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Everything posted by CamillaG

  1. Oh alright! That makes sense, thank you so much Berend! However after I add that into my code in NetBeans, nothing really happens when I try to run it, how am I meant to create a new file? Or write into a new file?
  2. Dear Barand, I don't really know how to do that, could you please show me?
  3. Hello, I have been assigned a PHP problem for my programming class. I'm a beginner so I am finding it really hard to figure out what to do. I got this far thanks to the internet. The problem is to take a list of students, place it in a multidimensional array, sort it, then divide it in half and place each half in two new files. I can't seem to figure out the last step. This is my code so far: <?php $students=array_map('str_getcsv', file('student.txt')); foreach ($student as $key => $row) $lastname [$key] = strtolower ($row[2]); array_multisort($lastname, SORT_ASC, $students); $groupone= array_slice($students,0,10); $grouptwo=array_slice($students,10); echo "<pre>" , print_r($groupone), "</pre>"; echo "<pre>" , print_r($grouptwo), "</pre>"; $firstgroup=fopen(firstgroup.txt, "w"); echo fwrite ($firstgroup,$groupone); fclose($firstgroup); At this point I get an error because I should use a string not an array to write the new file. I don't actually know how to create a new file and export the information onto it, this is me guessing. I would really really appreaciaite it if someone could help me out or point me in the right direction. Thank you so much, Camilla
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