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  1. Finally, it's working! I had include 'chart.php', which wouldn't trigger an error warning. Thanks to @notioncommotion's suggestion, I used require instead, plus absolute, not relative path. Not sure why using absolute path would've made a difference, but it did. Thanks guys, this had been driving me crazy for a week.
  2. @quickoldcar: that is exactly how my non-functioning script looks like. I'm afraid that errant } in my code above was inadvertently carried over from my copying and pasting. Besides, that would have thrown off a syntax error. Thanks though.
  3. @chou3r: thanks for the suggestions, I did previously added include, and require as well, the latter just so it would trigger a fatal error if in fact something was wrong. Still got a blank page. Likewise when I incorporated your suggested error reporting. Thanks for the tip though. Puzzles me how such a spartan script can still fail.
  4. @mac_gyver: sorry, my bad, I didn't copy and paste that code, which I should have. It was so short that I decided to just type it right there. The original is tagged correctly, I would've noticed the syntax highlighting otherwise. It's still square 1 for me.
  5. I'm writing a program that allows users to input a stock and view a historical price chart. Code is straight out of libchart charting library. Problem is, user is supposed to enter the stock symbol from a form handler (index.php) which then passes the symbol as a variable to the charting function, which doesn't get called at all: <? php function index() { chart($_POST['userinput']}; } ?> . <?php function chart($stock) { $prices=getdata($stock); //returns array of prices from yahoo finance $data=analyzer($prices); //produces metrics to be charted graph($data); } ?> //plots the metrics, outputs .html chart.php works on its own, as I've verified by hardcoding $argv='ibm'; in its code body. But index.php can't seem to call chart.php, as I've verified by including an echo/var_dump line in chart.php (doesn't get executed at all). It doesn't have anything to do with form handling either, as chart('ibm'); doesn't call chart.php either. I don't understand how a 6-line piece of code can be so problematic. All files are in the same folder, btw. Thanks.
  6. @barand: Dude, you know what, I made a dumb mistake, I did a print_r previously but didn't scroll all the way down to see all 43 entries. I followed your advice with var_export (output the same array) but this time I noticed my final was messed up, I tacked on a metric I calculated that resulted in the error. Thanks for your help!
  7. @quickoldcar: My mistake, I missed a ) transcribing to my post, the original did have it, php would've caught it otherwise. Thanks. @barand: the first part of the code pulls 2-month stock price data from yahoo finance csv, and populates date and open, high, low, close price keys correspondingly (above snippet uses close). Here's gist of (not very cleanly-written) code: $url = 'http://real-chart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s='.'KO'.'&a='.$prevmonth.'&b='.$prevday.'&c='.$prevyear.'&d='.$curmonth.'&e='.$curday.'&f='.$curyear.'&g=d&ignore=.csv'; //'KO' refers to ticker symbol of Coca Cola $handle = fopen($url, "r"); $arr['filesize'] = sizeof($handle); $keys = array('line', 'date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'adj'); //new keys $arr = array(); $buffer = fgets($handle, 5120); if ($buffer == "") return false; //parse each line and place into array $one while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 5120)) !== false) { if (!preg_match('/([0-9\-]{10})[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)[\,]{1}([0-9\.]+)\s?/', $buffer, $one)) return false; $one = array_combine($keys, array_values($one)); //rekeying $rawdata[] = $one; } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n"; return false; } fclose($handle); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($rawdata); $i++) { $dataarray[$i]['date']=$rawdata[$i]['date']; $dataarray[$i]['high']=$rawdata[$i]['high']; $dataarray[$i]['low']=$rawdata[$i]['low']; $dataarray[$i]['close']=$rawdata[$i]['close']; } $prices = (array_reverse($dataarray));//flip price array order the charting code comes straight from libchart documentation, which plots daily closing prices (Y axis) and trading date (X axis): $chart1 = new LineChart();//start macdchart $serie1 = new XYDataSet(); $chart2 = new LineChart(); $serie2 = new XYDataSet(); $serie3 = new XYDataSet(); for ($i=25; $i<sizeof($prices); $i++) { $serie1->addPoint(new Point($prices[$i]['date'], $prices[$i]['close']); } Hope this is enough detail. Thanks.
  8. @mogosselin: Yes, it is an array as verified by is_array(), plus I've used the price key in some functions in the same code prior to the 1 specified above without any problems. Je n'ai aucune idee, pourquoi il ne marche pas. Merci beaucoup. @daviddannis: The indices are correct, and I have previously used print_r as well as isset() to verify that the array values are set and correct. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  9. I am writing a script that downloads stock data and graphs the prices using libchart charting library. After downloading data to array $prices, I use the following line to add a new data point to my chart: $serie1->addPoint(new Point($prices[$i]['date'], $prices[$i]['price']); $prices contains both date and price keys. However, this throws off illegal string offset error for both keys. I have checked with isset, both variables contain values. I have also tried typecasting, date with (string) and price with (float), but these threw off new errors. What could be causing the illegal string offset error? Is there a way to silence it?
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