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Everything posted by yengec

  1. There are two different codes. both works. but how will sort images by date? Where and how do I use filemtime. Thank you. First Code: $scandir_array = scandir('files'); foreach($scandir_array as $folder){ if(is_dir('files/'.$folder) and $folder!='.' and $folder!='..'){ // define this key in the array, it will be blank, store categories as keys $categories_array[$folder] = array(); // $total_photos_array[$folder] = 0; $files_in_dir = scandir('files/'.$folder); foreach($files_in_dir as $file){ if($file!='.' and $file!='..'){ // if file is not the category thumbnail (thumbnail.jpg) and not _thumb.jpg and not _small.jpg if($file != "thumbnail.jpg" and substr($file, strlen($file)-10) != "_small.jpg" and substr($file, strlen($file)-10) != "_thumb.jpg"){ // $total_photos_array[$folder]++; $base_file_name = substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4); // insert this file in the array of files array_push($categories_array[$folder], $base_file_name); } } } } } krsort($categories_array); Second Code: if ($handle = opendir('files')) { while (false !== ($folder = readdir($handle))) { if(is_dir('files/'.$folder) and $folder!='.' and $folder!='..'){ // define this key in the array, it will be blank, store categories as keys $categories_array[$folder] = array(); // $total_photos_array[$folder] = 0; $files_in_dir = scandir('files/'.$folder); foreach($files_in_dir as $file){ // if file ends in _thumb.jpg if(strpos($file, '_thumb.jpg') === strlen($file)-10){ // $total_photos_array[$folder]++; $base_file_name = substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-10); // insert this file in the array of files array_push($categories_array[$folder], $base_file_name); } } } } closedir($handle); } krsort($categories_array);
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