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  1. Thanks, but that doesn't work either. Also iMac got a blank screen....
  2. The problem is, that the screen from the iPhone is grey and doesn't go to google (which I inserted as a test). Where do I have to put in the code? In the head or in the body or elsewhere?
  3. Thanks a lot, that I saw and tried also. But I can't figure out where I have to put it in my code.
  4. I tried also this one: The iMac works, but the iPhone is grey. Where do I have to put it corretly?
  5. Hi everybody I want to put this code (or something like that) in my index.php to redirect the iPhones etc. But where do I have to put it in? In the head or body?? And how can I call this function? Thanks a lot for helping a beginner! function ismobile(){ $useragent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]; // Standard vendor-model/version user agents if(preg_match(‘/^((ACER¦Alcatel¦AUDIOVOX¦BlackBerry¦CDM¦Ericsson¦LG\b¦LGE¦Motorola¦MOT¦NEC¦Nokia¦Panasonic¦QCI¦SAGEM¦SAMSUNG¦SEC¦Sanyo¦Sendo¦SHARP¦SIE¦SonyEricsson¦Telit¦Telit_mobile_Terminals¦TSM)[- ]?([^\/\s\_]+))(\/(\S+))?/’, $useragent)){ return true; }else{ return false; } }
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