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Posts posted by ForexSon

  1. Sorry - but since I don't understand what "shorten links" means at all, and since your code doesn't help me to understand, I can't offer any help.

    plz test main page by yourself and put link and click shrink button

    then login with this details:

    email: test@test.com

    pass: 123456

    and put link and click shrink button

    the problem on main page not when you logged in

    if index and template codes not helped you i will give you full script

    full script: mediafire

    vt: virustotal

    thanks for followed my topic and sorry for my bad english

  2. index.php

    require_once 'global.php';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['r']) && intval($_REQUEST['r']) && $_REQUEST['r'] > 0) {
    	setcookie('REFERRER', intval($_REQUEST['r']), time() + 12400);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
    	setcookie('UID', $uid, time() - 5400);
    	System::redirect('index.php?' . ($_REQUEST['banned']?'banned='.$_REQUEST['banned']:''));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['banned'])) {
    	$H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Your account has been banned! You may contact the support '
    							  . 'to dispute this ban. <a href="contact.php?e=' . $_REQUEST['banned']
    							  . '&s=other&m=Account+Banned+Dispute" class="uc">Click Here</a>';
    if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) {
    if (isset($_POST['usr_sub'])) {
    	$err = '';
    	$db = System::getDB();
    	$email = trim($_POST['usr_email']);
    	$pass = md5(trim($_POST['usr_pass']));
    	$rmbr = $_POST['usr_rmbr'];
    	$uField = $db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], "username='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'")
    			  ? 'username' : 'email';
    	if (!$email || !$pass || $email == 'your@mail.com' || $pass == 'password') {
    		$err = 'Please complete both fields in order to login';
    	} else if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)
    				&& $uField == 'email') {
    		$err = 'Please enter a valid username';
    	} else if (!$db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], "{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'")) {
    		$err = 'The login information is incorrect.';
    	if (!$err) {
    		$uid = $db->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['USERS'], 'id', "{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'");
    			array('activity' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()', 'ipaddr' => "'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'"),
    			"{$uField}='{$email}' AND pass='{$pass}'",false);
    		setcookie('UID', $uid, time() + 5400);
    		setcookie('USERNAME', $email, time() + ($rmbr ? 777600 : -777600));
    		setcookie('PASSWORD', trim($_POST['usr_pass']), time() + ($rmbr ? 777600 : -777600));
    	} else {
    		$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = $err;
    $H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = '';
    if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) {
    	$H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = 'Your Campaigns';
    } else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) {
    	$H_TEMPLATE['TITLE'] = 'Welcome ' . System::getUser()->get('name') . '!';
    site_header(System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 2);
    if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) { /* Advertiser {{{ */
    $_edit = $_GET['edit'];										  
    $_rem  = $_GET['rem'];										  
    if (isset($_POST['edit_sub'])) {
    	$_edit = $_POST['ecid'];
    	$website_name = $_POST['website_name'];
    	$website_url = $_POST['website_url'];
    	$website_banner = $_POST['website_banner'] | '';
    	$daily_budget = $_POST['daily_budget'];
    	if (!$website_name) {
    		$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'There was an error with the form, please make sure you fill everything out';
    	} else if (!Utilities::validateURL($website_url) || ($website_banner && !Utilities::validateURL($website_banner))) {
    		$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Please enter a valid URL';
    	} else if (!$daily_budget && $_POST['daily_budget'] != '0') {
    		$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'Please enter a numeric value for your daily budget';
    	} else {
    								array('website_name' => $website_name,
    									  'website_url' => $website_url,
    									  'website_banner' => $website_banner,
    									  'daily_budget' => $daily_budget),
    		$_edit = 0;
    } else if (isset($_GET['rem']) && $_rem > 0) {
    	if (!$_rem || !($_rem > 0)) {
    		$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'There was an error retrieving the campaign ID. '
    								  . 'Please refresh the page to correct and try again.';
    	} else {
    		$db    = System::getDB();
    		if ($db->rowCount($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'], "`id`='{$_rem}' AND `uid`='{$_UID}'")) {
    			$db->query("DELETE FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS']}` WHERE `id`='{$_rem}' AND `uid`='{$_UID}';");
    		} else {
    			$F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][] = 'The link your trying to edit does not exist!';
    $_CF = $_GET['cf'] >= 1 && $_GET['cf'] <= 4 ? $_GET['cf'] : 1;
    $_CT = $_GET['ct'] == 2 ? 2 : 1;
    $advert_type = $_CT == 2 ? 'Banner' : 'Interstitial';
    $status = "`status`='" . ($_CF - 1) . "'";
    if ($_CF == 1) $status = '`status`>0';
    $campaign_list = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['CAMPAIGNS'],
    										  "`uid`='{$_UID}' AND {$status} AND `advert_type`='{$advert_type}'");
    <div class="user_content">
    		<div style="float:left;display:inline-block;">
    			<p>Welcome to <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>!</p>
    			<p>You can create a new campaign by clicking 'Create Campaign' above.</p>
    		<div class="campaign_box campaign_filter">
    			<p>Campaign Filter:</p>
    				<a href="?cf=1&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==1) echo ' class="selected"';?>>All</a>
    				<a href="?cf=3&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==3) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Active</a>
    				<a href="?cf=4&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==4) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Finished</a>
    				<a href="?cf=2&ct=<?php echo $_CT; ?>"<?php if($_CF==2) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Pending</a>
    	<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    	<div class="campaign_box campaign_type">
    		<a href="?ct=1&cf=<?php echo $_CF; ?>"<?php if($_CT==1) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Interstitial Adverts</a>
    		<a href="?ct=2&cf=<?php echo $_CF; ?>"<?php if($_CT==2) echo ' class="selected"';?>>Banner Adverts</a>
    	<table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter campaign_list">
    				<th width="40%">Website Name</th>
    				<th align="right">Views Left</th>
    				<th align="right">Max Daily Budget</th>
    				<th align="right">Spent Today</th>
    				<th align="center">Status</th>
    				<th align="center">Action</th>
    				if ($campaign_list) {
    					function get_package_name($id) {
    						global $_GLOBAL;
    						return System::getDB()->getField($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['PACKAGES'], 'name', "`id`='{$id}'");
    					function get_package_names($pkg) {
    						$pkgs  = explode(';', $pkg);
    						$names = '';
    						foreach ($pkgs as $v) {
    							$p = explode(',', $v);
    							$names .= get_package_name($p[0]) . '<br />';
    						return rtrim($names, '<br />');
    					foreach ($campaign_list as $cl) {
    						if ($_edit == $cl['id']) {
    							echo "<form action='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}#cid_{$cl['id']}' method='POST'>";
    							echo "<input type='hidden' name='ecid' value='{$cl['id']}' />";
    						echo "<tr id='cid_{$cl['id']}'>";
    						if ($_edit == $cl['id']) {
    							echo "<td>Website: <input type='text' name='website_name' style='width:80%;' value='";
    							echo "{$cl['website_name']}' /><br />";
    							echo "URL: ";
    							if ($cl['status'] == 1) echo "<input type='text' name='website_url' style='width:80%;' value='";
    							echo "{$cl['website_url']}";
    							if ($cl['status'] == 1) echo "' />";
    							if ($_CT == 2) {
    								echo "Banner: <input type='text' name='website_banner' style='width:80%;' value='";
    								echo "{$cl['website_banner']}' />";
    							echo "</td>";
    						} else {
    							echo "<td>{$cl['website_name']}<br />";
    							echo "<em>{$cl['website_url']}</em>";
    							if ($_CT == 2) { echo "<br /><em>{$cl['website_banner']}</em>"; }
    							echo "</td>";
    						echo "<td>" . get_package_names($cl['packages']) . "</td>";
    						echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($cl['views_left']) . '</td>';
    						if ($_edit == $cl['id']) {
    							echo "<td align='right'>\$<input type='text' name='daily_budget' value='";
    							echo "{$cl['daily_budget']}' size='5' /></td>";
    							echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['spent_today']}</td>";
    							/*if ($cl['status'] != 1) {
    								echo "<td align='center'><select name='ad_status'>"
    									 . "<option value='2'"
    										. ($cl['status']==2?' selected':'') . ">Active</option>"
    									 . "<option value='3'"
    										. ($cl['status']==3?' selected':'') . ">Finished</option>"
    									// . "<option value='1'"
    									//	. ($cl['status']==1?' selected':'') . ">Pending</option>"
    									 . "</select></td>";
    							} else echo "<td align='center'>Pending</td>";*/
    							echo "<td align='center'>";
    							echo $cl['status']==1?'Pending':($cl['status']==2?'Active':'Finished');
    							echo "</td>";
    							echo "<td align='center'><input type='submit' name='edit_sub' value='Edit' /></td>";
    						} else {
    							echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['daily_budget']}</td>";
    							echo "<td align='right'>\${$cl['spent_today']}</td>";
    							echo "<td align='center'>" 
    								 . ($cl['status'] == 2 ? 'Active'
    									: ($cl['status'] == 3 ? 'Finished' : 'Pending'))
    								 . "</td>";
    							echo "<td align='center'><a href='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}&edit={$cl['id']}#cid_{$cl['id']}'>";
    							echo "<img src='images/tsp_edit.png' border='0' /></a>";
    							echo "  <a id='cid_rem' href='?ct={$_CT}&cf={$_CF}&rem={$cl['id']}#cid_{$cl['id']}'>";
    							echo "<img src='images/tsp_del.png' border='0' /></a></td>";
    						echo '</tr>';
    						if ($_edit == $cl['id']) echo '</form>';
    				} else {
    					echo '<tr>';
    					echo '<td colspan="7"><em>You do not currently have any adverts to display</em></td>';
    					echo '</tr>';
    	<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <?php announcements(); ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	$('a#cid_rem').click(function() {
    		var c = confirm('Are sure you want to delete this campaign?');
    		if (!c) return false;
    } /* }}} Advertiser */
    else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { /* Shrinker {{{ */
    $rg_j['day'] = date('d');
    $rg_j['month'] = date('m');
    $rg_j['year'] = date('Y');
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS tc, SUM(earned) AS te FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['ANALYZER']}` WHERE `oid`='{$_UID}' AND "
    		 . "`date`='{$rg_j['year']}-{$rg_j['month']}-{$rg_j['day']}' LIMIT 1";
    $today_info = System::getDB()->fetch($query); $today_info = $today_info[0];
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS tc, SUM(earned) AS te FROM `{$_GLOBAL['TABLES']['ANALYZER']}` WHERE `oid`='{$_UID}' LIMIT 1";
    $total_info = System::getDB()->fetch($query); $total_info = $total_info[0];
    <div class="user_content" style="text-align:center;">
    	<strong>Today:</strong> <?php echo $today_info['tc']; ?> views, $<?php echo number_format($today_info['te'], 5); ?> earned
    	<strong>Total:</strong> <?php echo $total_info['tc']; ?> views, $<?php echo number_format($total_info['te'], 5); ?> earned
    <?php announcements(); ?>
    <div class="user_content">
    		<span id="report_date"><?php echo date('F Y'); ?></span> Report
    		<div style="float: right; font-weight: normal;">
    			Choose Month:
    			<select name="report_date">
    					$my = explode('-', date('m-Y'));
    					$m = 0; $y = 2011; $op = array();
    					while ($m != (int)$my[0] || $y != (int)$my[1]) {
    						if (++$m == 13) { $m = 1; $y++; }
    						$op[] = "<option value='{$m}-{$y}'>" . date("F Y",mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)) . "</option>";
    					$op = array_reverse($op);
    					foreach ($op as $o) echo $o;
    	<div id="report_graph" style="height:300px;margin:0 auto;"></div>
    	<table cellspacing="2" class="report_info">
    			<td><span id="report_date"><?php echo date('F Y'); ?></span></td>
    			<td>Visitors: <span id="report_info_visitors">0</span></td>
    			<td>Avg. CPM: $<span id="report_info_cpm">0.00</span></td>
    			<td>Month Earned: $<span id="report_info_earned">0.0000</span></td>
    <div class="user_content">
    	<h2>Your Links</h2>
    	<table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter links_table">
    				<th width="55%">Website Address</th>
    				<th width="14%">Advert Type</th>
    				<th width="13%">Views</th>
    				<th width="18%">Money Earned</th>
    				<th align="center">Action</th>
    			<tr id="no_link">
    				<td colspan="5"><em>No data available</em></td>
    	<div id="_lp"></div>
    <div class="user_content">
    	<div style="width:50%;float:left;">
    		<h2>Top 20 Countries</h2>
    		<table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter top_countries" style="width:90%;">
    					<th align="right">Views</th>
    					<th align="right">Money Earned</th>
    					<td colspan="3"><em>No data available</em></td>
    	<div style="width:50%;float:left;">
    		<h2>Top 20 Referrers</h2>
    		<table cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter top_referrers" style="width:90%;">
    					<th align="right">Views</th>
    					<td colspan="2"><em>No data available</em></td>
    	<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	function get_js_01() {
    $('select[name="report_date"]').change(function() {
    	var rd = $('option:selected', this).val().split('-');
    	var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
    	$('span#report_date').text(months[parseInt(rd[0] - 1)] + ' ' + rd[1]);
    	$.get('ajax.php',{opt: 'get_report', args:{month: rd[0], year: rd[1]}},
    		function(r) {
    			var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    			if (j.error) {
    			} else if (j.message) {
    				$('span#report_info_visitors').text(j.message.visitors || '0');
    				$('span#report_info_cpm').text(j.message.cpm || '0.00');
    				$('span#report_info_earned').text(j.message.earned || '0.00000');
    				var jm_data = '';
    				eval('jm_data = [' + j.message.data + '];');
    				$.plot($("div#report_graph"), [
    					{ data: jm_data, lines: {show: true, fill: true} }
    				], {
    					xaxis: {
    						ticks: j.message.x_max, min: 1, max: j.message.x_max,
    						tickDecimals: 0
    					yaxis: { ticks: 10, min: 0, max: j.message.y_max }
    			} else {
    				alert('[0x1gr01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    	$.get('ajax.php',{opt: 'get_t20_cr', args:{month: rd[0], year: rd[1]}},
    		function(r) {
    			var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    			if (j.error) {
    			} else if (j.message) {
    				var tc = j.message.tc_data, tc_html = '';
    				var tr = j.message.tr_data, tr_html = '';
    				$.each(tc, function(k,v) {
    					tc_html += '<tr>';
    					tc_html += '<td>' + v.country + '</td>';
    					tc_html += '<td align="right">' + v.hits + '</td>';
    					tc_html += '<td align="right">$' + parseFloat(v.earned).toFixed(5) + '</td>';
    					tc_html += '</tr>';
    				$.each(tr, function(k,v) {
    					tr_html += '<tr>';
    					tr_html += '<td>' + k + '</td>';
    					tr_html += '<td align="right">' + v.hits + '</td>';
    					tr_html += '</tr>';
    				if (!tc_html) {
    					tc_html += '<tr>';
    					tc_html += '<td colspan="3"><em>No data available</em></td>';
    					tc_html += '</tr>';
    				if (!tr_html) {
    					tr_html += '<tr>';
    					tr_html += '<td colspan="2"><em>No data available</em></td>';
    					tr_html += '</tr>';
    				$('tbody', 'table.top_countries').html(tc_html);
    				$('tbody', 'table.top_referrers').html(tr_html);
    			} else {
    				alert('[0x1gt01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    	$c = ob_get_contents();
    	return $c;
    echo Utilities::JSPack(get_js_01());
    } /* }}} Shrinker */
    else { /* User Login {{{ */
    $usr_email = !$_POST['usr_email'] ? $_COOKIE['USERNAME'] : $_POST['usr_email'];
    $usr_pass = !$_POST['usr_pass'] ? $_COOKIE['PASSWORD'] : $_POST['usr_pass'];
    <div class="before"><em>Before shrink your URL, please read our <a href="terms.php">TERMS & CONDITIONS</a>.</em></div>
    <div class="main_intro">
    <h2><img src="images/what.png" align="absmiddle"/></h2>
    <div class="intros left">
    <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?> is a free URL shortening service with a twist.
    <strong>you get paid to share your links on the Internet!</strong> Just register for a free account and start shrinking.
    You get paid for every person that visits your URLs.
    Example URL for Google:
     <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>Bmc" class="uc"><?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>Bmc</a>
    Place your short urls on Facebook, Twitter, forums,
    personal websites, blogs, and any social networking sites.
    <div class="main_intro">
    <h2><img src="images/why.png" align="absmiddle"/></h2>
    <div class="intros right">
    Earn more than <a href="<?php echo SITE_LOCATION; ?>rates.php" class="uc">$5.00/1000 visitors</a> to your links.
    Get short URLs, great for when text space is limited.
    All advertising is strictly family-safe with no popups.
    Real-time statistics with revenue reporting.
    Refer users and get a whopping 20% commission!
    Many tools:
     Mass url Shrinker.
    - Easy Links.
    - API key.
    - Full Page Script.
    - Google Analytics.
    Low $5.00 minimum payout - Weekly Payment Every Monday.
    <div style="clear:both"></div>
    } /* }}} User Login */
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	function get_js_02() {
    $(document).ready(function() {
    	$('div.user_login input[name="usr_email"]').watermark('your@mail.com');
    	$('div.user_login input[name="usr_pass"]').watermark('password');
    	$('div.user_login div.nspr.inneri2.dark').hover(function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,1);},
    	$('div.user_login form').submit(function() {
    		var email = $('input[name="usr_email"]', this).val(),
    			pass = $('input[name="usr_pass"]', this).val();
    		if (!email || !pass || email == 'your@mail.com' || pass == 'password') {
    			alert('Please complete both fields in order to login');
    			return false;
    		if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 2) {
    	$('div.shrink div.nspr.inneri.dark input').fadeTo(0,.7);
    	$('div.shrink div.nspr.inneri.dark').hover(function(){$('input',this).fadeTo(400,.9);},
    	var _adb_url = $('div.shrink input[name="adb_url"]');
    	var _updateLinkEvents = function() {
    		$('table.links_table tr[id^="lid"] a#edit').click(function() {
    			var _e = $(this).parent().parent();
    			var _t = _e.attr('id').substr(4);
    			var spanrtitle = $('span#rtitle',_e), spanlong = $('span#long',_e), tdadtype = $('td#adtype',_e), _tdlast = $('td:last',_e);
    			var adtype = tdadtype.text();
    			spanrtitle.css('display', 'block')
    				.html('<span style="width:50px;display:inline-block;font-size:12px;">Title:</span><input type="text" name="title" size="30" value="'+spanrtitle.text()+'" />');
    			spanlong.html('<span style="width:50px;display:inline-block;font-size:12px;">Website:</span><input type="text" name="website" size="30" value="'+spanlong.text()+'" />');
    			tdadtype.html('<select name="adtype">'
    						  + '<option value="1"'+(adtype=='Interstitial'?' selected':'')+'>Interstitial</option>'
    						  + '<option value="2"'+(adtype=='Top Banner'?' selected':'')+'>Top Banner</option>'
    						  + '<option value="3"'+(adtype=='None'?' selected':'')+'>None</option>'
    						  + '</select>');
    			var edit_btn = $('<input type="submit" value="save" />');
    			edit_btn.click(function() {
    				var website = $('input[name="website"]',_e).val(), title = $('input[name="title"]',_e).val(), 
    					adtype = $('select[name="adtype"]',_e).val();
    					function(r) {
    						var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    						if (j.error) {
    						} else if (j.message) {
    							spanrtitle.html('<em>' + title + '</em>');
    							tdadtype.html(adtype==1?'Interstitial':(adtype==2?'Top Banner':'None'));
    						} else {
    							alert('[0x1el01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    				return false;
    			return false;
    		$('table.links_table tr[id^="lid"] a#rem').click(function() {
    			var e = $(this).parent().parent();
    			var t = e.attr('id').substr(4);
    			if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this link?')) {
    					function(r) {
    						var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    						if (j.error) {
    						} else if (j.message) {
    						} else {
    							alert('[0x1rl01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    			return false;
    	var _updateLinks = function() {
    		var lt = $('table.links_table tbody');
    		$.get('ajax.php',{opt:'get_links'}, function(r) {
    			var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    			if (j.message) {
    				lt.html(j.message.data).ready(function() {
    			} else {
    				lt.html('<tr id="no_link"><td colspan="5"><em>No data available</em></td></tr>');
    	}; _updateLinks();
    	var zclip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
    	$('div.shrink form').submit(function() {
    		var s = $('input[type="submit"]', this), t = _adb_url;
    		switch (s.attr('value')) {
    			case 'COPY': break;
    				var tval = t.val();
    				t.attr('readonly', '1');
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    							var do_another = $('<span class="do_another">DO ANOTHER</span>');
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    							s.attr('value', 'COPY');
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    							alert('[0x1sh01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    		return false;
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    			} });
    			$(this).text('More Options');
    		} else {
    			$ml_options.show().animate({ height: ml_options_height }, { duration: 300 });
    			$(this).text('Less Options');
    		if (!System::getUser()->loggedIn()) {
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    	$('div.join_page form').submit(function() {
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    			args[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val();
    		slf.html('<div class="load01"><img src="images/load01.gif" border="0" />   Registering...</div>');
    			function(r) {
    				var j = eval('(' + r + ')');
    				if (j.error) {
    					$('input:radio[name="join_atype"]:checked', slf).removeAttr("checked");
    					$('input[name]', slf).each(function() {
    						if ($(this).attr('name') == 'join_atype') {
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    						} else {
    				} else if (j.message) {
    					slf.html('<br /><center><h3 style="width:auto;">You have succesfully registered!</h3>'
    							 + '<div class="load01" style="margin-top:4px;">Please check your email for the '
    							 + 'confirmation code and validate your email address.</div>'
    							 + '<div class="load01" style="margin-top:10px;font-size:11px;">'
    							 + 'You may now close this window.</div>'
    							 + '</center>');
    				} else {
    					alert('[0x1jp01] Error Communicating With Server - Please try again');
    		return false;
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    					'TITLE' => '', 
    				    'MESSAGES' => array(), 
    				    'ERRORS' => array()
    function join_page($ret = false) {
    	$site_name = SITE_NAME;
    	$html = <<< HTML
    <div class="join_page">
    	<form action="" method="POST" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
    		<h3>Join {$site_name}</h3>
    		<div class="mainhr" style="margin-bottom:5px;"></div>
    		<div class="field">
    			<div class="field_name">Your Name:</div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="text" name="join_name" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right"></div>
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    			<div class="field_name">Your Email:</div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="text" name="join_email" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right"></div>
    		<div class="field">
    			<div class="field_name">Re-type Email:</div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="text" name="join_remail" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right"></div>
    		<div class="field">
    			<div class="field_name">Password:</div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="password" name="join_pass" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right"></div>
    		<div class="field">
    			<div class="field_name">Re-type Password:</div>
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    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="password" name="join_rpass" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right"></div>
    		<div class="field">
    			<div class="field_name">Account Type:</div>
    			<div class="field_name" style="font-size:12px;">
    					<span style="width:50px;">
    						<input type="radio" name="join_atype" value="1" checked="yes" />
    					Link Shrinker
    					<div style="margin-left:25px;font-size:11px;">
    						- Share links
    					<span style="width:50px;">
    						<input type="radio" name="join_atype" value="2" />
    					<div style="margin-left:25px;font-size:11px;">
    						- Advertise your ads
    		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    		<div class="field" style="margin-top:10px;">
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left dark"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg dark">
    				<input type="submit" name="join_sub" value="I AGREE TO THE TERMS & CONDITIONS, LET ME JOIN!" />
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 right dark"></div>
    		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    	if ($ret) return $html;
    	echo $html;
    function announcements($ret = false) {
    	global $_GLOBAL;
    	$html = '<div class="user_content"><h2>Announcements</h2>';
    	if ($news = System::getDB()->getRows($_GLOBAL['TABLES']['NEWS'], '', '`date` DESC', '10')) {
    		foreach ($news as $item) {
    			$html .= '<div style="min-width:75px;float:left;font-weight:bold;">';
    			$html .= date('d/m/Y', strtotime($item['date'])) . '</div>';
    			$html .= '<div style="float:left;">' . $item['message'] . '</div>';
    			$html .= '<div style="clear:both;height:5px;"></div>';
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    		$html .= '<em>none</em>';
    	$html .= '</div>';
    	if ($ret) return $html;
    	echo $html;
    function site_header($show_shrinker = 0, $extra_links = null, $isAdmin = false, $cWidth = 85) {
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    	/* site_header() {{{ */
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    	<title><?php echo $H_TEMPLATE['PAGE_TITLE']; ?></title>
    	<meta name="keywords" content="short links, tinyurl, bitly, bit.ly, earn money, link advertising, tiny url, url shortener" />
    	<meta name="description" content="Earn cash for each visitor to your shortened url links with <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>!" />
    	<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
    	<META name="author" content="kaylor <support@adglo.be, adglo.be>">
    	<META name="designer" content="kaylor">
    	<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright 2014">
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        <!-- #customize your modal window here -->
        <div id="dialog" class="window">
            <div class="user_login">
    	<form action="" method="POST">
    		<h3>Current users, login:</h3>
    		<div class="fields">
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg">
    				<input type="text" name="usr_email" value="<?php echo $usr_email; ?>" />
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    			<div class="nspr inneri2 left dark"></div>
    			<div class="nspr inneri2 bg dark">
    				<input type="submit" name="usr_sub" value="LOGIN" />
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    		<div class="field_opts">
    			<div style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;">
    				<input type="checkbox" name="usr_rmbr" value="1"<?php echo ($_COOKIE['USERNAME']&&$_COOKIE['PASSWORD']?' checked':''); ?>>
    				Remember Me
                <a href="forgot.php">Forgot Password?</a>
        <!-- Do not remove div#mask, because you'll need it to fill the whole screen --> 
        <div id="mask"></div>
    	<div class="main_ctr"<?php echo ($isAdmin?" style='width:{$cWidth}%;'":''); ?>>
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        <?php if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) {
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    	} else if ((System::getUser()->loggedIn() && !$isAdmin) || is_array($extra_links)) {
    	} else {?>
        <div style="float:right; margin:0px; display:block;"><a href="#dialog" name="modal"><img src="images/login.png" /></a></div>
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    		<div class="logo"<?php if ((System::getUser()->loggedIn() && !$isAdmin)||is_array($extra_links)) echo ' style="float: left;"'; ?>>
    			<a href="index.php"></a>
    		<?php if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() && !$isAdmin) { ?>
    		<div class="navigation"<?php if (is_array($extra_links)) echo ' style="margin-top:15px;"'; ?>>
    			<a href="index.php?">Home</a>
    			<?php if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 2) { ?>
    			<a href="advertising.php">Create Campaign</a>
    			<a href="referrals.php">Referrals</a>
    			<?php } else { ?>
    			<a href="referrals.php">Referrals</a>
    			<a href="tools.php">Tools</a>
    			<a href="withdraw.php">Withdraw</a>
    			<?php } ?>
    			<a href="account.php">Account</a>
    			<a href="index.php?logout">Logout</a>
    				if (is_array($extra_links)) {
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    						echo ">{$k}</a>";
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    					if (isset($v[2]) && $v[2]) echo 'float:right;';
    					echo "'" . ($v[1] ? " class='selected'" : '') . ">{$k}</a>";
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    				echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
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    					echo '<div style="text-align:left;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">';
    					echo count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']) .  ' ERRORS HAVE OCCURED:</div>';
    				for ($i = 0; $i < count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']); $i++) {
    					echo $H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'][$i];
    					if ($i < count($H_TEMPLATE['ERRORS']) - 1) echo '<br />';
    			echo '</div>';
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    				 . (!empty($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES'])?'block':'none') . ';">';
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    					echo '<div style="text-align:left;font-size:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">';
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    					if ($i < count($H_TEMPLATE['MESSAGES']) - 1) echo '<br />';
    			echo '</div>';
    			<div style="padding: 5px; background-color: red; color: #ffffff; text-align:center; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
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    			if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 2 && $show_shrinker) {
    		<div class="shrink">
    			<form action="" method="POST" style="margin:0;">
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    						<input type="text" name="adb_url" class="shrinker" value="<?php echo $adb_url; ?>" />
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    						<input type="submit" name="adb_sub" class="shrinker" value="SHRINK!" />
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    					if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() != 1) {
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    					} else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn() == 1) {
    					<div class="ml_options">
    						<div class="nspr outeri2 bg">More Options</div>
    						<div class="nspr outeri2 right"></div>
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    						<span style="float:left;width:125px;margin-top:6px;">Advertising Type:</span>
    						<span style="float:left;">
    							<select style="width:200px;" name="advert_type">
    								<option value="1">Interstitial Advert ($$$$$)</option>
    								<option value="2">Framed Banner ($$$)</option>
    								<option value="3">No Advert</option>
    						<div style="clear:both;height:10px;"></div>
    						<span style="float:left;width:125px;margin-top:6px;">Custom Name:</span>
    						<span style="float:left;">
    							<input type="text" name="custom_name" maxlength="40" style="width:200px;" />
    				<?php } ?>
    		<?php	if (!System::getUser()->loggedIn()) { ?>
    		<div class="joinbtn">
    			<div class="nspr outeri2 left over"></div>
    			<div class="nspr outeri2 bg over" >JOIN NOW</div>
    			<div class="nspr outeri2 right over"></div>
    			} else if (System::getUser()->loggedIn()) echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
    			if ($H_TEMPLATE['TITLE']) {
    				echo "<h2 class='page_title'>{$H_TEMPLATE['TITLE']}</h2>";
    } /* }}} site_header() */
    function site_footer($show_copyright = true) {
    	global $F_TEMPLATE;
    	/* site_footer() {{{ */
    	if ($show_copyright) {
    		<div class="footer" style="padding-top:40px;">
    			<span style="float:left;">
    				© Copyright 2014 <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>
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    			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
    	if (!empty($F_TEMPLATE['ERRORS'])) {
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    		echo "alert('{$errors}');";
    		echo '</script>';
    } /* }}} site_footer() */
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