks! -Danbiel
  4. Hello everyone! i have a flash header with animated menu links. What I really want to do is make the menu in a way so that when you click the links, the page loads under it and the flash DOES NOT reload and play the beginning animation. I can't figure out how to do this in flash (unless one of you PHP Guys knows how to) so would the best thing to do be use a php include. The problem I see with using a php include tag would be i would have to change all the pages to php files. What if I used 2 frames instead? Are frames safe in all browsers? Are they good to use in general? Any help is appreciated. THANKS! -Daniel
  5. Hello, Does anyone know of any CMS script that is meant for a band/musician's website. Or just a simple CMS script that can be used for a band that includes features such as MP3s, videos, mailing list, photos, band member bios, etc? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for your replies!!!! But where do I type in the code? I uploaded join.php to my site here: http://www.blissfulhost.com/banners/join.zip If anyone could download that file (which is a zip with one file, join.php) and tell me where (line number, etc) to put in the code, I will repay you someway, somehow. THANKS! Also, it is a zip file just to make sure it doesn't load in the browser and so that you can download it to youre computer to open it with your php editor of choice. THANKS! -Daniel
  7. Hello everyone, how do I add into my SQL database an "@" symbol after someone types in the first part of their email address? What I mean is I have a blank text box followed by "@berkeley.edu and I want people to only type in the first part of their Berkeley email address. Basically, only people that have a Berkeley email addresses can sign up on my site. So there are two basic functions I need: 1. Verify that the guest who is signing up ONLY typed in letters, numbers, etc (ONLY things that would be in the first part of an email, before the "@") 2. Automatically insert into the form/database/whatever the @berkeley.edu for every email. Any help is greatly appreciated. THANKS!
  8. Hey! Thanks for your response but I just thought of something that you might be able to help me with for a few seconds. I decided that I am going to just have the text box for the email on the registration page and after that text box I'll just type in @berkeley.edu. So I need a simple function that makes sure that the text box before the "@berkeley.edu" has only characters that would be in the first part of an email address. Then I want it to insert the email address into the database by automatically adding the @berkeley.edu. I will only be using that domain so there is no need for any others and once again, I just want that @berkeley.edu inserted into the database after the first part of the email address automatically. Let me know if you can help. THANKS!
  9. Thank you for your response but that will not work in my situation. I need some way to validate the domain of the email so that it says for example "Sorry, that domain is not accepted." Thanks anyways
  10. Hello. I am using a script that has an option in the admin backend to restrict certain domains for email adresses. But I want to do the opposite: restrict all but one domain (or 2 or 3 in the future). In the admin section of the script, it says "Admin: Email Domain Checker" --Restricted Email Domains: domain1.com, domain2.com, domain3.com, etc. Then it says "Add", "Edit", or "Delete". Then those 3 domains that I specified in the admin section (domain1.com, domain2.com, and domain3.com) are the ones that cannot be used to register on the front end of the site. So to clerify what I said before, I want it so that when I type in domain1.com, domain2.com, and domain3.com, those are the ONLY ones that email addresses ending in those can register. Here is the code for the register page that talks about the domain name checker function: From join.php [code]if($conf['domain_checker']=="on" && check_domain($email)) error_screen(42);[/code] Here is the code that states the function in the admin backend: From settings.php [code]case 'domain_checker': $_option = '<b>Email Domain Checker</b>'.$chk_fld;break;[/code] [code] <tr> <td class='lined title' colspan="2"><a name="domain">Admin: Email Domain Checker</a></td>     </tr> <tr>     <td align="center" colspan="2"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bordercolor="#cccccc" class="body">         <form action="admin.php#domain" method="post">     <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="settings">     <input type="hidden" name="adsess" value="<?=$adsess?>">         <tr><td>Restricted Email Domains:</td></tr>     <?     $res = sql_execute("SELECT * FROM domains ORDER BY id","res");     while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)){         echo "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"domains[".$row->id."]\"> ".$row->domain."</td></tr>";     }     ?>         <tr><td><input type="text" name="domain_name" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete"></td></tr></form></table></td>     </tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>[/code] Help is needed ASAP as this project I am working on is for my school and needs to be done within this week. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!! Thank you in advance!
  11. thanks for the reply, but that made no sense to me.
  12. Hello, I have a folder of like 300 PHP files and want to search for a specific line of code that would only be in one of the files. The problem is I don't have time to open each of the 300 files and search for the code. Is there a way a program that lets me search within all the PHP files to find that line of code? Or at least find the file that the line of code would be in? THANKS! -Daniel
  13. I have an html file I made with a blank area that I want to add a php file into. The php file is a small little file that is a billing system that I want to add to that blank area in my html file. How do I do this? I thought all I would need to do is use the php include function, but apparently I was wrong. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Daniel
  14. Hello everyone, it is a very simple question, how do I make a forbidden directory? What I mean is I have several directories on my website but I do not want anyone to be able to access some of them. How do I make it so it says forbidden? THANK YOU! -Daniel
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