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Everything posted by t_machine

  1. Thank you very much :) This works great!
  2. hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me with this date problem. I have a database that stores username and date(unix timestamp). I would however like to list all the usernames within the current month. Something like this would be great. $thismonth = date('m,Y', time()); // 04,2006 "SELECT username FROM TABLENAME WHERE date_added ='$thismonth' how can i strip the 'date_added' which is in timestamp to month and year so I could compare and list the users within that month. Thanks :)
  3. Thank you very much :) This works perfectly
  4. hi, I would like to display my database result in a table but only two per row. I am using a while loop so my query looks like the following while($row ........ I would like it to work like this <tr> <td>item 1 </td> <td> item 2</td></tr> <tr> <td>item 3</td> <td> item 4</td></tr> See how after two colums it starts another row to display the next two results? How can this be done. Thanks :)
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