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Everything posted by Moez

  1. the same query is running in other function function get_all_details() { global $connection ; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM books LIMIT 5"); while( $detail= mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "$detail[isbn]<br> $detail[title]<br>$detail[price]<br>$detail[discription]" ; } }
  2. if i use define("DB_USERNAME", "root "); also same error username is root
  3. define("DB_HOST", "localhost"); define("DB_USERNAME", "locahhost'@'root "); define("DB_PASSWORD", NULL); define("DB_DATABASE", "poll"); if (!$db = @mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD,DB_DATABASE)) { echo 'Could not connect to db<br />'; exit;
  4. if (!$db_conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'poll', 'poll', 'poll')) { echo 'Could not connect to db<br />'; exit; } in new mysqli() what are parameter use , poll is db or password ??
  5. in imagettfbbox() function the 3rd parameter is giving error invalid font filename i think my path is ok tthen why will be mistake in $fontname ???
  6. putenv('GDFONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts') ; $fontname = arial; do{ $fontname-- ; $bbox = imagettfbbox($font_size,0,$fontname, $text);
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