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Everything posted by Levian

  1. Oh...I thought you were talking about CentOS version... As the PHP it's stated as 5.3.3 [root@localhost etc]# php -v PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2014 09:52:36) Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies Well, I'll try 5.4, could you recommend which repo should I pick the installer from ? I'd been reading some stuffs about webtatic n ius n stuffs...
  2. php53-common-5.3.3-26.el5_11.x86_64 from installed has depsolving problems --> php53-common conflicts with php-common Error: php53-common conflicts with php-common You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: package-cleanup --problems package-cleanup --dupes rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest The program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package. Well, that's the result of yum install php...since I have already had php53 in mine as listed above, that's probably why... yum upgrade itself only brings up fribidi n jdk update, those doesn't seem relevant, but anyway here it is Dependencies Resolved ================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Updating: fribidi x86_64 0.19.2-2.el5 epel 53 k java-1.6.0-openjdk x86_64 1: updates 43 M Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 0 Package(s) Upgrade 2 Package(s) So far, it's as if no php runs n browsing the page only gives me line of codes or a list of files n folders..
  3. Thanks for the reply guys, Well, requinix I edited with those php53 lists on grep... I can't find ones with "apache2" though... [root@localhost ~]# yum list installed | grep "httpd" httpd.x86_64 2.2.3-91.el5.centos installed httpd-manual.x86_64 2.2.3-91.el5.centos installed system-config-httpd.noarch 5: installed [root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep httpd httpd-manual-2.2.3-91.el5.centos httpd-2.2.3-91.el5.centos system-config-httpd- Those httpd however should means apache is installed n the page to the var/www/html point out to apache installation. Zane, I'll retry those (I recall I'd upgrade almost everything if not everything, but my mind is quite hazy with the confusion), but isn't 5.11 is a later version compared to 5.6 ? it sounds more of a downgrade than an upgrade for me...but maybe I'll go for 5.10 or something which probably more stable. Well, I'm not asking experts...I'm asking ppl who are willing to help n whoever it is...is very much appreciated. Ok, off with another series of try-to-fix-this, be back to post whatever I find
  4. Thanks requinix, Well, now confusion deepen.... I just turn on the display error n either with error_reporting = -1 or the previous value which is E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED...both displayed something indeed.... It's now displaying my line of code along with the <?php ?> tags Any idea what's missing here ? Regarding that outdated version...well, I tried to investigate the previous outdated value problem...well, there's complication with whole downtime stuffs...but, well...hopefully that's not the case, anyway I just want to give it a hand on trying it myself first with the limited resources available here. BTW, speaking of which...should I get to the latest, should I go with Centos 5 or 6 ? Addition : [root@localhost etc]# yum list installed | grep "php" php53-cli.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-common.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-gd.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-mcrypt.x86_64 5.3.3-1.el5 installed php53-mysql.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-pdo.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-xml.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed php53-xmlrpc.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed Thanks n regards,
  5. It maybe related to my other post about outdated value I got myself a server and now it's on Centos 5.11 with Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.3.3, & MySQL 5.0.95 I put all database inside as well as the web files. And just about the time when I think it's all done I tested and...things are just wrong... 2 web file folders were put to 2 sub directory of var/www/html 1 using mysql_connect and another mysqli_connect The one using mysql_connect can connect just fine, however some list are blank, while the one using mysqli_connect totally can't connect to the database. Then I cut a pieces of the connection part n put it alone to test the connection, but I get blank page $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","username","password","dbname") or die("Error ".mysqli_error($con)); Completely nothing but a blank page is the result of the code. I wish I can see error page so I can start with the wrong part, but here again...I'm clueless on what's going on [root@localhost ~]# yum list installed | grep mysql mysql.x86_64 5.0.95-5.el5_9 installed mysql-connector-odbc.x86_64 3.51.26r1127-2.el5 installed mysql-server.x86_64 5.0.95-5.el5_9 installed php53-mysql.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el5_11 installed [root@localhost ~]# php -m | grep mysql mysql mysqli pdo_mysql [root@localhost ~]# Anyone know the solution or this or had the same problem can shed a light into this ? Thanks in advance,
  6. Again thanks requinix, Well, I used SoapVar with XSD_ANYXML n response is well received...it's not really how I want it (as it's in StdClass object instead of array/xml), but it's a good first step. Well, thanks a lot...I'll keep in mind to check my request next time.
  7. Thanks for the response requinix, It seems somehow that's how it is from what I just saw in __getLastRequest() somehow it turns into <ns1:aaa /> So it may have to do with how to put xml into php kind of stuff. $client = new SoapClient('web service wsdl', array('trace' => 1)); $client->__setSoapHeaders($header); $result = $client->getSomething($params); This was how I did it n the $params is a nested array (from the xml nodes...in which some of the nodes have xml namespaces) During my time figuring out on how to solve this...I stumbled upon soapVar and something like extending soapclient...still figuring out how to use it in my case n whether or not it solves my problem.
  8. Hi, Well, I'm having this The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'GetSomething'. End element 'Body' from namespace 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' expected. Found element 'param1' from namespace ''. The soapclient request itself is something with multiple namespaces, like : <aaa xmlns="namespace1"> <bbb xmlns="namespace2" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <requestparams>xxxxx</requestparams> </bbb> </aaa> So far I think this may got to do with multiple namespaces, so I've been trying to figure out how to deal with this for hours to no avail. Anyone can shed a light into this problem ? Thanks in advance,
  9. Just encounter a confusing problem, hopefully I can find the answer here I just uploaded my codes into the hosting n find that in it, the values are not updated despite it's completely fine in my XAMPP development environment. Case is like I edit something (ajax n bootstrap modal included) the value is changed from A to B, the listing in server remains the same until manually refreshed unlike the XAMPP which automatically changing the value. Then on 2nd edit B to C...on the popup modal it'll still show the selected option as A instead of B as previously changed (data itself however is already changed to B) Next I tried to put up a print_r on the modal, it works on XAMPP showing the array of the selected value...but it shows none in the hosting server. I wonder what's the problem causing this...cause I don't seem to put expiry caching on .php file type in the .htaccess there. Can anyone shed any light in this ? My doubt is that there's something in the configuration/version that differs between the hosting server and my XAMPP server, but again I lack on experience regarding this matter to be sure of what the problem really is Thanks in advance, ---- Just realize it's posted on the wrong place...should have been in server stuff instead of client, any mod please put this in the right place if you don't mind...sorry for the bother
  10. I'd asked some questions here n answer confirmed stuff n all come to the initial confusion The problem seems started when I hit "refresh" (when codes changes I usually hit refresh) or there's no activities (means no check whether it's logged or not or do anything in site B) When it happens, it always prompted to login again...means the check is failing...on the 2nd case it may be caused by timeout setting, but I have no idea on why it's happening by simply refreshing... Anyone has any idea on what to check in such situation ? Thanks in advance,
  11. Thanks requinix, Maybe I should rephrase my question... There's 2 sites, the users should first login to site A, then inside they're using single username to login to site B n get the needed data The connected users on site A will get different sessions...I get that, even the same user on different devices should have different session However the problem is...how site B will recognize them all as the same user ? Cause how it currently works...site B didn't get them as the same user n prompt them to login again despite it actually is logged on from another user on another device. (it's using only 1 username for site B logging) Honestly, it's confusing...more to the fact that I know not how asp works, so meanwhile I'm also seeing as to how asp works on Thanks in advance,
  12. I open a browser n it creates a new cookie file which include asp.net session id inside Then I open a browser on another (in this case a mobile browser)...n again it creates new cookie file (since the cookie file name is determined by login username n session id of the browser, which is different from the previous browser) which include a different asp.net session id. So the 2nd browser count it as a new session, create new session id, despite the fact that the same username is currently logged on 1st browser, or so it seems to me.
  13. Thanks for the reply requinix, May I inquire a bit more.... The first one...is it about asp.net session id inside the cookie file ? n I'm not quite understand the 2nd line of the if...sorry if it sounds like a dumb question...it does I admit it I hope you don't mind answering. Thanks,
  14. Forgotten...thanks a lot to both of you for the help...it really helps a lot...time-wise especially...
  15. I'd just made it a new post. Anyway as for conclusion of my question on parsing...regex isn't really a safe way to parse html document, hence using preg_match directly to parse html is risky on its own...probably as time goes on n html isn't as forgiving... Is there any way to mark this post as "SOLVED" ?
  16. Hi, I'd stumbled upon a problem around doing curl on an asp website which use cookie. I use username n session id to determine the cookie file, on a case when a second browser open up it should have different session id, hence it may create new cookies instead of using the active previously-made cookie file, please do correct me if I'm wrong. So question is....how to detect a user is logged or not in such situation ? Or perhaps how is the proper way to determine a cookie file in such situation ? Thanks in advance,
  17. I see, thanks for the words hansford I'm stumbled on yet another stuffs around curl... Well, the problem is because the login id is one n used by many...I'm using username n session id to determine the cookies, on a case when a second browser open up it should have different session id, hence it may create new cookies instead of using the active previously-made cookie file, please do correct me if I'm wrong. Any idea on how to detect that user is logged or not ?
  18. Thanks bsmither n hansford for the reply. Well, strpos gives me result, n that htmlparsing is a good addition to my knowledge. Anyway found some problem ahead that needs to be solved first before going with more "parsing", I did found another problem with using preg_match n regex to parse further, but I want to double-check things first before going ahead with any more question. Last for now, I just wonder what's the bad side of using regex to parse html documents (regardless, I'll try to use dom parser more...the question is just a curiosity of mine)
  19. That's a real fast, thanks a lot bsmither Yes, returntransfer is set to true If you don't mind could you please enlighten me as to the fact behind that "be careful" ? what may go wrong with xml object ? Anyway it should be a page capture as I need to detect the presence or absence of some word, so it should be html object instead of xml. What I meant is that I'm using preg_match n so far as I know the matching pattern is done with regex, please do correct me if I'm mistaken in this I'll try strpos as per your advice.
  20. Hi, Well, I've been wondering if I can get answer to my problem here... I'd used curl to fetch information from other site and then I need to parse the data to be displayed in our own. However I found something odd...I can't parse it to get what I want...however should I put the result into a html file, n parse the file itself...it's fine. Basically I just need to find whether a word/phrase is there or not...n I'm using preg_match to do it so far. Since the time it first arises...I'd been googling n saw some posts...something similar to how regex is doing poorly in doing such thing... However it does work when I just make a php file just to do that regex from the curl-result html file, it just not work on the actual php file which handle the process even if it's from the same curl-result html file. FYI, I'm using codeigniter. I wonder if it got something to do with codeigniter or something...or is there any other better way to parse a html file from a curl result. In my opinion it's just the same...be it a curl result or just a normal html...so I really can't figure out where it went wrong. I appreciate if there's anyone who can shed a light on this problem, even a little bit is a great help to me Thanks in advance,
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