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Hi Jacques, thanks for this. This is just speculation. Because I think that the cUrl doesn't retry automatically but the TCP protocol does : if TCP not getting its ACK so it re-sends the packet a couple of times, does not it? And this situation is very rare/exceptionnel 1%! When the "total_time" (by [curl_getinfo]) is more than 7 second.
Hi Jacques1, many thanks When you say "your service", is it web service which I use, isn't it ? So this web service provided us by our supplier. So I can not any control this web service : I must ask to change to our provider ? Or I must add something in my script ? What is a nonce ? It means a token ? Where can I put this token ? I can create a unique/single token with "microtime" + order number, is it right ? Before "curl_close" line 84? Here is my code : include 'includes/info.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; $micro_date = microtime(); $date_array = explode(" ",$micro_date); $nowDate = date("Y_m_d__H_i_s__",$date_array[1]); define('KEY_SECRET', $key_shared_secret); function verify_webHk($dataIn, $hmac_header) { $calculated_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $dataIn, KEY_SECRET, true)); return ($hmac_header == $calculated_hmac); } $hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HMAC_SHA256']; $dataIn; $dataIn = file_get_contents('php://input'); $verified = verify_webHk($dataIn, $hmac_header); $dataInDecode = json_decode($dataIn); $dataInDecodeArray = json_decode($dataIn, true); $nowDateFile = date("Ymd"); $orderNumber = $dataInDecodeArray['orderNumberJsn']; $logFileName = '\sent_response_' . $orderNumber . '_' . $nowDateFile. '.txt'; $logFileNameConnexion = '\error_connexion_' . $orderNumber . '_' . $nowDateFile. '.txt'; $orderNumber = $dataInDecode->orderNumberJsn; foreach ($dataInDecode->lineItems as $objProd) { switch($objProd->trader) { case 'TraderPeekABoo' : $errorNumberCurl = NULL; $errorTitleCurl = NULL; $searchID = funcFind(array("*-","--","=="),$objProd->nsm); $productID = $searchID[0]; $priceItems = $objProd->priceItems; $pricesTaxs = (array)$objProd->taxLines; $tax1st = !empty($pricesTaxs[0]) ? $pricesTaxs[0]->priceItems : 0.00; $tax2nd = !empty($pricesTaxs[1]) ? $pricesTaxs[1]->priceItems : 0.00; $total = $priceItems + $tax1st + $tax2nd ; $commandXML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <command> <traderId>' . $orderNumber . '</traderId>'; $commandXML .= '<commandItem> <faceValue>' . number_format($total, 2, '.', '')*100 . '</faceValue> '; $commandXML .= '</commandItem></command>'; $urlWS = $url . $productID. '?account=' . $account . '&key=' . $key ; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $urlWS); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array('xml' => $commandXML))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $dataOut = curl_exec($curl); $infoOut = curl_getinfo($curl); $logData = "\r\n" .'Information transfer :'. "\r\n" . serialize($infoOut) . "\r\n" .'result :'."\n". $dataOut. "\r\n"; if(curl_errno($curl)) { $errorNumberCurl = curl_errno($curl); $errorTitleCurl = curl_error($curl); } curl_close($curl); if($errorNumberCurl) { $dataLogError = "\r\n" .'CURL\'S Error number: "' . $errorNumberCurl . '" and Error info: "'. $errorTitleCurl. '"'."\r\n"; file_put_contents($logDirectory.$logFileNameConnexion, $dataLogError, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } file_put_contents($logDirectory.$logFileName, $logData, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); break; default: // echo '<p>NOTHING</p>'; break; } } exit();
Hi, I have a PHP script using the cURL function. This script send the data by a web service. It works often without problem. Sometimes, he sent a double data : same data by two times. I checked the log file this script (by curl_getinfo) on "total_time" When this script works correctly (it send the data only one time) : the total_time is less than 6 second. but when the total_time is more than 7 second, (this is a casual/occasional situation), my script send same data by two times so it is double data! So the web service send the ACK(Acknowledgment) which takes a long time (more than 7 second) and then, the TCP send again same data to a web service. How can I avoid this doubling ? By increasing this time waiting / time limit ? How can I define this time limit for 12 second? Could you help me : Thanks
Hi QuickOldCar, Thanks, but I check always and I checked it : My json data is valid... Here is my json : { "currency": "CAD", "email": "[email protected]", "items": [ { "name_title": "pen", "quantity": 1, "price": "20.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "3.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "1.38", "rates": 0.05, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "shipping_cost": [ { "code": "FDX", "price": "6.23", "name_title": "Fidex", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.55", "rates": 0.25, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "2.37", "rates": 0.38, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "customers": { "invoce": null, "default_address": { "names": "John Toto" } } } But I think, you did not copy all of my json data in my code : in part of my exemple, you are right last accolade " }" was lost But in my code, There are 3 accolade " }" at end of my data. Here is my code : $json = ' { "currency": "CAD", "email": "[email protected]", "items": [ { "name_title": "pen", "quantity": 2, "price": "20.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "pensil", "quantity": 3, "price": "10.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "notebook", "quantity": 2, "price": "5.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "1.38", "rates": 0.05, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "shipping_cost": [ { "code": "FDX", "price": "6.23", "name_title": "Fidex", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.55", "rates": 0.25, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "2.37", "rates": 0.38, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "customers": { "invoce": null, "default_address": { "names": "John Toto" } } }'; // transforming my data in json table**** ****** ******** ***** $new_array = json_decode($json, true);; /* //print_r($new_array); var_dump($new_array); exit(); */ // delete those information "billing" ; "billing" and "customers" **** ****** ******** ***** unset($new_array['billing']); unset($new_array['billing']); unset($new_array['customers']); /* var_dump($new_array); exit(); */ //Consolidate taxs --> items of tax + billing tax **** ****** ******** ***** //find the taxs item $taxs_items = array(); $taxs_items = $new_array['items']['0']['taxs']; //Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ? /* var_dump($taxs_items); exit(); */ //find the taxs of shipping $taxs_billing = array(); $taxs_billing = $new_array['shipping_cost']['0']['taxs']; //Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ? /* var_dump($taxs_billing); exit(); */ // merge taxs array $taxs_items_billing = array_merge($taxs_items, $taxs_billing); /* var_dump($taxs_items_billing); exit(); */ //consolidate taxs sorting by name in a new array $taxs_items_billing_grouped = array(); foreach ($taxs_items_billing as &$allOfTax_value) { $tax_name = $allOfTax_value['name_title']; if (isset($taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name])) { $taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name]['price'] += $allOfTax_value['price']; } else { $taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name] = $allOfTax_value; } } // Sort an array by key ksort($taxs_items_billing_grouped); /* var_dump($taxs_items_billing_grouped); exit(); */ //array of billing without taxs **** ****** ******** ***** $billing_without_tax = array(); $billing_without_tax = $new_array['shipping_cost']; // remove taxs unset($billing_without_tax['0']['taxs']); ////Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* var_dump($billing_without_tax); exit(); */ // un nouveau table avec les items **** ****** ******** ***** $items_shipping_all_tx = array(); $items_shipping_all_tx = $new_array['items']; // remove taxs unset($items_shipping_all_tx['0']['taxs']); ////Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // add array of billing $items_shipping_all_tx = array_merge($items_shipping_all_tx, $billing_without_tax); /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // add array of taxs $items_shipping_all_tx = array_merge($items_shipping_all_tx, $taxs_items_billing_grouped); /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // find the total price with taxs **** ****** ******** ***** // here are my variable for calculations $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes = 0; $price_ht_all_items = 0; //I will use it later $total_taxs = 0; //I will use it later $total_sums = 0; foreach ($items_shipping_all_tx as &$all_value) { $total = $all_value['price']; //price without tax par item if (!isset($all_value['quantity'])) { $quantity = 1; // such as taxes (by cons I need this information later for my xml file } else { $quantity = $all_value['quantity']; // quantity per item } $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes = $total * $quantity; // price total hors tax par unite $total_sums += $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes; // amount : price without tax } $total_sums = number_format($total_sums, 2); echo $total_sums; exit(); How can I change my codes to not use zeros like this : ['0'] ? why my codes forget items tax when there are several items ? How do I correct? Thanks
Hi, goodnight, I have a json data which contains some items (it may have one or more items (with one or two taxes) and one shipping costs (with one or two taxes) : { "currency": "CAD", "email": "[email protected]", "items": [ { "name_title": "pen", "quantity": 1, "price": "20.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "3.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "1.38", "rates": 0.05, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "shipping_cost": [ { "code": "FDX", "price": "6.23", "name_title": "Fidex", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.55", "rates": 0.25, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "2.37", "rates": 0.38, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "customers": { "invoce": null, "default_address": { "names": "John Toto" } } } With these data, I need the following information: Find the total price (Item price x quantity + its taxes + shipping costs + shipping taxes) = 20.00 x 1 + 3.0 + 1.00 + 6.23 + 1.55 + 2.37 = 34.15 find information articles and shipping information and its taxs like this : name --> pen, quantity --> 1 price --> 20.00 name --> Fidex quantity --> 1 (for this, it is always : 1!) price --> 6.23 name --> TaxOne quantity --> 1 (for this, it is always : 1!) price --> 4.55 name --> TaxSecond quantity --> 1 (for this, it is always : 1!) price --> 3.37 How can I change my array as seen above? In fact, I must build a new array with all this information above. like this : I transform my json data in array I delete the information on "Billing"; "delivery" and "client" Join taxes --> Items taxes + shipping tax I find tax items like this: $taxs_items = $new_array['items']['0']['taxs']; I wonder if this is good way, because of this ['0'] ? If zero change by another number ? Same for the shipping charges: $taxs_billing = $new_array['shipping_cost']['0']['taxs']; Then I merged the two array here this is my tax array: array(2) { ["TaxOne"]=> array(3) { ["price"]=> float(4.55) ["rates"]=> float(0.15) ["name_title"]=> string(6) "TaxOne" } ["TaxSecond"]=> array(3) { ["price"]=> float(3.75) ["rates"]=> float(0.05) ["name_title"]=> string(9) "TaxSecond" } } I also make another array for delivery without taxes In this array, I have to remove the tax, but how? I do like that, but it is not good as the others since there is a['0'].... unset($billing_without_tax['0']['taxs']); So now I will add items in this array Here's what I get: array(4) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name_title"]=> string(3) "pen" ["quantity"]=> int(1) ["price"]=> string(5) "20.00" } [1]=> array(3) { ["code"]=> string(3) "FDX" ["price"]=> string(4) "6.23" ["name_title"]=> string(5) "Fidex" } ["TaxOne"]=> array(3) { ["price"]=> float(4.55) ["rates"]=> float(0.15) ["name_title"]=> string(6) "TaxOne" } ["TaxSecond"]=> array(3) { ["price"]=> float(3.75) ["rates"]=> float(0.05) ["name_title"]=> string(9) "TaxSecond" } } So now, I'll do my calculation to find the total amount with taxes: and I find the right value: 34.53 When there is only one tax for an item, the code works too: For exemple, I romeve the following tax : "price": "1.38", rates:0.05, "name": "TaxSecond" I find the right value: 33.15 (34.53 - 1.38) The code is capable of calculating the amount according whit quantity: if there are two examples of an article, it find the right value. By cons, if there are two or three different items it does not add its tax. for exemple : { "currency": "CAD", "email": "[email protected]", "items": [ { "name_title": "pen", "quantity": 2, "price": "20.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "pensil", "quantity": 3, "price": "10.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "notebook", "quantity": 2, "price": "5.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "1.38", "rates": 0.05, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "shipping_cost": [ { "code": "FDX", "price": "6.23", "name_title": "Fidex", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.55", "rates": 0.25, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "2.37", "rates": 0.38, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "customers": { "invoce": null, "default_address": { "names": "John Toto" } } Here the calculated transaction : pen => 2 x 20.00 + 1.00 = 41.00 pensil => 3 x 10.00 + 1.00 = 31.00 "notebook" => 2 x 5.00 + 1.00 + 1.38 = 12.38 shipping => 6.23 + 1.55 + 2.37 = 10.15 sum => 41 + 31 + 12.38 + 10.15 = 94.53 by cons, my codes find this : 91.15 therefore missing : tax of items : 1 + 1 + 1 + 1,38 Here are my codes $json = ' { "currency": "CAD", "email": "[email protected]", "items": [ { "name_title": "pen", "quantity": 2, "price": "20.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "pensil", "quantity": 3, "price": "10.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" } ] }, { "name_title": "notebook", "quantity": 2, "price": "5.00", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.00", "rates": 0.15, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "1.38", "rates": 0.05, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "shipping_cost": [ { "code": "FDX", "price": "6.23", "name_title": "Fidex", "taxs": [ { "price": "1.55", "rates": 0.25, "name_title": "TaxOne" }, { "price": "2.37", "rates": 0.38, "name_title": "TaxSecond" } ] } ], "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "billing": { "names": "John Toto" }, "customers": { "invoce": null, "default_address": { "names": "John Toto" } } }'; // transforming my data in json table**** ****** ******** ***** $new_array = json_decode($json, true);; /* //print_r($new_array); var_dump($new_array); exit(); */ // delete those information "billing" ; "billing" and "customers" **** ****** ******** ***** unset($new_array['billing']); unset($new_array['billing']); unset($new_array['customers']); /* var_dump($new_array); exit(); */ //Consolidate taxs --> items of tax + billing tax **** ****** ******** ***** //find the taxs item $taxs_items = array(); $taxs_items = $new_array['items']['0']['taxs']; //Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ? /* var_dump($taxs_items); exit(); */ //find the taxs of shipping $taxs_billing = array(); $taxs_billing = $new_array['shipping_cost']['0']['taxs']; //Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ? /* var_dump($taxs_billing); exit(); */ // merge taxs array $taxs_items_billing = array_merge($taxs_items, $taxs_billing); /* var_dump($taxs_items_billing); exit(); */ //consolidate taxs sorting by name in a new array $taxs_items_billing_grouped = array(); foreach ($taxs_items_billing as &$allOfTax_value) { $tax_name = $allOfTax_value['name_title']; if (isset($taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name])) { $taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name]['price'] += $allOfTax_value['price']; } else { $taxs_items_billing_grouped[$tax_name] = $allOfTax_value; } } // Sort an array by key ksort($taxs_items_billing_grouped); /* var_dump($taxs_items_billing_grouped); exit(); */ //array of billing without taxs **** ****** ******** ***** $billing_without_tax = array(); $billing_without_tax = $new_array['shipping_cost']; // remove taxs unset($billing_without_tax['0']['taxs']); ////Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* var_dump($billing_without_tax); exit(); */ // un nouveau table avec les items **** ****** ******** ***** $items_shipping_all_tx = array(); $items_shipping_all_tx = $new_array['items']; // remove taxs unset($items_shipping_all_tx['0']['taxs']); ////Is not this good way, with ['0']? If zero exchange ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // add array of billing $items_shipping_all_tx = array_merge($items_shipping_all_tx, $billing_without_tax); /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // add array of taxs $items_shipping_all_tx = array_merge($items_shipping_all_tx, $taxs_items_billing_grouped); /* var_dump($items_shipping_all_tx); exit(); */ // find the total price with taxs **** ****** ******** ***** // here are my variable for calculations $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes = 0; $price_ht_all_items = 0; //I will use it later $total_taxs = 0; //I will use it later $total_sums = 0; foreach ($items_shipping_all_tx as &$all_value) { $total = $all_value['price']; //price without tax par item if (!isset($all_value['quantity'])) { $quantity = 1; // such as taxes (by cons I need this information later for my xml file } else { $quantity = $all_value['quantity']; // quantity per item } $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes = $total * $quantity; // price total hors tax par unite $total_sums += $price_without_tax_for_each_itmes; // amount : price without tax } $total_sums = number_format($total_sums, 2); echo $total_sums; exit(); So here are my questions: How can I change my codes to not use zeros like this : ['0'] ? why my codes forget items tax when there are several items ? How do I correct? have a nice night or day Thanks
calculate the price came from Json file and Array
tonton replied to tonton's topic in PHP Coding Help
Hi Barand, Many thanks This great, it works. But I change little bit, I don't know if It is correct or not. What do you say ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- price of chocolat 2.00 and tax : 1.00 +2.00 = 5.00 Price of bonbon 3.00 with tax = 3.00 + 2.00 + 3.00 = 8.00 and gateaux = 2.00 2.00 + 1.00 +2.00 = 5.00 so 5.00+8.00+5.00 = 18.00 So $allOfPrice + $$amountAl = 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- like this : $amountAll = 0; $price_product = 0; foreach ($data['products'] as $product) { $price_product+= $product['price'] * $product['quantity']; // price without tax New } foreach ($data['products'] as $product) { foreach ($product['tax'] as $item) { $amountAll += $item['quantity'] * $item['price']; //$amountAll += $item['quantity'] * $item['price']; // with this is it double } } $allOfPrice = $price_product; echo number_format( $allOfPrice, 2) . '<br>'; //it get 7.00 amount without tax echo number_format($amountAll, 2). '<br>'; // it get 11.00 all of tax echo number_format($allOfPrice + $amountAll, 2). '<br>'; // it get 18.00 price with tax IT S FUNY So what do you think : is it correct or I must change it ? Thanks -
calculate the price came from Json file and Array
tonton replied to tonton's topic in PHP Coding Help
Hi Brand, I try it but I have a Fatal error afther Print_r and here is line 22 : foreach ($decodageDatajs['products'] as $product) { What is wrong ? Thanks -
Hi, I have a json data, below which contains an item with tax: "date": "2015-05-05 12:41", "shop": "Toto", "products": [ { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "chocolat", "tax": [ { "price": "1.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax1" }, { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax2" } ] } ] } I am able to calculate the price ($amountAll) with the following code: $datajs = "myJsonSimple2.json"; $datajs = file_get_contents($datajs); $decodageDatajs = json_decode($datajs); $dateBiling = $decodageDatajs->date; $shopName = $decodageDatajs->shop; foreach ($decodageDatajs->products as $obj) { $ItemPrice = $obj->price; $ItemQuantity = $obj->quantity; $ItemDescription = $obj->description; $taxes = (array)$obj->tax; $taxesPrice1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->price : 0.00; $taxesPrice2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->price : 0.00; $taxesQuantity1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->quantity : 0; $taxesQuantity2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->quantity : 0; $taxesDescription1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->description : '1er tax null'; $taxesDescription2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->description : '2e tax null'; $amountAll = $ItemPrice * $ItemQuantity + $taxesPrice1 + $taxesPrice2; } But how I calculate if there are several items (2 or 3 or 5...) { "date": "2015-05-05 12:41", "shop": "Toto", "products": [ { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "chocolat", "tax": [ { "price": "1.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax1" }, { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax2" } ] }, { "price": "3.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "bonbon", "tax": [ { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax1" }, { "price": "3.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax2" } ] }, { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "gateaux", "tax": [ { "price": "1.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax1" }, { "price": "2.00", "quantity": "1", "description": "tax2" } ] } ] } I need like as : $amountAll = $ItemPrice1 * $ItemQuantity1 + $ItemPrice2 * $ItemQuantity2 + $ItemPrice3 * $ItemQuantity3 + $taxesPrice1a + $taxesPrice2a + $taxesPrice1b + $taxesPrice2b + $taxesPrice1c + $taxesPrice2c; but this is wrong : I must counter and use while statement but I don,t know how I can write ? $calculeItems = count($decodageDatajs->products); $i = 0; while ($i < $calculeItems) { foreach ($decodageDatajs->products as $obj) { $ItemPrice = $obj->price; $ItemQuantity = $obj->quantity; $ItemDescription = $obj->description; $taxes = (array)$obj->tax; $taxesPrice1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->price : 0.00; $taxesPrice2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->price : 0.00; $taxesQuantity1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->quantity : 0; $taxesQuantity2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->quantity : 0; $taxesDescription1 = !empty($taxes[0]) ? $taxes[0]->description : '1er tax null'; $taxesDescription2 = !empty($taxes[1]) ? $taxes[1]->description : '2e tax null'; $amountAll = $ItemPrice * $ItemQuantity + $taxesPrice1 + $taxesPrice2; /* this si wrong !!!!! $amountAll = $ItemPrice1 * $ItemQuantity1 + $ItemPrice2 * $ItemQuantity2 + $ItemPrice3 * $ItemQuantity3 + $taxesPrice1a + $taxesPrice2a + $taxesPrice1b + $taxesPrice2b + $taxesPrice1c + $taxesPrice2c; */ } $i++; } can you help me please Thanks
Many Thanks Many Thanks Jcbones, it works
Hi jcbones, I have also wrong valus with this code! Here is a result : 1st item :::: good value email:[email protected] sku:123456789 price:0.67 price_with_tax:4.00 price_tax1:1.11 price_tax2:2.22 2nd item :::: email:[email protected] sku:012345666 price:1.67 price_with_tax:5.00 wrong value :::: price_tax1:1.11 wrong! [this is a good value : 3.33] price_tax2:2.22 wrong! [this is a good value : 0.00 or NULL] With 2nd Items we have only one tax in json data : look like that : for 1st item : "tax_lines": [ { "title": "tax010", "rate": 0.01, "price": "1.11" }, { "title": "tax00200", "rate": 0.02, "price": "2.22" } ] and for second item (only one tax) "tax_lines": [ { "title": "tax0003000", "rate": 0.03, "price": "3.33" } ] How I must write my code so I get the following result : first item value: ... price_tax1:1.11 price_tax2:2.22 second item value (when there are only one tax) ... price_tax1:3.33 price_tax2:0.00 or second item value (when there are only one tax) ... price_tax1:3.33 price_tax2:NULL
Hi Jcbones, Non, I have a wrong valus with this code! Here is a result : 1st item email:[email protected] sku:123456789 price:0.67 price_with_tax:4.00 price_tax1:tax010 wrong! [this is a good value : 1.11) price_tax2:2.22 2nd item :::: email:[email protected] sku:012345666 price:1.67 price_with_tax:5.00 wrong value :::: price_tax1:tax00200 wrong! [this is a good value : 3.33] price_tax: 2:2.22 wrong! [this is a good value : 0.00 or NULL]
Hi I have a json data : { "email": "[email protected]", "line_items": [ { "sku": "123456789", "price": "0.67", "price_with_tax": "4.00", "tax_lines": [ { "title": "tax010", "rate": 0.01, "price": "1.11" }, { "title": "tax00200", "rate": 0.02, "price": "2.22" } ] }, { "sku": "012345666", "price": "1.67", "price_with_tax": "5.00", "tax_lines": [ { "title": "tax0003000", "rate": 0.03, "price": "3.33" } ] } ] } and I try put this data in mySql. First data have a good value but second have a wrong data on 'price_tax1' and 'price_tax2' in mySql : Here is my MySql 1st item :::: good value email:[email protected] sku:123456789 price:0.67 price_with_tax:4.00 price_tax1:1.11 price_tax2:2.22 2nd item :::: email:[email protected] sku:012345666 price:1.67 price_with_tax:5.00 wrong value :::: price_tax1:1.11 price_tax2:2.22 here is my code : $jsondata = file_get_contents($jsondata); $dataDecode = json_decode($jsondata); $email = $dataDecode->email; try { $dtbs = new PDO($dsn_dev, $pdo_user, $pdo_password, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Error : ' . $e->getMessage()); } try { foreach ($dataDecode->line_items as $obj) { $var_sku = $obj->sku; $var_price = $obj->price; $var_price_with_tax = $obj->price_with_tax; $taxNewArray = array(); foreach ($dataDecode->line_items[0]->tax_lines as $obj2) { array_push($taxNewArray , $obj2); } $val1st = array_shift($taxNewArray); $val2nd = array_pop ($taxNewArray); $var_tax1 = $val1st->price; $var_tax2 = $val2nd->price; $stmt = $dtbs->prepare("INSERT INTO $tabledata ($mysql_email, $mysql_sku, $mysq_price, $mysql_price_with_tax, $mysql_price__tax1___line_items, $mysql_price__tax2___line_items ) VALUES (:email, :sku, :price, :price_with_tax, :price_tax1, :price_tax2)"); $stmt->execute(array(':email'=>$email, ':sku'=>$var_sku, ':price'=>$var_price, ':price_with_tax'=>$var_price_with_tax, ':price_tax1'=>$var_tax1, ':price_tax2'=>$var_tax2 )); } } catch(Exception $e) { throw $e; } How can I put goog value of 2nd data in mySql ? thanks