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Everything posted by YZFR1

  1. Point taken, like I said it's a haystack. Here's the events.php and datax.php. Events <? if (isset ($item)){ $query = "select * from events where id='$item' "; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); while ($r= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //$flag=$r["flag"]; ?> <h2><? echo $r["title"]?></h2> <? if ($r['thumbnail']!=''){?> <img class="thumbnail" src="/img/<? echo $r['id'];?>/events/thumbnail/200" alt=""> <? }?> <p class="storyDate"><strong><? echo date ( "d M Y",$r["date"])?></strong></p> <? echo $r["main_page"]?> <? } } else{ echo '<h1></h1>'; echo $body; $nowx=$now-86400; $query = "select * from events where `microsite`='$microsite' and `date`>$nowx order by `date` asc "; $result= mysql_query($query); while ($r= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <a href="<? echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>/<? echo $r['id'];?>/<? echo $r['title'];?>" class="news"> <div class="news-single"> <? if ($r['thumbnail']!=''){?> <img class="thumbnail" src="/img_crop/<? echo $r['id'];?>/events/thumbnail/50/50/1:1" width="50" height="50" alt=""> <? }?> <h3><strong><? echo $r['title'];?> </strong></h3> <p class="news_date"><? echo date ("j M y",$r['date']);?></p> <p><? echo $r['short_description'];?>...</p> </div> </a> <? } } ?> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Datax <div id="con_div"><? //config   $table='news'; $order=' timestamp desc';       //workings //File uploads for graphics and docs if (count($_FILES)!=0){ foreach($_FILES["graphic"]["name"] as $key=>$val){ //echo $key; if ($_FILES["graphic"]["name"][$key]!=''){ $graphic_name=$_FILES["graphic"]["name"][$key]; $dest=$root.'/pics/'.$graphic_name; //echo $dest; copy($_FILES["graphic"]["tmp_name"][$key], $dest); } } } // get the structure $query = "DESCRIBE $table"; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); while ($r= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //create the ket type array $keytype[$r[Field]]=$r[Type]; } //delete resource if (isset ($delete_resource)){ $query = "delete from $table where id='$delete_resource' "; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); } // if we are inserting if (isset ($change) && $change==''){ $unixtime=mktime( 0, 0, 0, $timestamp[3], $timestamp[4], $timestamp[5]); $_POST["timestamp"]=$unixtime; echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); print_r($_GET); print_r($_FILES); echo '</pre>'; // roll through the POST variables foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){ //@@@@@@@@@@@@@|| // needs to be variable || //@@@@@@@@@@@@@|| if($key=='timestamp') { // check whether it is empty if ($_FILES["graphic"]["name"]["thumbnail"]!=''){ $xxx=$_FILES["graphic"]["name"]["thumbnail"]; $construct.=' `thumbnail`, '; $inserts.=", '$xxx' "; } } // bit of a clean up if($key=='change') continue; if($key=='deletepic') continue; //implode the variable if it is an array if(is_array($val)) { $val = implode (",", $val); } $_POST[$key]=addslashes($val); $key_name = rtrim($key, "x"); $construct.=' `'.$key_name.'`, '; $inserts.=", '".addslashes($val)."' "; } // end of the POST construct // take off the end comma $construct = rtrim($construct, ", "); // The query $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` ( `id`, $construct) VALUES ( 'NULL' $inserts )"; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); // echo $query; $edit=mysql_insert_id(); $path='/'; }   //This is the update if (isset ($change) && $change!=''){ $unixtime=mktime( 0, 0, 0, $timestamp[3], $timestamp[4], $timestamp[5]); $_POST["timestamp"]=$unixtime;   //@@@@@@@@@@@@@|| // needs to be variable || //@@@@@@@@@@@@@||   foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){ if($key=='timestamp') { // check whether it is empty if ($_FILES["graphic"]["name"]["thumbnail"]!=''){ $xxx=$_FILES["graphic"]["name"]["thumbnail"]; $changes.=" thumbnail = '$xxx', "; } if ($deletepic["thumbnail"]=='yes'){ $changes.=" `thumbnail` = '', "; } } // bit of a clean up if($key=='change') continue; if($key=='deletepic') continue; if(is_array($val)) { $val = implode (",", $val); } $_POST[$key]=addslashes($val); $key_name = rtrim($key, "x"); $val=addslashes($val); $changes.=" $key_name = '$val', "; } $changes = rtrim($changes, ", ");   $query = "UPDATE `$table` SET $changes WHERE `id` ='$change' "; //echo $query; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); }   // for the new if ($add=='yes' || isset ($edit)){ if ( isset ($edit)){ $get='&edit='.$edit; $coursesx=array(); $query = "select * from $table where id='$edit' "; // echo $query; $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); while ($r= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { foreach($r as $key=>$val) { if ($val!=''){ $resourcex[$key]=$val; } } } } else{ $resourcex["flag"]=$flag; } /*print_r($resourcex); echo $resourcex["buy_link"];*/ ?> <form action="index.php?content=<? echo $content?><? echo $get?>" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" > <input type="hidden" name="change" value="<? echo $resourcex["id"]?>"> <table summary="" border="0"> <? /* echo '<pre>'; print_r($resourcex); echo '</pre>'; */ $count=3; foreach ($keytype as $key=>$val) { if ($key=='id') continue; if (in_array($key, $skip_array)) {?> <input type="hidden" name="<? echo $key?>x" value="<? echo $resourcex[$key]?>"> <? } else{ ?> <tr> <? if ($trans_table[$key]!='x'){?> <td valign="top"><? if (array_key_exists($key, $trans_table)){echo $trans_table[$key];} else { $keyx= str_replace("_", " ", $key); echo ucfirst($keyx);}?></td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^int",$val) && $key!='timestamp' ){?> <td><input type="text" name="<? echo $key?>x" size="10" maxlength="256" value="<? echo $resourcex[$key]?>"></td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^float",$val) && $key!='image'){?> <td><input type="text" name="<? echo $key?>x" size="10" maxlength="256" value="<? echo $resourcex[$key]?>"></td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^varchar",$val) && $key!='thumbnail' && $key!='second_picture' && $key!='county' ){?> <td><input type="text" name="<? echo $key?>x" size="30" maxlength="256" value='<? echo $resourcex[$key]?>'></td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^text",$val)){?> <? if(ereg("^text",$val) && $key=='overview'){?> <td><textarea name="<? echo $key?>x" cols="30" rows="5" class="mceEditor" id="elm3" style=" height: 250px;width: 340px;"><? echo $resourcex[$key]?></textarea></td> <? } elseif(ereg("^text",$val) && $key=='findings'){?> <td><textarea name="<? echo $key?>x" cols="30" rows="5" class="mceEditor" id="elm2" style=" height: 250px;width: 340px;"><? echo $resourcex[$key]?></textarea></td> <? } elseif(ereg("^text",$val) && $key=='main_page'){?> <td colspan="2"><textarea name="<? echo $key?>x" cols="30" rows="5" class="mceEditor" id="elm1" style=" height: 250px;width: 560px;"><? echo $resourcex[$key]?></textarea> <p> <a href="upload.php" title="Upload Documents" class="iframe">Upload Documents</a> <span class="tooltip" title="Click here to start the document uploader,The documents will be available to link to in the link list drop-down"> <img src="../images/help.png" border="0" width="15" height="15" alt="" align="top" > </span> </p> </td> <? }else{?> <td><textarea name="<? echo $key?>x" cols="30" rows="5" ><? echo $resourcex[$key]?></textarea></td> <? }?> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^set",$val)){ $val = rtrim($val, "')"); $val= ltrim($val, "set('"); $option_array=explode("','", $val ); $content_array=explode(",", $resourcex[$key]); ?> <td> <? foreach ($option_array as $keyy=>$valy){?> <input type="checkbox" name="<? echo $key?>x[]" value="<? echo $valy?>" <? if (in_array($valy,$content_array)){echo ' checked';}?>> <? echo $valy?><br> <? }?> <input type="hidden" name="<? echo $key?>x[]" value=""> </td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("^enum",$val)){ $val = rtrim($val, "')"); $val= ltrim($val, "enum('"); $option_array=explode("','", $val ); ?> <td> <select name="<? echo $key?>x"> <? foreach ($option_array as $keyy=>$valy){?> <option value="<? echo $valy?>" <? if ($resourcex[$key]==$valy){echo ' selected';}?>> <? echo $valy?></option> <? }?> </select> </td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("bigint",$val)){?> <td><? if (isset ($resourcex[$key])){ $now=$resourcex[$key];} //echo $now; date_drop4($key, $now)?> </td> <? }?> <? if(ereg("254",$val ) && $key=='thumbnail' ){?> <td> <? if ($resourcex[$key]!=''){?><img src="/scale_img.php?pic=<? echo $resourcex[$key]?>&max=100&folder=pics" alt="" border="0"><br><? }?> <input type="file" name="graphic[<? echo $key?>]"> <input type="checkbox" name="deletepic[<? echo $key?>]" value="yes"> Delete? </td> <? }?> <? $inc_name=$content.'_inc.php'; include ($inc_name);?> </tr> <? }}?> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="Publish"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <? }?> </div> <div id="man_div"> <h3><? echo $words?>s</h3>     <p><img src="../images/new.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" align="absmiddle"> <a href="index.php?content=<? echo $content?>&add=yes"><b>Add <? echo $words?></b></a></p> <table summary="" border="0" width="250"> <? $limit_number=25; if ($temp_access==-1){ $query = "select * from $table where flag='$flag' order by $order"; } else{ $query = "select * from $table where flag='$flag' and `microsite`=$temp_access order by $order"; } show_page_numbers_admin($query,$pstart,$limit_number, $content, $include, "", ""); $query = add_limit($query,$pstart,$limit_number); $result= mysql_db_query("$db", $query); while ($r= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <tr> <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid;"><? echo $r["title"]?></td> <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid;" width="20"><a href="index.php?content=<? echo $content?>&edit=<? echo $r["id"]?>"><img src="../images/edit.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" border="0"></a></td> <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid;" width="20"><a href="index.php?content=<? echo $content?>&delete_resource=<? echo $r["id"]?>" > <img src="../images/kill.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" border="0"></a></td> </tr> <? } ?> </table> </div>
  2. Hi, I'll try and keep this brief but it really is a case of searching for needle in a haystack... I've just started working for a UK charity whose main activity is supported by a massive website. Stacks of information sheets, 3 distinct forums (each about the size of Freaks here), numerous blogs, events pages, webinars etc. etc. Essentially, it is an on-line free community that serves the needs of a very sizeable percentage of man and womankind. Like many charities it relies on gratis contributions from those with time or money to spare. I don't have either, but I do believe in what they are doing. The problem is that that the site itself has grown or rather mutated to become a huge data repository, built from a number of contributors with different skills sets and ways of doing things. At the back of it lurks a CMS which staff (a limited number) use to update site content. 95% of the site is in PHP, with a host of other ingredients thrown into the pot (Tiny-MCE, Perl, Ajax, Fancybox, html5, flash, blah and blah). The problem is in the CMS when someone tries to enter a date beyond 2014 there is no option to do so - -.i.e. that's as far as the dropdown goes. I can see the problem but can't find the offending script/files. Anywhere. Here's a snippet from the viewable source for those with keener eyesight: <form action="index.php?content=data_universal_new&table=events" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" > <input type="hidden" name="change" value=""> <table summary="" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top">Title</td> <td><input type="text" name="titlex" size="30" maxlength="256" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Microsite</td> <td> <select name="micrositex"> <option value="INF UK" > INF UK</option> <option value="MTL" > MTL</option> <option value="ACE BABES" > ACE BABES</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Short description</td> <td><textarea name="short_descriptionx" cols="40" rows="5" ></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Thumbnail</td> <td> <input type="file" name="graphic[thumbnailx]"> <input type="checkbox" name="deletepic[thumbnail]" value="yes"> Delete? </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Main page</td> <td> <div id="tm"><textarea id="elm1" name="main_pagex" style=" height: 400px;width:460px;" class="mceEditor"></textarea></div> <p> <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleEditor(id) { if (!tinyMCE.getInstanceById(id)) tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, id); else tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, id); } </script> <div><a href="javascript:toggleEditor('elm1');">[Add/Remove editor]</a></div> <a href="upload.php" title="Upload Documents" class="iframe">Upload Documents</a> <span class="tooltip" title="Click here to start the document uploader,The documents will be available to link to in the link list drop-down"> <img src="../images/help.png" border="0" width="15" height="15" alt="" align="top" > </span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Date</td> <td> <select name="date[4]"> <option >1</option> <option >2</option> <option >3</option> <option >4</option> <option >5</option> <option >6</option> <option >7</option> <option >8</option> <option >9</option> <option >10</option> <option >11</option> <option >12</option> <option >13</option> <option >14</option> <option >15</option> <option >16</option> <option >17</option> <option >18</option> <option >19</option> <option >20</option> <option >21</option> <option >22</option> <option >23</option> <option >24</option> <option selected>25</option> <option >26</option> <option >27</option> <option >28</option> <option >29</option> <option >30</option> <option >31</option> </select> <select name="date[3]"> <option value="1" >Jan</option> <option value="2" >Feb</option> <option value="3" >Mar</option> <option value="4" >Apr</option> <option value="5" >May</option> <option value="6" >Jun</option> <option value="7" >Jul</option> <option value="8" >Aug</option> <option value="9" >Sep</option> <option value="10" >Oct</option> <option value="11" selected>Nov</option> <option value="12" >Dec</option> </select> <select name="date[5]"> <option value="2002" >2002</option> <option value="2003" >2003</option> <option value="2004" >2004</option> <option value="2005" >2005</option> <option value="2006" >2006</option> <option value="2007" >2007</option> <option value="2008" >2008</option> <option value="2009" >2009</option> <option value="2010" >2010</option> <option value="2011" >2011</option> <option value="2012" >2012</option> <option value="2013" >2013</option> <option value="2014" selected >2014</option> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div>     <div id="man_div"> <p><a href="index.php?content=data_universal_new&add=yes&table=events">Add event</a></p> Hmm. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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