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Everything posted by ForexSon

  1. plz test main page by yourself and put link and click shrink button then login with this details: email: test@test.com pass: 123456 and put link and click shrink button the problem on main page not when you logged in if index and template codes not helped you i will give you full script full script: mediafire vt: virustotal thanks for followed my topic and sorry for my bad english
  2. index.php <?php require_once 'global.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['r']) && intval($_REQUEST['r']) && $_REQUEST['r'] > 0) { setcookie('REFERRER', intval($_REQUEST['r']), time() + 12400); } if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { setcookie('UID', $uid, time() - 5400); System::redirect('index.php?' . ($_REQUEST['banned']?'banned='.$_REQUEST['banned']:'')); } if (isset($_REQUEST['banned'])) { $H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Your account has been banned! You may contact the support ' . 'to dispute this ban. <a href="contact.php?e=' . $_REQUEST['banned'] . '&s=other&m=Account+Banned+Dispute" class="uc">Click Here</a>'; } if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { System::verifyAccess(); } if (isset($_POST['usr_sub'])) { $err = ''; $db = System::getDB(); $email = trim($_POST['usr_email']); $pass = md5(trim($_POST['usr_pass'])); $rmbr = $_POST['usr_rmbr']; $uField = $db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], "username='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'") ? 'username' : 'email'; if (!$email || !$pass || $email == 'your@mail.com' || $pass == 'password') { $err = 'Please complete both fields in order to login'; } else if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email) && $uField == 'email') { $err = 'Please enter a valid username'; } else if (!$db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], "{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'")) { $err = 'The login information is incorrect.'; } if (!$err) { $uid = $db->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], 'id', "{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'"); $db->update($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], array('activity' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()', 'ipaddr' => "'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'"), "{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'",false); setcookie('UID', $uid, time() + 5400); setcookie('USERNAME', $email, time() + ($rmbr ? 777600 : -777600)); setcookie('PASSWORD', trim($_POST['usr_pass']), time() + ($rmbr ? 777600 : -777600)); System::redirect('index.php?'); } else { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = $err; } } $H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = ''; if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) { $H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = 'Your Campaigns'; } else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { $H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = 'Welcome ' . System::getUser()->get('name') . '!'; } site_header(System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 2); if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) { /* Advertiser {{{ */ $_edit = $_GET['edit']; $_rem = $_GET['rem']; if (isset($_POST['edit_sub'])) { $_edit = $_POST['ecid']; $website_name = $_POST['website_name']; $website_url = $_POST['website_url']; $website_banner = $_POST['website_banner'] | ''; $daily_budget = $_POST['daily_budget']; if (!$website_name) { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'There was an error with the form, please make sure you fill everything out'; } else if (!Utilities::validateURL($website_url) || ($website_banner && !Utilities::validateURL($website_banner))) { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Please enter a valid URL'; } else if (!$daily_budget && $_POST['daily_budget'] != '0') { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Please enter a numeric value for your daily budget'; } else { System::getDB()->update($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], array('website_name' => $website_name, 'website_url' => $website_url, 'website_banner' => $website_banner, 'daily_budget' => $daily_budget), "`id`='{$_edit}'" ); $_edit = 0; } } else if (isset($_GET['rem']) && $_rem > 0) { if (!$_rem || !($_rem > 0)) { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'There was an error retrieving the campaign ID. ' . 'Please refresh the page to correct and try again.'; } else { $db = System::getDB(); if ($db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], "`id`='{$_rem}' AND `uid`='{$_UID}'")) { $db->query("DELETE FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS']}` WHERE `id`='{$_rem}' AND `uid`='{$_UID}';"); System::redirect('index.php?removed'); } else { $F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'The link your trying to edit does not exist!'; } } } $_CF = $_GET['cf'] >= 1 && $_GET['cf'] <= 4 ? $_GET['cf'] : 1; $_CT = $_GET['ct'] == 2 ? 2 : 1; $advert_type = $_CT == 2 ? 'Banner' : 'Interstitial'; $status = "`status`='" . ($_CF - 1) . "'"; if ($_CF == 1) $status = '`status`>0'; $campaign_list = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], "`uid`='{$_UID}' AND {$status} AND `advert_type`='{$advert_type}'"); ?> <div class="user_content"> <div> <div style="float:left;display:inline-block;"> <p>Welcome to <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>!</p> <p>You can create a new campaign by clicking 'Create Campaign' above.</p> </div> <div class="campaign_box campaign_filter"> <p>Campaign Filter:</p> <p> <a href="?cf=1&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==1) echo ' class="selected"';?>>All</a> | <a href="?cf=3&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==3) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Active</a> | <a href="?cf=4&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==4) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Finished</a> | <a href="?cf=2&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==2) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Pending</a> </p> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div class="campaign_box campaign_type"> <a href="?ct=1&cf=<?php echo $_CF; ?>"<?php if($_CT==1) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Interstitial Adverts</a> | <a href="?ct=2&cf=<?php echo $_CF; ?>"<?php if($_CT==2) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Banner Adverts</a> </div> <table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter campaign_list"> <thead> <tr> <th width="40%">Website Name</th> <th>Package/Country</th> <th align="right">Views Left</th> <th align="right">Max Daily Budget</th> <th align="right">Spent Today</th> <th align="center">Status</th> <th align="center">Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($campaign_list) { function get_package_name($id) { global $_GLOBAL; return System::getDB()->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['PACKAGES'], 'name', "`id`='{$id}'"); } function get_package_names($pkg) { $pkgs = explode(';', $pkg); $names = ''; foreach ($pkgs as $v) { $p = explode(',', $v); $names .= get_package_name($p[0]) . '<br />'; } return rtrim($names, '<br />'); } foreach ($campaign_list as $cl) { if ($_edit == $cl['id']) { echo "<form action='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}#cid_{$cl['id']}' method='POST'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='ecid' value='{$cl['id']}' />"; } echo "<tr id='cid_{$cl['id']}'>"; if ($_edit == $cl['id']) { echo "<td>Website: <input type='text' name='website_name' style='width:80%;' value='"; echo "{$cl['website_name']}' /><br />"; echo "URL: "; if ($cl['status'] == 1) echo "<input type='text' name='website_url' style='width:80%;' value='"; echo "{$cl['website_url']}"; if ($cl['status'] == 1) echo "' />"; if ($_CT == 2) { echo "Banner: <input type='text' name='website_banner' style='width:80%;' value='"; echo "{$cl['website_banner']}' />"; } echo "</td>"; } else { echo "<td>{$cl['website_name']}<br />"; echo "<em>{$cl['website_url']}</em>"; if ($_CT == 2) { echo "<br /><em>{$cl['website_banner']}</em>"; } echo "</td>"; } echo "<td>" . get_package_names($cl['packages']) . "</td>"; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($cl['views_left']) . '</td>'; if ($_edit == $cl['id']) { echo "<td align='right'>\$<input type='text' name='daily_budget' value='"; echo "{$cl['daily_budget']}' size='5' /></td>"; echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['spent_today']}</td>"; /*if ($cl['status'] != 1) { echo "<td align='center'><select name='ad_status'>" . "<option value='2'" . ($cl['status']==2?' selected':'') . ">Active</option>" . "<option value='3'" . ($cl['status']==3?' selected':'') . ">Finished</option>" // . "<option value='1'" // . ($cl['status']==1?' selected':'') . ">Pending</option>" . "</select></td>"; } else echo "<td align='center'>Pending</td>";*/ echo "<td align='center'>"; echo $cl['status']==1?'Pending':($cl['status']==2?'Active':'Finished'); echo "</td>"; echo "<td align='center'><input type='submit' name='edit_sub' value='Edit' /></td>"; } else { echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['daily_budget']}</td>"; echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['spent_today']}</td>"; echo "<td align='center'>" . ($cl['status'] == 2 ? 'Active' : ($cl['status'] == 3 ? 'Finished' : 'Pending')) . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center'><a href='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}&edit={$cl['id']}#cid_{$cl['id']}'>"; echo "<img src='images/tsp_edit.png' border='0' /></a>"; echo " <a id='cid_rem' href='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}&rem={$cl['id']}#cid_{$cl['id']}'>"; echo "<img src='images/tsp_del.png' border='0' /></a></td>"; } echo '</tr>'; if ($_edit == $cl['id']) echo '</form>'; } } else { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td colspan="7"><em>You do not currently have any adverts to display</em></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <?php announcements(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $('a#cid_rem').click(function() { var c = confirm('Are sure you want to delete this campaign?'); if (!c) return false; }); </script> <?php } /* }}} Advertiser */ else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { /* Shrinker {{{ */ $rg_j['day'] = date('d'); $rg_j['month'] = date('m'); $rg_j['year'] = date('Y'); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS tc, SUM(earned) AS te FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['ANALYZER']}` WHERE `oid`='{$_UID}' AND " . "`date`='{$rg_j['year']}-{$rg_j['month']}-{$rg_j['day']}' LIMIT 1"; $today_info = System::getDB()->fetch($query); $today_info = $today_info[0]; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS tc, SUM(earned) AS te FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['ANALYZER']}` WHERE `oid`='{$_UID}' LIMIT 1"; $total_info = System::getDB()->fetch($query); $total_info = $total_info[0]; ?> <div class="user_content" style="text-align:center;"> <strong>Today:</strong> <?php echo $today_info['tc']; ?> views, $<?php echo number_format($today_info['te'], 5); ?> earned <strong>Total:</strong> <?php echo $total_info['tc']; ?> views, $<?php echo number_format($total_info['te'], 5); ?> earned </div> <?php announcements(); ?> <div class="user_content"> <h2> <span id="report_date"><?php echo date('F Y'); ?></span> Report <div style="float: right; font-weight: normal;"> Choose Month: <select name="report_date"> <?php $my = explode('-', date('m-Y')); $m = 0; $y = 2011; $op = array(); while ($m != (int)$my[0] || $y != (int)$my[1]) { if (++$m == 13) { $m = 1; $y++; } $op[] = "<option value='{$m}-{$y}'>" . date("F Y",mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)) . "</option>"; } $op = array_reverse($op); foreach ($op as $o) echo $o; ?> </select> </div> </h2> <div id="report_graph" style="height:300px;margin:0 auto;"></div> <table cellspacing="2" class="report_info"> <tr> <td><span id="report_date"><?php echo date('F Y'); ?></span></td> <td>Visitors: <span id="report_info_visitors">0</span></td> <td>Avg. CPM: $<span id="report_info_cpm">0.00</span></td> <td>Month Earned: $<span id="report_info_earned">0.0000</span></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="user_content"> <h2>Your Links</h2> <table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter links_table"> <thead> <tr> <th width="55%">Website Address</th> <th width="14%">Advert Type</th> <th width="13%">Views</th> <th width="18%">Money Earned</th> <th align="center">Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr id="no_link"> <td colspan="5"><em>No data available</em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="_lp"></div> </div> <div class="user_content"> <div style="width:50%;float:left;"> <h2>Top 20 Countries</h2> <table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter top_countries" style="width:90%;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Country</th> <th align="right">Views</th> <th align="right">Money Earned</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3"><em>No data available</em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div style="width:50%;float:left;"> <h2>Top 20 Referrers</h2> <table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter top_referrers" style="width:90%;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Referrer</th> <th align="right">Views</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><em>No data available</em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php function get_js_01() { ob_start(); ?> $('select[name="report_date"]').change(function() { var rd = $('option:selected', this).val().split('-'); var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']; $('span#report_date').text(months[parseInt(rd[0] - 1)] + ' ' + rd[1]); $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}); $.get('ajax.php',{opt: 'get_report', args:{month: rd[0], year: rd[1]}}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { alert(j.error); } else if (j.message) { $('span#report_info_visitors').text(j.message.visitors || '0'); $('span#report_info_cpm').text(j.message.cpm || '0.00'); $('span#report_info_earned').text(j.message.earned || '0.00000'); var jm_data = ''; eval('jm_data = [' + j.message.data + '];'); $.plot($("div#report_graph"), [ { data: jm_data, lines: {show: true, fill: true} } ], { xaxis: { ticks: j.message.x_max, min: 1, max: j.message.x_max, tickDecimals: 0 }, yaxis: { ticks: 10, min: 0, max: j.message.y_max } }); } else { alert('[0x1gr01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again'); } } ); $.get('ajax.php',{opt: 'get_t20_cr', args:{month: rd[0], year: rd[1]}}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { alert(j.error); } else if (j.message) { var tc = j.message.tc_data, tc_html = ''; var tr = j.message.tr_data, tr_html = ''; $.each(tc, function(k,v) { tc_html += '<tr>'; tc_html += '<td>' + v.country + '</td>'; tc_html += '<td align="right">' + v.hits + '</td>'; tc_html += '<td align="right">$' + parseFloat(v.earned).toFixed(5) + '</td>'; tc_html += '</tr>'; }); $.each(tr, function(k,v) { tr_html += '<tr>'; tr_html += '<td>' + k + '</td>'; tr_html += '<td align="right">' + v.hits + '</td>'; tr_html += '</tr>'; }); if (!tc_html) { tc_html += '<tr>'; tc_html += '<td colspan="3"><em>No data available</em></td>'; tc_html += '</tr>'; } if (!tr_html) { tr_html += '<tr>'; tr_html += '<td colspan="2"><em>No data available</em></td>'; tr_html += '</tr>'; } $('tbody', 'table.top_countries').html(tc_html); $('tbody', 'table.top_referrers').html(tr_html); } else { alert('[0x1gt01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again'); } } ); }); $('select[name="report_date"]').change(); <?php $c = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $c; } echo Utilities::JSPack(get_js_01()); ?> </script> <?php } /* }}} Shrinker */ else { /* User Login {{{ */ $usr_email = !$_POST['usr_email'] ? $_COOKIE['USERNAME'] : $_POST['usr_email']; $usr_pass = !$_POST['usr_pass'] ? $_COOKIE['PASSWORD'] : $_POST['usr_pass']; ?> <div class="before"><em>Before shrink your URL, please read our <a href="terms.php">TERMS & CONDITIONS</a>.</em></div> <div class="main_intro"> <h2><img src="images/what.png" align="absmiddle"/></h2> <div class="intros left"> <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?> is a free URL shortening service with a twist. <strong>you get paid to share your links on the Internet!</strong> Just register for a free account and start shrinking. You get paid for every person that visits your URLs. Example URL for Google: <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>Bmc" class="uc"><?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>Bmc</a> Place your short urls on Facebook, Twitter, forums, personal websites, blogs, and any social networking sites. </div> </div> <div class="main_intro"> <h2><img src="images/why.png" align="absmiddle"/></h2> <div class="intros right"> Earn more than <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>rates.php" class="uc">$5.00/1000 visitors</a> to your links. Get short URLs, great for when text space is limited. All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups. Real-time statistics with revenue reporting. Refer users and get a whopping 20% commission! Many tools: Mass url Shrinker. - Easy Links. - API key. - Full Page Script. - Google Analytics. Low $5.00 minimum payout - Weekly Payment Every Monday. </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <?php } /* }}} User Login */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php function get_js_02() { ob_start(); ?> $(document).ready(function() { $('div.user_login input[name="usr_email"]').watermark('your@mail.com'); $('div.user_login input[name="usr_pass"]').watermark('password'); $('div.user_login div.nspr.inneri2.dark').hover(function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,1);}, function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,.7);}); $('div.user_login form').submit(function() { var email = $('input[name="usr_email"]', this).val(), pass = $('input[name="usr_pass"]', this).val(); if (!email || !pass || email == 'your@mail.com' || pass == 'password') { alert('Please complete both fields in order to login'); return false; } }); <?php if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 2) { ?> $('div.shrink div.nspr.inneri.dark input').fadeTo(0,.7); $('div.shrink div.nspr.inneri.dark').hover(function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,.9);}, function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,.7);}); var _adb_url = $('div.shrink input[name="adb_url"]'); _adb_url.val('http://').width(569); var _updateLinkEvents = function() { $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}); $('table.links_table tr[id^="lid"] a#edit').click(function() { var _e = $(this).parent().parent(); var _t = _e.attr('id').substr(4); var spanrtitle = $('span#rtitle',_e), spanlong = $('span#long',_e), tdadtype = $('td#adtype',_e), _tdlast = $('td:last',_e); var adtype = tdadtype.text(); spanrtitle.css('display', 'block') .html('<span style="width:50px;display:inline-block;font-size:12px;">Title:</span><input type="text" name="title" size="30" value="'+spanrtitle.text()+'" />'); spanlong.html('<span style="width:50px;display:inline-block;font-size:12px;">Website:</span><input type="text" name="website" size="30" value="'+spanlong.text()+'" />'); tdadtype.html('<select name="adtype">' + '<option value="1"'+(adtype=='Interstitial'?' selected':'')+'>Interstitial</option>' + '<option value="2"'+(adtype=='Top Banner'?' selected':'')+'>Top Banner</option>' + '<option value="3"'+(adtype=='None'?' selected':'')+'>None</option>' + '</select>'); var edit_btn = $('<input type="submit" value="save" />'); _tdlast.children().hide(); _tdlast.append(edit_btn); edit_btn.click(function() { var website = $('input[name="website"]',_e).val(), title = $('input[name="title"]',_e).val(), adtype = $('select[name="adtype"]',_e).val(); $.get('ajax.php',{opt:'edit_link',args:{lid:_t,website:website,title:title,adtype:adtype}}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { alert(j.error); } else if (j.message) { spanrtitle.html('<em>' + title + '</em>'); spanlong.html(website); tdadtype.html(adtype==1?'Interstitial':(adtype==2?'Top Banner':'None')); edit_btn.remove(); _tdlast.children().show(); } else { alert('[0x1el01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again'); } } ); return false; }); return false; }); $('table.links_table tr[id^="lid"] a#rem').click(function() { var e = $(this).parent().parent(); var t = e.attr('id').substr(4); if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this link?')) { $.get('ajax.php',{opt:'rem_link',args:{lid:t}}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { alert(j.error); } else if (j.message) { e.remove(); //$('table.links_table').trigger('change'); } else { alert('[0x1rl01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again'); } } ); } return false; }); }; var _updateLinks = function() { var lt = $('table.links_table tbody'); $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}); $.get('ajax.php',{opt:'get_links'}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.message) { lt.html(j.message.data).ready(function() { _updateLinkEvents(); $('div#_lp').html(j.message.lp); }); } else { lt.html('<tr id="no_link"><td colspan="5"><em>No data available</em></td></tr>'); } }); }; _updateLinks(); ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath('js/ZeroClipboard.swf'); var zclip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); zclip.addEventListener('mouseDown',function(){zclip.setText(_adb_url.val());}); $('div.shrink form').submit(function() { var s = $('input[type="submit"]', this), t = _adb_url; switch (s.attr('value')) { case 'COPY': break; default: var tval = t.val(); t.attr('readonly', '1'); t.val('Shrinking...'); var args = {adtype:$('select[name="advert_type"]',this).val(), title:$('input[name="custom_name"]',this).val()}; $.get('ajax.php',{opt:'shrink',url:encodeURI(tval),args:args}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { t.removeAttr('readonly'); t.val(tval); alert(j.error); } else if (j.message) { t.val(j.message); var do_another = $('<span class="do_another">DO ANOTHER</span>'); t.width(475).parent().append(do_another); do_another.click(function() { _adb_url.removeAttr('readonly').val('http://').width(550); do_another.remove(); s.attr('value', 'SHRINK!').attr('id', ''); zclip.destroy(); return false; }); s.attr('value', 'COPY'); s.attr('id', 'zero_copy'); zclip.glue('zero_copy'); _updateLinks(); } else { alert('[0x1sh01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again'); } } ); break; } return false; }); //$('table.links_table').change(function() { _updateLinks(); }); var $ml_options = $('div.ml_options_box'); var ml_options_height = $ml_options.height(); $ml_options.hide().height(0); $('div.ml_options div.nspr.outeri2').hover( function(){$('div.ml_options div.nspr.outeri2').toggleClass('over');} ).click(function() { if ($ml_options.is(':visible')) { $ml_options.animate({ height: 0 }, { duration: 300, complete: function () { $ml_options.hide(); } }); $(this).text('More Options'); } else { $ml_options.show().animate({ height: ml_options_height }, { duration: 300 }); $(this).text('Less Options'); } }); <?php } if (!System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { ?> $('div.joinbtn div.nspr.outeri2').hover( function(){$('div.joinbtn div.nspr.outeri2').removeClass('over');}, function(){$('div.joinbtn div.nspr.outeri2').addClass('over');} ).click(function() { $('div.join_page').modal({ opacity: 50, overlayCss: {backgroundColor:'#111111'}, containerCss: {minWidth:'395px',minHeight:'469px'}, dataCss: {}, closeHTML: '<a href="#" title="Close" class="btn_close">X CLOSE</a>', close: true, escClose: false, onOpen: function(d) { d.overlay.fadeIn('fast'); d.container.fadeIn('fast'); d.data.fadeIn('fast'); }, onClose: function(d) { d.data.fadeOut('fast'); d.container.fadeOut('fast'); d.overlay.fadeOut('fast'); } }).open(); }); $('div.join_page form').submit(function() { var slf = $(this); var html = slf.html(); var args = {}; $('input[name]', slf).each(function() { if ($(this).attr('name') == 'join_atype') { args[$(this).attr('name')] = $('input:radio[name="join_atype"]:checked', slf).val(); return; } args[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val(); }); slf.html('<div class="load01"><img src="images/load01.gif" border="0" /> Registering...</div>'); $.get('ajax.php',{opt:'join',args:args}, function(r) { var j = eval('(' + r + ')'); if (j.error) { slf.html(html); $('input:radio[name="join_atype"]:checked', slf).removeAttr("checked"); $('input[name]', slf).each(function() { if ($(this).attr('name') == 'join_atype') { if (args.join_atype == $(this).val()) { $('input:radio[value="' + args.join_atype + '"]', slf).attr('checked', 'yes'); } } else { $(this).val(args[$(this).attr('name')]); 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($v[1] ? " class='selected'" : '') . ">{$k}</a>"; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; } echo '<div class="error_box" style="display:' . (!empty($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'])?'block':'none') . ';">'; if (!empty($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'])) { if (count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']) > 1) { echo '<div style="text-align:left;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">'; echo count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']) . ' ERRORS HAVE OCCURED:</div>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']); $i++) { echo $H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][$i]; if ($i < count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']) - 1) echo '<br />'; } } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="message_box" style="display:' . (!empty($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES'])?'block':'none') . ';">'; if (!empty($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES'])) { if (count($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES']) > 1) { echo '<div style="text-align:left;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">'; echo count($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES']) . ' MESSAGES:</div>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES']); $i++) { echo $H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES'][$i]; if ($i < count($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES']) - 1) echo '<br />'; } } echo '</div>'; ?> <noscript> <div style="padding: 5px; background-color: red; color: #ffffff; text-align:center; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"> Your browser currently does not support javascript or you have javascript turned off. This site will have very limited functionality without javascript. 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  3. plz check http://bc.vc/ and type any link and see and then open http://adglo.be/ (my website) and type any link and see that is the problem sorry for my bad english
  4. Shrinking in this script meaning shorten links Shorten links working only if you have account logged in But not working for visitors (on main page)
  5. Hello guys i want your help in adfly clone script , i have it installed it but i have problem - shrinking links not working on main page, but working good when user logged in all server Requirements are ok my website: adglo.be script: mediafire vt: virustotal regards,
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