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Everything posted by moobs

  1. Yeah mentioning that it was in WP slipped my mind. Yeah that works great too thanks again for all the help.
  2. SOLVED!! The problem was with how I started the session in wordpress. Even though it was started before any HTML was parsed I still had to pass it through as an initializing function in functions.php. 1 just sets the priority. add_action('init', 'myStartSession', 1); function myStartSession() { if(!session_id()) { session_start(); } }
  3. I just saw that i was missing exit(); following the redirect. Since adding that it's back to working in Chrome, but not firefox.
  4. Just an update, I've moved the error handling, setting sessions, and redirect to take place before the page loads. The sessions are assigned to variables, unset, and destroyed in a function within the body of the page. Since doing this the sessions are no longer set in chrome using a redirect. I believe this is actually progress because once I figure out why it should work in all browsers. Here's my updated code. Pre-page processing: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1);//set sessions session_start(); //Error Checking $EC = 0; $errors = array(); $_POST['dob-month'] = isset($_POST['dob-month'])?$_POST['dob-month']:null; $_POST['dob-day'] = isset($_POST['dob-day'])?$_POST['dob-day']:null; $_POST['dob-year'] = isset($_POST['dob-year'])?$_POST['dob-year']:null; if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-month'])){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Select a month"; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-day'])|| $_POST['dob-day'] < 1 || $_POST['dob-day'] > 31){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Enter a day between 1 and 31"; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-year'])|| $_POST['dob-year'] < 1900 || $_POST['dob-year'] > date('Y')){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Enter a year between 1900 and ".date('Y'); } if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if(empty($errors)){ $_SESSION['dob-month'] = isset($_POST['dob-month']) ? $_POST['dob-month'] : null; $_SESSION['dob-day'] = isset($_POST['dob-day']) ? $_POST['dob-day'] : null; $_SESSION['dob-year'] = isset($_POST['dob-year']) ? $_POST['dob-year'] : null; $_SESSION['submit'] = isset($_POST['submit']) ? 1 : null; }else{ $_SESSION['errors'] = $errors; } header("Location: /calculator/",TRUE,303); } This is how the sessions are set to variables in the function that is called on the page: if (isset($_SESSION['dob-month'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-day'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-year'])||isset($_SESSION['submit'])||isset($_SESSION['errors'])){ $month = isset($_SESSION['dob-month']) ? $_SESSION['dob-month'] : null; $day = isset($_SESSION['dob-day']) ? $_SESSION['dob-day'] : null; $year = isset($_SESSION['dob-year']) ? $_SESSION['dob-year'] : null; $submit = isset($_SESSION['submit']) ? $_SESSION['submit'] : null; $errors = isset($_SESSION['errors']) ? $_SESSION['errors'] : null; session_unset(); session_destroy(); } Everything is loaded on the same page and no errors are reported. If I comment out the redirect line everything works as intended, and the sessions do pass along the variables. Otherwise a var_dump has shown the redirect results in an empty session array.
  5. Okay so everything was passed through as expected section by section of your testing all the way to the final date. I decided to remove the comment from the redirect, and leave all the testing lines in to see what the output was. Chrome works as expected only producing your final testing line, the date, as it should since the sessions have been unset. Firefox however just reloads to an empty field with no output. The error checking does work in firefox, but if the form is filled out correctly the page reloads to a blank form as if it has been refreshed. If you'd like I can make the page public and PM you the URL?
  6. Thanks for the help. Changing that actually broke my page, but here's the output. $errors is empty and $_POST['submit'] is set Session is: Array ( [dob-month] => 3 [dob-day] => 13 [dob-year] => 1989 ) $_POST is: Array ( [dob-month] => 3 [dob-day] => 13 [dob-year] => 1989 [submit] => Calculate )
  7. I've gone through and and made all the changes to check the post array for errors. If no errors are found the variables are set to sessions and the page is redirected to itself to clear the post array. Once the page is reloaded from the redirect the sessions are set to standard variables and the sessions are unset and destroyed. Unfortunately I'm back where I started. Everything works great in chrome, but browsers like firefox and safari are not storing the sessions. Once redirected the page in those browsers does not output any results from the form submission and has an empty form. So just to be clear some browsers are having trouble handling the header redirect and storing the session data, but I do not understand why. header("Location: /poop-calculator/",TRUE,303); Here's what I'm currently working with: session_start();error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); if(count($_POST) > 0) { //Error Checking $EC = 0; if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-month'])){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Select a month"; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-day'])|| $_POST['dob-day'] < 1 || $_POST['dob-day'] > 31){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Enter a day between 1 and 31"; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])&&empty($_POST['dob-year'])|| $_POST['dob-year'] < 1900 || $_POST['dob-year'] > date('Y')){ $EC++; $errors[$EC] = "Enter a year between 1900 and ".date('Y'); } if(!empty($errors)){ echo '<div class="woocommerce-error"> <div class="errorSpacer"></div>'; foreach($errors as $error){ echo '<div class="error-wrapper"> <div class="erroWrapperLeft"> <p class="errorIcon"></p> </div> <div class="erroWrapperRight"> <p class="errorText">'.$error.'</p> </div> </div>'; } echo "</div>"; } //set sessions if(empty($errors)&& isset($_POST['submit'])){ (isset($_POST['dob-month'])? $_SESSION['dob-month'] = $_POST['dob-month']:$_SESSION['dob-month'] = null); (isset($_POST['dob-day'])? $_SESSION['dob-day'] = ltrim(sanitizeNumInput($_POST['dob-day']),'0'):$_SESSION['dob-day'] = null); (isset($_POST['dob-year'])?$_SESSION['dob-year'] = sanitizeNumInput($_POST['dob-year']):$_SESSION['dob-year'] =null); (isset($_POST['submit'])?$_SESSION['submit'] = 1:$_SESSION['submit'] = null); header("Location: /calculator/",TRUE,303); } //set variables and clear sessions } if (isset($_SESSION['dob-month'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-day'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-year'])||isset($_SESSION['submit'])){ (isset($_SESSION['dob-month'])? $month = $_SESSION['dob-month']:$month = null); (isset($_SESSION['dob-day'])? $day = ltrim(sanitizeNumInput($_SESSION['dob-day']),'0'): $day = null); (isset($_SESSION['dob-year'])?$year = sanitizeNumInput($_SESSION['dob-year']):$year=null); (isset($_SESSION['submit'])?$submit = $_SESSION['submit']: $submit = null ); session_unset(); session_destroy(); }
  8. Yeah that just sounds like the standard post redirect get pattern I've been trying to get working. Error checking in that order does make more sense, but I'm not sure if it will make a difference if it's checking the sessions vs $_post. I'll definitely give it a shot though and move my error checking validate $_POST first. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  9. I managed to get the form to process correctly by making a few changes and removing the header 303 redirect altogether. The problem I face now is duplicate form request when the page is refreshed because I need to have the output on the same page. Any suggestions?
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. Upon adding in dumps at different stages I found that the cause is: header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: https://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]/poop-facts/"); die(); I would like to have a 303 redirect to avoid creating duplicate submissions. From what I read online this is the way to do that, but I don't understand why chrome handles the request correctly and other browsers don't. Do you see anything wrong with this block, or can you reccomend an alternative method for post, redirect, get?
  11. Any ideas? I'm running out of ways to try and resolve this.
  12. I've narrowed the problem down to my post redirect get method. I reproduced the problem I'm having with a much smaller function that should make it easier to figure out where I'm going wrong. function testForm(){ session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); if(count($_POST) > 0) { $_SESSION['testFormText'] = $_POST['testFormText']; if(isset($_POST['testSubmit'])){ $_SESSION['testSubmit'] = 1;} header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: https://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]/poop-facts/"); die(); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['testFormText'])){ $text = $_SESSION['testFormText']; $submit = $_SESSION['testSubmit']; /* Put database-affecting code here. */ session_unset(); session_destroy(); }else{ $text = null; } echo '<div class="testForm"> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="text" name="testFormText"/> <input type="submit" name="testSubmit" value="submit"> </form> </div> '; echo $text; } The function works correctly in chrome. Enter something into the input and submit the form. The data is sent to $_POST then set as a session variable. If the session is set, it is then echoed as the variable $text after the page is redirected back to itself from submitting the form. This however does not work with firefox and safari.
  13. I created a simple birthday calculator that allows a user to submit their birthday, and then a bunch of facts relative to that date gets spit out. Everything works as intended in chrome, but not in firefox or safari. I'm not receiving any errors. The page gets redirected as it should when the form is submitted, but the form data is be placed into the $_POST array and then set to a session variable as it should. I have other forms on my site that work with all browsers, so I'm not sure where I've gone wrong. This is how I'm passing the $_POST data to $_SESSION: session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); if(count($_POST) > 0) { $_SESSION['dob-month'] = $_POST['dob-month']; $_SESSION['dob-day'] = $_POST['dob-day']; $_SESSION['dob-year'] = $_POST['dob-year']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $_SESSION['submit'] = 1;} header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: https://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]/poop-calculator/"); die(); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['dob-month'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-day'])||isset($_SESSION['dob-year'])){ $month = $_SESSION['dob-month']; $day = ltrim(sanitizeNumInput($_SESSION['dob-day']),'0'); $year = sanitizeNumInput($_SESSION['dob-year']); $submit = $_SESSION['submit']; /* Put database-affecting code here. */ session_unset(); session_destroy(); }else{ $month = null; $day = null; $year = null; } Here's how I'm creating the form: echo ' <div class="calc-holder"> <form method="post" action="/calculator/"> <div class="dobRow"> <div class="dobMonth"> <select name="dob-month"> '.$monthOptions; while($i <= 12){ foreach($monthList as $key => $val){ if($i != $month){ echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$val.'</option>';} $i++; } } echo ' </select> </div><!--end dobMonth--> <div class="dobDay"><input type="text" name="dob-day" maxlength="2" '.$dayHolder.'/></div><!--end dobDay--> <div class="dobYear"><input type="text" maxlength="4" max="'.date('Y').'" name="dob-year" '.$yearHolder.'/></div><!--end dobYear--> <div class="dobSubmit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate"/></div><!--end dobSubmit--> </div><!--end dobRow--> </form> </div><!--end calc-holder-->'; I've been struggling with this all day, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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