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  1. Hi everyone, got a situation here, I use frames and iframes in my pages with php and flash. I know Search engines dont like iframes nor frames. I want each page to have a different title in IE for each page. but this is my situation - I do alot of work on websites for bands and musicians and they all want jukeboxes playing continuously through out there site. I have banged my head around this in order to do this without the use of frames or iframes for the "content" areas. what I end up doing 90% of the time is create a framed site with the top portion of the frame hidden playing a flash file that calles an mp3 and in the other frame where everything is, is where I have my music controls using the netobject parameter in flash. is there a way to do what I am trying to achieve without the use of frames that anyone can think of. Thank you for your help D
  2. anyone at all now what I am talking about or know how to do this? I am soo stuck and been googling now for the past 7 hours. I would soooo appreciate the help Thank You
  3. Hi everyone, I am stuck and need some help ASAP cause this was supposed to be done like yesterday. I am using inline frames on my site with no scroll, in the page that the inline frame applies to, it pulls the info from a database and I just want the info to fill the height of the inline frame and have a next button to display more within the inline frame. I am stuck big time on this. Here is what I am talking about - http://www.agnosticfront.com/newsite/index.php click on the bio link and you will see what I mean the inline frame is here - http://www.agnosticfront.com/newsite/bio.php all the sections including the bio section is being pulled from a database. this is my bio.php code -- <body background="images/bio.gif">> <table width="440" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><p> <p> </p> <table width="425" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td><font color="#FFFFFF" size="3"><?php $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","user","password"); $db = mysql_select_db("database_name", $connection) or die("Couldn't select database."); $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Biography") or die("Failed."); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { echo '<p>'. $row['Biography']; } ?></font></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </body> and an example of what I am trying to get to is this - http://www.hatebreed.com can anyone help me with this at all? I am severely desperate, been banging my head over this for the past 6 hours. Thanks Dave
  4. hey, I am doing the store myself, not linking to anyone elses store. but each section is going to have a unique page listing the merch from the bands I work with. just like on merchdirect.net see what I dont wanna do, is do a seperate store with seperate database for every band. I want one store with each bands page have a uniqiue feel to it. so ya know, one database with no repeating tables etc. I can creat the front page no problem to link to each bands store front. but the problemn I am running into is having different store fronts for each band within the same actual "store"
  5. is that able to do what I need it to do, by customizing every bands merch page?
  6. Hi everyone, looking to get a store up and running, but havent been able to find a product that fits my needs, so I turn to you all for suggestions. I am looking for a store similiar to this - http://www.merchdirect.net/ see how it lists a front page with all bands names? well when you click on the name, it brings you to a dedicated page of that bands merch, but the thing and features I want are the ability to give each bands page a unique look, like their logo as a header etc.. does anyone know of any third party stored that can acheieve this? or am I looking into coding this myself, which I would soooooooooooo rather not. Thanks Dave
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