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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. There is not a single piece of code you put in there. You will need to add extra code into members_contacts.php. Without seeing the code of memeber_contacts.php or how your code works then I can't recommend anything.
  2. Change syslog to "C:/php.log" (including the quotes) instead. Save the php.ini, create the file php.log in C:/ restart IIS. All errors will now be written to C:/php.log
  3. GD comes builtin to PHP. Just add extension=php_gd2.dll to the php.ini. Save it and restart Apache. Note that is for Windows. For Linux/Unix I think you have to add --with-gd when compiling PHP.
  4. What is the file you have in the / folder? If it is a file that starts with .ht, eg: .htaccess Then Apache will not display that file. According to your httpd.conf, quoted above. Make sure you are placing your .html, .php files or whaterver in D:/Webserver/htdocs
  5. There is nothing in the php.ini that can control cookies. All cookies are handled by the client (web browser, eg IE, FF, Opera etc). Make sure you are setting the cookie correctly in your scripts. The following should do: setcookie("myPHPCookie", "Hello this is a cookie set by PHP", time()+3600); That will set cookie called myPHPCookie with the value "Hello this is a cookie set by PHP" and the cookie will expire after an hour. It is important you set the time parameter (the third parameter of the setcookie function) to a date in the future and not a time from the past. Then when you go to grab the cookie you use $_COOOKIE['cookie_name'] variable, obviously you change cookie_name with your cookie, so for the above example you'll use $_COOKIE['myPHPCookie'] When you set a cookie make sure you are not trying to access the cookie at the same time you set it.
  6. Just setting error_reporting to E_ALL it does not force PHP to display errors. In order to get PHP to display any errors you must enable the display_errors setting in the php.ini When you change anything in the php.ini make sure you save it and restart your http server(Apache, IIS etc).
  7. Mysql will only be listed if you enabled the mysql extension. As you are using ODBC I don;t think you need to enabled the mysql extension. The mysql extension has it own function set which allow you to easily work with mysql server by the mysql_* functions. Such as mysql_connect to connect to a mysql server, mysql_query to run an SQL query etc.
  8. Could you post information like how you installed PHP, how you configured Apache etc.
  9. Please read this FAQ.
  10. If you have access to the servers main configuration file (httpd.conf) open it up for editing and scroll down untill you find the the following line: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Now just add .html to the list, make sure you add a space after .php, so the line should now look like this: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html Now the save the httpd.conf and restart Apache. Now re-run you .html file that has php code in it and it should now be parsing the PHP code.
  11. I guess you haven't enabled the mysql extension yet, please read this FAQ. Also I recommend you to turn on a setting called display_errors this will allow you to see errors rather than a blank very unhelpful screen when errors occur.
  12. Did you add it as an Apache Module or CGI? You must either load it as an Apache module or CGI in order for your PHP code to be parsed, adding the lines you have added wont do anything untill you have loaded it into Apache. I find it easier to add it as an Apache Module just add a line like this to the httpd.conf: LoadModule php5_module "/path/to/php/php5_apache2.so"
  13. If you don't find a MySQL heading/sub section then you haven't enabled the mysql extensions in the php.ini. Have a read of this post for enabling that extension.
  14. If you have urls to your error documents then Apache will redirect the user to specified url for the error document. If you have paths then Apache will not redirect, keeping the url as it is.
  15. what does line 53 look like in the httpd.conf? Look for this line: # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or now scroll down a few lines until your see Listen xx xx being the port number Apache is listening on.
  16. If you are using a free shared host then no one can come in to your "section" of the shared host, unless you give them your sites username/password If you are using the free host for doing business then I'd recommended you go for a premium host. You can get good cheap premium hosting for around $10 p/month or less.
  17. There is no "server side cookie", especially cookies that can shared over multiple sites/servers. You will probably have to create your own simple cookie script for what you want to do. As a side note, I don't know whether this might help but have a look into cURL.
  18. We do recommend that you code with the full style code tags not the short code tags. That way it makes your code more portable over different setups. So rather than doing this <? use <?php or <?=$var?> do <?php echo $var ?>
  19. It is not an editor you are after but a specialized encoder. The most popular being ionCube and Zend Guard. Encoding your PHP source code is not cheap or easy to do for free. I am sure I have not seen any free PHP source code encoders. Why do you want to encode your source code for? Are distributing your own PHP script? If you are worried people will be able to see your PHP source code when viewed from a web browser, then don't worry as no one can see the PHP source code, all they see is the generated output from the PHP script when they go to View > Page Source or when they go to download the page. The only way someone can get to see your source code is by downloading the PHP file via FTP. In order to do that they must know your FTP username and password.
  20. You have permission issues for the user 'Chris'. Log in to MySQL as the root user and make sure the permissions are correct for the user 'Chris' Have a read of this guide for setting MySQL permissions.
  21. Your probably need to change the IP address Apache runs on and/or the port no. YOu can do this by editing the httpd.conf file (located in the conf/ folder). Scroll down to line 53 which be like this by default: Listen 80 Change 80 to 8080 instead. Save the httpd.conf and restart Apache. Now go to http://localhost:8080 (or whatever ip/adomain address you use) and see if it connects. Note: It is important you append :8080 after the ip/domain name. This tells the browser to communicate to the server via port 8080 and not the default, which is port 80. As you changed the port Apache listens to for tcp/ip requests.
  22. There is no server-side cookie in HTML. If you use PHP then you can use sessions. Sessions are stored on the server and not the client. However PHP still sets a cookie that stores a session identifier which PHP uses to serve the correct session when a person visits your site.
  23. What settings have you changed in the php.ini? Changing settings in the php.ini should only affect PHP it should "stop" Apache from working. Check Apaches error log for clues.
  24. Your code relies on setting called "register_globals" to be turned on in order for it to work. I do not recommend you code in this style as it can cause security exploits in your code. To make your code work change this line: if ($user=="abcde" && $password=="12345") to this: if ($_POST['user'] == "abcde" && $_POST['password'] == "12345")
  25. The httpd.conf file is in the conf/ folder located in Apaches installation folder.
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