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  1. So, in the way that our internal application is written, the parent class calls a javascript method that simply displays an alert telling the user that an error has occurred.. In this new app that I am writing, we want to do something different. If a user tries to access this particular page without entering specific request values, then we want to throw an exception. So, I define my class and build out my construct method. Then I use a method that I have named getData that I am going to post here to give you an idea of where I am with this... In the getData method, I am checking for the request values and if not present, I am trying to throw the exception. Problem is it is not working as I want. Instead, it still throws the javaScript alert from the Parent class. So, I feel like I need to override that Parent method, but not sure how to do so as I am brand new to OOP in PHP. Here's part of my code. I would appreciate any help given. public function getData() { $qStr = array(); // get the criteria values from the report template app $crit = json_decode($this->getRequestValue("criteria_values"), true); // THIS IS WHERE I AM TRYING TO THROW THE EXCEPTION....... if($crit == "" || $crit == null){ throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1); }else{ if (is_array($crit)) { $qStr = array_merge($qStr, $crit); } $ordLst = array(); $db = new DbProvider(); $ret = $db->findWhere("statussheet", $qStr); //$trkInfo = $db->findWhere("truckrequests",array("siteid"=>"DET")); $trkInfo = $db->findOpen("truckrequests"); $truckInfo = array(); $stats = array(); //$trkInf = json_decode(json_encode($trkInfo), true); // $retArr = json_decode(json_encode($ret), true); foreach ($trkInfo->data as $trow) { $ordNbr = $trow->detail[0]->ordnbr; $truckInfo[$ordNbr] = $trow; //$tord = $trow->detail[0]->ordnbr; // var_dump($truckInfo); } $dets = array(); foreach($ret->data as $statRow) { if (isset($truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr])) { $statRow->covered = "Yes"; //var_export($truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr], true); $statRow->dateship = $truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr]->dateship; // $statRow->carrier = var_export($truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr], true); $trkDets = 'trknbr='.(string)$truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr]->detail[0]->trknbr.'&ordnbr='; $trkDets .=$ordNbr; $statRow->carrier = $truckInfo[$statRow->ordnbr]->detail[0]->trknbr.'<a href = "../../../logistics/TruckList/TruckRequestDocument.php?'.$trkDets.'"target="_blank"><br>See Details</a>'; } else { $statRow->covered = "No"; $statRow->carrier = "Not yet released"; $statRow->dateship = "Not yet scheduled"; } $statRow->remaining = (float) $statRow->totord - (float) $statRow->shipped; if ($statRow->orderstatus != "RDY" && $statRow->orderstatus != "NM") { $statRow->orderstatus = "WIP"; } $dets[] = $statRow; } $ret->data = array_values($dets); echo json_encode($ret); } //var_dump($ret->data); } $app = new newStatSheet(); $app->dispatch();
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