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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. I dont think this is to do with CHMOD permisions, but most probably something wrong with your servers configuration not allowing you to see the file index of the folder you want to view
  2. There is no packages like that I am aware of but when you install  it you can configure it how you want it to behiave by editing a filed called [b]httpd.conf[/b] which is found in a folder [b]conf[/b] within Apaches installation folder.
  3. Also I'd chnage this: [code]while ($row=mysql_fetch_array ($query)) {   for($i=0;$i<=$row_count ;$i++)   {       $r=$row['units_covered'];       $v=explode("'", $r);       $units="<option>";       $units.="$v[$i]";       $units.="</option>";       echo $units ;   } }[/code] to the following: [code]$i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($query)) {       $r = $row['units_covered'];       $v = explode("'", $r);       $units  = "<option>";       $units .= $v[$i];       $units .= "</option>";       echo $units;       $i++; }[/code]
  4. You have to unstall Apache2.2.x first before you install Apache2.0.x
  5. The DNS may not have been updated or the server is misconfigured. The browser shouldn't be doing this. But there is a problem with the server. I am not experienced in this but I would think it may be a DNS problem.
  6. It is off by default for all members but you can enable it within your profile. I dont think this will be turned off as it was turned on when we had IPB in every forum.
  7. < br /> and \n are completly different. The < br /> tag is used to tell the browser to add a new line to the web page, whereas \n tells the operating system to add a new line to the source file.
  8. Add the newline character at the end of the line, like so: [code=php:0]$i = 1; while($i <= 10) {     echo "This has looped {$i} times<br />\n";     $i++; }[/code] \n is the newline chacter. Also in order for \n to work it must be used within double quotes and not single quotes.
  9. You cant do it with CSS alone. But you can with javascript. [url=http://www.hesido.com/web.php?page=customscrollbar]Here[/url] is a script in which you can change the scroll bars for Firefox and I think for Opera too.
  10. Use the full opening PHP tags, so chnage [b]<?[/b] to [b]<?php[/b]
  11. Open you httpd.conf file and search for the following line: [code]DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var[/code] Now add a space after index.html.var and add index.php Now save the httpd.conf file and restart Apache. index.php files should now be run automatically when in a directory.
  12. Can explain your problem more? ALso I would advise to not use the font tag. But learn CSS to style how your text on your page looks like, eg: [code]<span style="font-size: 12px;">This text size is 12px</span>[/code] Or you can use this HTML and add it before the closing head (< /head>) tag: [code]<style type="text/css">body {     font-size: 12px; } </style>[/code] That will then format all the text to 12px. However you can still add in more CSS styles to format how your font looks like in a different html tag, such as the table tag with this: [code]table {     font-size: 16px;     font-family: Verdan, Arial, Helvetica; }[/code] That will then style any text in a table to 16px in size and use Verdana as the font. If you want to learn how to use CSS got to [url=http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp]w3schools.com[/url].
  13. I wouldnt advise that as ajaxfreaks.com is down currently.
  14. Best way is a switch statement: [code=php:0]switch(@$_GET['animal']) {     case 'cat':     case 'dog':         $animal = $_GET['animal'];     break;     default:         $animal = '';     break; } echo $animal . "<br />\n"; [/code]
  15. Unfortunatly how many threads/posts are displayed on a page is controlled through the AdminCP. I would agree with having at least 50 threads a page. What do you mean by the WYSIWYG editor? Its the same as IPBs where it just shows the BBCode, it doesnt parse the BBCode when you add you press a BBCode button. There is no control to turn this off.
  16. No this is not how sleep works. Sleep only stops the PHP Intepreter for the number of secounds defined. It does not pause, print something, then pause again and print something else.
  17. Does the SMTP server require authentication in order to send emails. if it does mail doesnt support this.
  18. Downgrade to Apache2.0.x instead. PHP doesnt offically support Apache2.2.
  19. You need to enable the gd extension. You can do this by editting the php.ini file. Find and open you php.ini file and find the following line: [code];extension=php_gd2.dll[/code] Now remove the semi-colon from the stat of the line. Now you'll need to setup the extension_dir directive. You'll need to scroll up a bit an ffind the following line: [code]extension_dir = "./"[/code] Change ./ to the actuall location of the PHP extension folder. BY defualt it will be C:\php\ext for PHP5 or C:\php\extension for PHP4. Once you setup the extension_dir and removed the semi-colon save your php.in iand restart yout Apache server. If you have setup the extension_dir correctly GD should be now be available. Also Did you use the PHP installer? If you did download the zipped binaries package instead and extract the contents to where you have installed PHP to. As the installer doesn't have that many extensions/files.
  20. [quote]I read somewhere that if you want to display an element without space above and below it (such as the h1 tag, which by default does), you should use {padding: 0px; margin: 0px} instead of {display: inline} On the same page, they also said that you should try to avoid putting < br /> after h1-h6 tags. How would I have the next element appear on a new line without doing that?[/quote] I usually apply a top and bottom margin for the header elements, like so: [code]h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {     margin: 5px 0px 10px 0px; }[/code] I've nevery used display:inline on headers.
  21. You cant do this with PHP. You have to use HTML. Look into the embed tag. Also I am moving this to the HTML Help Forum.
  22. I'm not sure but look for a php.ini file and see whether safe mode is enabled in there. Or look for an .htacess files in your root folder, most probably public_html and see what PHP settings it has in there.
  23. You'll probably want to use $_GET['page'] rather than $page like so: <div class="cont"> <?php @ require_once './' . $_GET['page'] . '.html' ?> </div>
  24. If its the hyperlink and the variable are stored in file1.php then use include where you need to show the image and use the variable.
  25. Basically when you add the PHP folder to the PATH it allows PHP to look for files automatically as it can access itself. It is best to add the PHP folder to the PATH as then all PHP related files are located in one place which is the PHP folder. However instead of creating a PHP folder can threoretically move all the files and folders from the PHP folder to the Windows folder or the System32 Folder.
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