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  1. hey guys, im pretty awful in programming, so bare with me. im using javascript to pop-up a message box. if user confirms, the page will insert data in mysql and redirects to the index page. if user cancels the pop-up message, it will just stay on the main page. but i can't seemed to pass the variables as it calls a set function... what did i do wrong? any help from anyone is highly appreciated. html page <form method="post" action="seatplan_occupied.php"> <input name = "btn_seatOccupied" type = "submit" class="btnFORM" value="CONFIRM" onClick="seatOccupied()"> </form> php/javascript page (seatplan_occupied.php) <script> function seatOccupied() { document.getElementById("btn_seatOccupied").innerHTML; if (confirm("Are you sure you want to confirm your purchase?") == true) { alert("Yeay! You bought ticket/s"); <?php include("databaseconnect.php"); mysql_query("UPDATE tblseatchart SET seatSTATUS='Occupied' WHERE seatSTATUS='Selected'"); include("index.php"); ?> } else { alert("Owh No! You Cancelled to confirm... Whats wrong?"); } } </script>
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