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Everything posted by meemoe_uk

  1. >Try http://localhost/your_script_name.php It worked !! thanks for the patience to get a noob started. Now i can start to experiment with php more independantly.
  2. You're right, i was loading them straight into firefox. Ok, so now I've moved my php programs into the C:\xampp\htdocs folder. Then i went to http://localhost. But i didn't see any ' run php script ' button or prompt. Strikes me as odd, because that xampp page seems to have a lot of functionality, why did they leave out a 'run php script' function? so I just drag dropped my php code file windows icon into the browser ontop of the xampp page, and got the same blank page result. Still isn't working :/
  3. No it was a .html extension. When i change it to .php extension and run it from the apache shell prompt, i get a message from windows saying it doesn't know how to run it, and plz select a program to recognise how to run it. >I would suggest setting up a free hosting account using freehostia or something That feels like cheating. All the guides say you can do it from your own machine as localhost, and several youtube tutorials do it from their own machine as the localhost too.
  4. Ok, I've tried running my programs from the apache shell prompt ,and i get the same results. Perhaps something else is wrong
  5. I have apache and mysql servers running on xampp v3.2.1, i'm guessing my php script running in firefox and the xampp server are not linked. So I'll look for ways to make them aware of each other.
  6. hi all, total beginner here, Just trying to get my first php programs to work <?php echo " hello world " ; ?> doesn't print anything.... *** <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php print "<h1> hello </h1>"; // abcdedfg ?> </body> </html> *** is suppose to print " hello " what i get is " hello "; // abcdedfg ?> " if i don't use the <h1>, it prints nothing. i run these scripts by opening them with a right mouse clcik on their windows file icon, and opening with firefox. maybe my settings aren't set right help plz
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