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Everything posted by martin27

  1. For making simple "POST" in ajax and get the response ,i am describing here a good example as tested: Step-1: Make a html form for the same which you have to sent with using ajax for server: <form id="foo"> <label for="bar">A bar</label> <input id="bar" name="bar" type="text" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="Send" /> </form> Step-2: Here i am using a function which is related to your requirement: <script type="text/javascript"> // Variable to hold request var request; // Bind to the submit event of our form $("#foo").submit(function(event){ // Abort any pending request if (request) { request.abort(); } // setup some local variables var $form = $(this); // Let's select and cache all the fields var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea"); // Serialize the data in the form var serializedData = $form.serialize(); // Let's disable the inputs for the duration of the Ajax request. // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized. // Disabled form elements will not be serialized. $inputs.prop("disabled", true); // Fire off the request to /form.php request = $.ajax({ url: "/form.php", type: "post", data: serializedData }); // Callback handler that will be called on success request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){ // Log a message to the console console.log("Hooray, it worked!"); }); // Callback handler that will be called on failure request.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ // Log the error to the console console.error( "The following error occurred: "+ textStatus, errorThrown ); }); // Callback handler that will be called regardless // if the request failed or succeeded request.always(function () { // Reenable the inputs $inputs.prop("disabled", false); }); // Prevent default posting of form event.preventDefault(); }); </script> Now You can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax through the global variable $_POST, like this: $bar = $_POST['bar']; You could also use the shorthand .post in place of .ajax in the above JavaScript code: <script type="text/javascript"> $.post('/form.php', serializedData, function(response) { // Log the response to the console console.log("Response: "+response); }); </script>
  2. $prix should be a numeric value which contains only numbers no special characters allowed. For example : $prix = 12345; not as $prix = $12345 $prix = number_format($prix, 2, '.', ' '); if($prix != 0) echo '<p class="p_prix_info_ann"><span class="vert">'. $language['page_ann_prix'] .' :</span> '. $param_gen['devise'] .' '. $prix .'</p>'; which gives : 12 345.00 when $prix is 12345
  3. martin27

    Hi All

    Hi, This is Martin. I'm new to this forum. I'm an experienced PHP developer and having more than 5 years of experience in PHP development and programming solutions. I would like to share my thoughts with other PHP developers here. Thanks in advance Martin
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