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  1. hi i have installed this script phpenter.net and it got lnaguage options and if i chose different then english default langauge i get issue with link.php page it goes blank where it suppose to divert to sigin.php and back agian to link,php after you finish login .Thanks i am posting code below <?php session_start(); /* * ******************************************************************** * Copyright notice PHP Enter * * (c) 2011 Predrag Rukavina - admin[at]phpenter[dot]net * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the PHP Enter project. * The PHP Enter project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * This copyright notice MUST appear in all copies of the script! * ********************************************************************** */ include ('settings.php'); require_once ('languages/lang_'.$langs.'.php'); require_once ('salt.php'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); require_once ('classes/securesession.class.php'); $ss = new SecSession(); $ss->check_browser = true; $ss->check_ip_blocks = 2; $ss->secure_word = $salt; $ss->regenerate_id = true; if (!$ss->Check() || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) || !$_SESSION['loggedin']) { header('Location: signin.php'); die(); } if (!$_SESSION['inecsess']) { die(); } $arecordSet = $conn->Execute('SELECT * FROM categori ORDER BY name ASC'); if (!$arecordSet) print $conn->ErrorMsg(); else while (!$arecordSet->EOF) { if ($arecordSet->fields['cord'] == 0) { $aval[] = $arecordSet->fields; } else { $nval[] = $arecordSet->fields; } $arecordSet->MoveNext(); } $smarty->assign('categori',$aval); $smarty->assign('subcat', @$nval); $smarty->display('blank.php'); ?> <body> <div style="float:left;margin-top:4px;color:#555;"> <div id="linkpanel"> <div id="blockhead"><?php echo $lang['LINKSTORY']; ?></div><br /> <span class="hal4"> <a title="<?php echo $lang['LINKNO']; ?>" href="post.php"><?php echo $lang['LINKNO']; ?></a> </span><br /> <form action="post.php" method="post"> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKWITH']; ?></span><br /> <input type="text" name="incname" class="cinput" style="width:340px;"><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['LINKSUB']; ?>" name="Submit" class="buton"> </form> </div> <br /> <div id="linkpanel"> <?php $shouter = @$_SESSION['INC_USER_ID']; $brecordSet = $conn->Execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE usid = ?', array($shouter)); if(!$brecordSet) print $conn->ErrorMsg(); else while(!$brecordSet->EOF) { $cfullname = $brecordSet->fields['fullname']; $cusername = $brecordSet->fields['username']; $chomep = $brecordSet->fields['homep']; $cbiosi = $brecordSet->fields['biosi']; $cthumbs = $brecordSet->fields['thumbs']; $brecordSet->MoveNext(); } ?> <span class="featuredcontainer"> <div id="blockhead"><?php echo $lang['LINKPROF'] ?> <a href="uploads/<?php echo $cthumbs ?>"><img style="position:relative;top:-3px;" src="minthumb/<?php echo $cthumbs ?>" width="25px" height="25px" border="0"></a></div> <br /> </span> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="setprofile.php"><br /><br /> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKFULL']; ?></span><br /> <input type="text" name="fullname" class="cinput" value="<?php echo $cfullname ?>" style="width:340px;"><br /><br /> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKHOME']; ?></span><br /> <input type="text" name="homep" class="cinput" value="<?php echo $chomep ?>" style="width:340px;"><br /><br /> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKABOUT']; ?></span><br /> <textarea name="biosi" class="cinput" style="width:340px;"><?php echo $cbiosi; ?></textarea><br /><br /> <?php echo $lang['NEWIMAGE']; ?> <input id="check" type="checkbox" name="coption" value="1"><br /><br /> <input type="file" name="image" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['LINKSUB']; ?>" name="query" class="buton" /> </form> </div> <?php $drecordSet = $conn->Execute('SELECT * FROM modules where modap = ? and mactive = ?', array('1','1')); if(!$drecordSet) print $conn->ErrorMsg(); else while(!$drecordSet->EOF) { ?> <div id="bpanel"> <div id="blockhead"><?php echo $drecordSet->fields['modname'] ?></div> <?php echo $lang['BOOKTEXT']; ?> <a href="javascript:(function(){f='<?php echo $sitepath; ?>/bookmark.php?urld='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.replace(/http?:\/\//i, '').replace(/https?:\/\//i, ''))+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&notes='+encodeURIComponent(''+(window.getSelection?window.getSelection():document.getSelection?document.getSelection():document.selection.createRange().text))+'&v=6&';a=function(){if(!window.open(f+'noui=1&jump=doclose','enter','location=yes,links=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,width=660,height=300'))location.href=f+'jump=yes'};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)){setTimeout(a,0)}else{a()}})()"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($drecordSet->fields['mabstrt']); ?></a> </div> <?php $drecordSet->MoveNext(); } ?> </div> <div style="float:right;margin-top:4px;color:#555;"> <div id="linkpanel"> <div id="blockhead"> <?php echo $lang['LINKLINKS'] ?> </div><br /> <div id="linkhead"> <img src="themes/<?php echo $themes; ?>/styles/images/penguin.png" width="22px" height="22px" title="Howdy <?php echo $_SESSION['INC_USER_NAME']; ?>"></a> <?php echo $lang['RETHEADE'] ?> <?php echo $_SESSION['INC_USER_NAME']; ?> <img src="themes/<?php echo $themes; ?>/styles/images/sign-out.png" width="16px" height="16px" title="<?php echo $lang['LINKOUT'] ?>"> <a title="<?php echo $lang['LINKOUT'] ?>" href="signout.php"><?php echo $lang['LINKOUT'] ?></a> <img src="themes/<?php echo $themes; ?>/styles/images/newstory.png" width="16px" height="16px" title="<?php echo $lang['LINKNEWS'] ?>"> <a title="<?php echo $lang['LINKNEWS'] ?>" href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $_SESSION['INC_USER_ID']; ?>"><?php echo $lang['LINKNEWS'] ?></a> <img src="themes/<?php echo $themes; ?>/styles/images/messag.png" width="16px" height="16px" title="<?php echo $lang['LINKMESS'] ?>"> <a title="<?php echo $lang['LINKMESS'] ?>" href="messages.php"><?php echo $lang['LINKMESS'] ?></a> </div> </div> <br /> <div id="linkpanel"> <div id="blockhead"><?php echo $lang['LINKTUBE']; ?></div><br /> <form action="postube.php" method="post"> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKTURL']; ?></span> <font style="font-size:9px;"><?php echo $lang['TOOLS3']; ?></font><br /> <input type="text" name="yadress" class="cinput" style="width:340px;"><br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['LINKSUB']; ?>" name="Submit" class="buton"> </form> </div> <br /> <div id="linkpanel"> <div id="blockhead"> <?php echo $lang['LINKGAL'] ?> </div><br /> <form action="postimg.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKIMT'] ?></span> <br /> <input type="text" name="gtitle" size="35" /> <br /> <br /> <span class="hal4"> <?php echo $lang['LINKIMG'] ?></span> <br /> <input type="file" name="image" /> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang['LINKSUB']; ?>" name="query" class="buton"> </form> </div> <br /> <div id="linkpanel"> <script> function goto(site) { var msg = confirm("<?php echo $lang['LINKALER'] ?>") if (msg) {window.location.href = site} else (null) } </script> <div id="blockhead"><?php echo $lang['LINKNEWS'] ?></div><br /> <?php if($payoffon == 1){ echo $lang['SPONSORNO']."<br /><br />"; echo"<img src='themes/$themes/styles/images/btn_paynow_SM.gif' border='0' width='37px' height='23px'><br /><br />"; } $shouter = @$_SESSION['INC_USER_ID']; $crecordSet = $conn->Execute('SELECT * FROM newser where buserid = ? ORDER by blogid desc', array($shouter)); if(!$crecordSet) print $conn->ErrorMsg(); else while(!$crecordSet->EOF) { echo "<strong>".$crecordSet->fields['btexty']."</strong><br /><a href=\"edit.php?id=".$crecordSet->fields['blogid']."&mod=".$crecordSet->fields['editor']."\">[$lang[LINKEDIT]]</a> <a href=\"javascript:goto('delete.php?id=".$crecordSet->fields['blogid']."&file=".$crecordSet->fields['images']."')\">[$lang[LINKDEL]]</a>"; if($crecordSet->fields['main'] == 0 && $payoffon == 1){ ?> <a href="sponsored.php?id=<?php echo $crecordSet->fields['blogid']; ?>">[<?php echo $lang['MAKESPONSOR']; ?>]</a><br /><br /> <?php }else{ if($payoffon == 1){ ?> [<?php echo $lang['SPONSOR']; ?>]<br /><br /><?php }else{ ?> <br /><br /> <?php } ?> <?php } $crecordSet->MoveNext(); } ?> </div> <br /> </div> </div> <?php $smarty->display('footer.php'); $arecordSet->Close(); $brecordSet->Close(); $crecordSet->Close(); $conn->Close(); ###################################### ##link.php 4.1.4.## ###################################### ?>
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