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Everything posted by nitsua01

  1. This PHP program has been haunting IT around the world, see if you can correct it? Its open source code! Errors: Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in C:\wamp\www\language_files\language.inc.php on line 33 Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in C:\wamp\www\language_files\language.inc.php on line 50 Code: <?php $strLangShort = $_REQUEST['language']; if ($strLangShort == '') { $strLangShort = $_REQUEST['strLanguage']; } $strFilename = 'gui_'.$strLangShort.'.langprop'; $strLanguagePath = "../language_files/".$strFilename; $pFile = @fopen($strLanguagePath, "r"); if ($pFile == null) { $strLanguagePath = "language_files/".$strFilename; $pFile = @fopen($strLanguagePath, 'r'); if ($pFile == null) { $strLanguagePath = "../../language_files/".$strFilename; $pFile = @fopen($strLanguagePath, 'r'); } } $arrTranslation; if (null != $pFile) { while (!feof ($pFile)) { $strLine = trim(fgets($pFile, 4096)); if ( ($strLine[0] != "#") && (strlen($strLine) > 0) && (substr($strLine,0,5)!="_jotl")) { $nPos = strpos($strLine, "="); $strId = substr($strLine, 0, $nPos); $strRest = trim(substr($strLine, $nPos+1)); $arrInfos = explode("@@@", $strRest); $strValue = $arrInfos[0]; $arrTranslation[$strId] = $strValue; } else { $nPos = strpos($strLine, "="); $strConfig = substr($strLine, 0, $nPos); $splitConfig = explode (".", $strConfig); if ($splitConfig[2] == 'encoding') { $DEFAULT_CHARSET = trim(substr($strLine, $nPos+1)); } } } fclose($pFile); } $CIRCULATION_MNGT_ADDCIRCULATION; foreach($arrTranslation as $key => $value) { $$key = $value; } function escapeSingle($string) { return str_replace("'", "\\'", $string); } function escapeDouble($string) { return str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $string); } ?>
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