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Posts posted by wildteen88

  1. How Make Page Navigation in php without reloading the page without jquery like facebook has. ex. for welcome page : http://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome for friends list : http://www.facebook.com/?sk=ff&ap=1 for news feed link http://www.fack.com/?sk=nf


    with clicking the link instead of reloading whole page the appropriate content be loaded. how to do this without javascript, jquery

    If you don't want to use javascript then you'll have to use iframes.

  2. I've got a feeling you may have magic quotes enabled which could be causing this. Change each instance of





    Now add the following function to your code

    function makeSafe($value)
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
            $value = stripslashes($value); 
        $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
        return $value;


    This will not affect the data that is already within your database. You'll need to loop through the data within your database and apply stripslashes to undo the affects of magic quotes.

  3. PHP should not be outputting newlines as literal text \r\n. For some reason newlines are stored like that within your database. You must be doing something with the data when adding the data to the database to cause this. You do not need to doing anything special to have PHP output newlines within text, expect when displaying new lines within the browser you need to use the nl2br function as TeNDoLLA mentioned.


    For now you will have manually replace each instead of \r\n  with a <br /> tag

    $content = 'hello \r\n world!';
    $content = str_replace('\r\n', "\r\n<br />", $content);
    echo $content;


    What code are you using to add the data to the database?

  4. When you use an image as the submit button the webbrowsers submit the x and y co-cordinates of the cursor where the user clicked on the button. Doing a print_r on $_POST you'd see this

        [submit_x] => 0
        [submit_y] => 0


    If you used a normal submit button (<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"  />) you'd see this outputted

        [submit] => submit


    Notice how the name of submit button changes. This is what I meant by checking to see if submit_x or submit_y exists when using an image as the submit button.

  5. Is this right? I'm not getting any errors from it.


    function make_safe($variable) { 
    	$variable = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($variable)); 
    	return $variable; }
    $message = make_safe($_POST['message']); $message2 = make_safe($_POST['message2']); 
    $check = mysql_query("SELECT message, message2, UserLevel FROM Users WHERE Username = '".$message."' and message2 = '".$message2."'");

    What are you doing there? That query ($check) does not need to be there. However the  makeSafe() is necessary to prevent SQL Injection attacks.


    Now that you have the makeSafe function you can remove these lines

    $message = htmlentities($_POST['message']);
    $message2 = htmlentities($_POST['message2']);
    $message = stripslashes($_POST['message']); 
    $message2 = stripslashes($_POST['message2']);


    how do I get the last comment to show on top

    Change your query so it returns the comments in descending order.

    // Retrieve all the data from the "example" table
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments ORDER BY id DESC")
    or die(mysql_error()); 

    I assume you have set up an auto_increment field called id in your comments table?

  6. after doing "TRUNCATE TABLE comments" all the comments were removed, but I am still getting the duplicated comment and the space.


    I guess this so I am sure it got something to do with this, do I need .$row ? if so how do I do that I did try kept giving errors


    echo "<div id=\"comments_box\"><div id=\"comment_name\"><p>$message<em>Says: </em></div><div id=\"comment_date\">" . date ("D, M d, Y, g:i a") . "</div><br />$message2</p></div>";	

    Ooops. I didn't read your code properly earlier change the while loop to

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ))
        $message  = $row['message'];
        $message2 = $row['message2'];
        // Print out the contents of the entry 
        echo "<div id=\"census41_messages\">";
        echo "<div id=\"comments_box\"><div id=\"comment_name\"><p>$message<em>Says: </em></div><div id=\"comment_date\">" . date ("D, M d, Y, g:i a") . "</div><br />$message2</p></div>";	
        echo "</div>";

  7. I cannot see why it is repeating messages/displaying large gaps. What I think is happening is you have a lot of duplicate/blank entries within your comments table.


    You will want to clear the contents of your comments table now. To clear the contents of the table run the following query in PHPMyAdmin

    TRUNCATE TABLE comments


    Then try posting a couple of new comments and see if does it again.

  8. mysql_fetch_* functions return one row at a time. So when your query returns more than one row you need to use a while loop to get all the results.

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ))
        // Print out the contents of the entry 
        echo "<div id=\"census41_messages\">";
        echo "Name: ".$row['mesaage'];
        echo "Message: ".$row['message2'];
        echo "</div>";


    Now that yo're using a database you no longer need these two lines.

    // add the newest comment to the start of the file
    $comments  = "<div id=\"comments_box\"><div id=\"comment_name\"><p>$message <em>Says:</em></div><div id=\"comment_date\">" . date ("D, M d, Y, g:i a") . "</div><br />$message2</p></div>"; // this is the new comment to be added
    $comments .=  file_get_contents('messages.txt'); // now we get all the existing comments and append it to the $comments variable.


    As your code stands now it should be saving and retrieving the posted comments from your database. You now need to validate/sanitize your user input to prevent SQL Injection/XSS attacks. Have a read of this four part guide for writing secure PHP code.

  9. First change your query so it also return the id column

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, username, email FROM users") or die(mysql_error());


    To make your edit link change

    <a href="#" title=""><img SRC="img/icons/icon_edit.png" alt="Edit" /></a>


    <a href="edituser.php?action=edit&id=' .$row['id'] .'" title=""><img SRC="img/icons/icon_edit.png" alt="Edit" /></a>

  10. You'll want to pass in the id that is associated to the username when the edit link is clicked, so your edit link will read edituser.php?action=edit&id=id_number_associated_to_user


    Then in edituser.php you'd fetch the user details from your datebase like

    $user_id = (int) $_GET['user_id'];
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT username, email FROM users_table WHERE id=$user_id");


    You output the username,email address etc into a form fields so they can be edited.

  11. EDIT: Beaten to it ;)


    isset only returns TRUE or FALSE. It does not return the value of $_GET['industry'];


    You need to pass $_GET['industry'] to your function when it is set. You'd write the code like so

        $companies = fetch_companines($_GET['industry']);
        $companies = ''; // set companies to an empty string/value

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