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About whizard

  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA, USA

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  1. $days_left = $date_expiry - $date_today; if($days_left > 3) { $msg = "You have ".$days_left." of your Trial."; } elseif($days_left < 3 && $days_left > 0) { $msg = "Warning: You only have ".$days_left." of your Trial."; } elseif($days_left = 0) { $msg = "Warning: Today is the last day of your Trial."; } else { $msg = "Your free Trial has expired. Please subscribe"; } HTH Dan
  2. Try $cookieUser = $_GET['user']; $cookiePass = $_GET['password']; $sqlUser = 'SELECT user, passmd5 FROM users WHERE user="'.$cookieUser.'"'; $result = mysql_query($sqlUser) or die(mysql_error()); $userData = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); if($userData['user'] == $cookieUser && $userData['passmd5'] == $cookiePass) { //Success! What it should be doing } that should give an error if the query is wrong.
  3. true. someone's bored. 0-o and I didn't mean to be rude myself, so my apologies, linux.
  4. Try this: http://php.resourceindex.com/Documentation/Examples_and_Tutorials/Form_Processing/ (I would start with the first link, not the second about feedback forms) and this: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=feedback+comment+form+PHP+tutorial I'm not tryna just send you away, just there's no point in me writing a four page tutorial when there are hundreds out there already. Dan
  5. ok, true that this is probably off-topic, and that is was misspelled, but there's no call for that type of condescension here. Especially as your very second post in an online community. Dan
  6. you need to a)set up the HTML form b)set up a PHP script which takes the variables from the form c)continue in the same PHP script to insert the data into a database d)set up your homepage so that it gets the feedback out of the database and puts in on the homepage/wherever. There are hundreds of tutorials and things online for this. Dan
  7. define "doesn't work" Do you get an error message? What specifically happens?
  8. It doesn't matter if its an include page or line one of index.html in root. It doesn't matter if its HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, or anything else. There's still no such thing as an <h7> tag.
  9. oh.... then, you should be able to write an .htaccess for that, I think. There are a few websites that can even spit out the correct .htaccess for you on google.
  10. and... there's no such thing as an <h7> tag...
  11. That's a subdomain. Your host's CP should have a tool for setting them up. Dan
  12. use the header command in your PHP before any output is sent to the browser (IE print or echo statemnt, etc): header("Location: thankYou.html"); HTH Dan
  13. Each browser has its own form elements. You can't control how they look, besides setting basic attributes like size and background color with CSS.
  14. index.register.username.focus(); should be document.register.username.focus(); document is a keyword. since theres only one document, it automatically assumes its the current file. This goes in the body, wherever. (with the <script> tags around it, obviosly) HTH Dan
  15. That's not an error, its a notice, which is a non-fatal message which just gives you information about an irregularity in your script. In this case, the first time the script goes through the foreach loop, it is asked to append "Checked: $value\n"; to the variable $check_msg, which doesn't exist, hence the undefined error. To fix it, just add $check_msg = ""; before the foreach loop. Also, you are getting the text about if(isset..... because you have it written outside the closing PHP tag. Dan ahh... beaten by bluejay.
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