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Everything posted by phpheart

  1. im trying to make a salary system which would display a month salary according to login hours so i got two different tables storing data like 1. users table id, name, password, salary 2.attendance table id, user_id, Employee_Name, Remark, Login_Hours, Date so what im looking to do is fetch all users id, name and salary from users table and then match it with attendance user_id,Employee_Name ,Login_Hours, table and then also count numbers of result for a particular year-month so that i could do the hourly wage calculation. could someone help out i got no idea how to achieve it apprieciate your help, thanks i tried something like this it does output something but still dunno how to match results of both tables and get result $date = '2014-11'; $query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM attendance WHERE Date LIKE '%".$date."%' AND Employee_Name='moses'"; $total_pages = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query1)); $total_res = $total_res[num]; // total rows counting of total office days of a month $result2=mysql_query("SELECT id, user_id, Employee_Name, Remark, SUM(Login_Hours), Date FROM attendance WHERE Employee_Name='moses'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ echo $sal_to_month = 9000/$total_res; //9000 is salary should be fetched from users table echo '<br/>'; echo $sal_to_month/9*$row['SUM(Login_Hours)']; }
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