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Everything posted by Pangu

  1. with: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="dygraph-combined-dev.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { new Dygraph( document.getElementById("graphdiv"), function() { var zp = function(x) { if (x < 10) return "0"+x; else return x; }; var r = "date,parabola,line,another line,sine wave\n"; for (var i=1; i<=31; i++) { r += "200610" + zp(i); r += "," + 10*(i*(31-i)); r += "," + 10*(8*i); r += "," + 10*(250 - 8*i); r += "," + 10*(125 + 125 * Math.sin(0.3*i)); r += "\n"; } return r; }, { strokeWidth: 2, 'parabola': { strokeWidth: 0.0, drawPoints: true, pointSize: 4, highlightCircleSize: 6 }, 'line': { strokeWidth: 1.0, drawPoints: true, pointSize: 1.5 }, 'sine wave': { strokeWidth: 3, highlightCircleSize: 10 } } ); } ); </script> </head> <body> <div id="graphdiv"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> g = new Dygraph( // containing div document.getElementById("graphdiv"), // CSV or path to a CSV file. "Date,Close Price\n" + "2015-09-17,5.20\n" + "2015-09-16,5.31\n" + "2015-09-15,5.40\n" + "2015-09-14,5.20\n" + "2015-09-11,5.17\n" + "2015-09-10,5.20\n" + "2015-09-09,5.09\n" + "2015-09-08,5.05\n" + "2015-09-07,4.90\n" + "2015-09-04,4.74\n" + "2015-09-03,4.68\n" + "2015-09-02,4.24\n" + "2015-09-01,4.20\n" + "2015-08-31,4.06\n" + "2015-08-28,4.19\n" + "2015-08-27,4.08\n" + "2015-08-26,4.20\n" + "2015-08-25,4.04\n" + "2015-08-24,3.53\n" + "2015-08-21,4.30\n" + "2015-08-20,4.45\n" + "2015-08-19,4.58\n" + "2015-08-18,4.54\n" + "2015-08-17,4.63\n" + "2015-08-14,4.49\n" + "2015-08-13,4.56\n" + "2015-08-12,4.69\n" + "2015-08-11,4.80\n" + "2015-08-10,4.65\n" + "2015-08-07,4.40\n" + "2015-08-06,4.24\n" + "2015-08-05,3.98\n" + "2015-08-04,3.84\n" + "2015-08-03,3.66\n" + "2015-07-31,4.71\n" + "2015-07-30,4.71\n" + "2015-07-29,4.71\n" + "2015-07-28,4.71\n" + "2015-07-27,4.71\n" + "2015-07-24,4.71\n" + "2015-07-23,4.71\n" + "2015-07-22,4.71\n" + "2015-07-21,4.71\n" + "2015-07-20,4.71\n" + "2015-07-17,4.71\n" + "2015-07-16,4.71\n" + "2015-07-15,4.71\n" + "2015-07-14,4.71\n" + "2015-07-13,4.71\n" + "2015-07-10,4.71\n" + "2015-07-09,4.71\n" + "2015-07-08,4.71\n" + "2015-07-07,4.71\n" + "2015-07-06,4.71\n" + "2015-07-03,4.71\n" + "2015-07-02,4.71\n" + "2015-07-01,4.71\n" + "2015-06-30,4.71\n" + "2015-06-29,4.71\n" + "2015-06-26,4.71\n" + "2015-06-25,4.45\n" + "2015-06-24,4.43\n" + "2015-06-23,4.41\n" + "2015-06-22,4.14\n" + "2015-06-19,3.84\n" + "2015-06-18,3.65\n" + "2015-06-17,3.63\n" + "2015-06-16,4.23\n" + "2015-06-15,4.49\n" + "2015-06-12,4.74\n" + "2015-06-11,5.04\n" + "2015-06-10,4.75\n" + "2015-06-09,4.75\n" + "2015-06-08,4.61\n" + "2015-06-05,4.69\n" + "2015-06-04,4.91\n" + "2015-06-03,4.94\n" + "2015-06-02,4.68\n" + "2015-06-01,4.56\n" + "2015-05-29,4.56\n" + "2015-05-28,4.96\n" + "2015-05-27,5.29\n" + "2015-05-26,4.75\n" + "2015-05-25,4.88\n" + "2015-05-22,5.06\n" + "2015-05-21,5.18\n" + "2015-05-20,5.07\n" + "2015-05-19,5.28\n" + "2015-05-18,5.26\n" + "2015-05-15,4.95\n" + "2015-05-14,5.00\n" + "2015-05-13,5.18\n" + "2015-05-12,5.49\n" + "2015-05-11,5.50\n" + "2015-05-08,5.74\n" + "2015-05-07,5.84\n" + "2015-05-06,5.60\n" + "2015-05-05,5.28\n" + "2015-05-04,5.80\n" + "2015-05-01,5.99\n" + "2015-04-30,5.99\n" + "2015-04-29,5.46\n" + "2015-04-28,5.58\n" + "2015-04-27,5.45\n" + "2015-04-24,4.97\n" + "2015-04-23,4.87\n" + "2015-04-22,4.57\n" + "2015-04-21,4.30\n" + "2015-04-20,4.85\n" + "2015-04-17,4.86\n" + "2015-04-16,5.09\n" + "2015-04-15,4.80\n" + "2015-04-14,5.00\n" + "2015-04-13,5.45\n" + "2015-04-10,5.45\n" + "2015-04-09,5.45\n" + "2015-04-08,5.38\n" + "2015-04-07,5.42\n" + "2015-04-06,5.50\n" + "2015-04-03,5.50\n" + "2015-04-02,5.50\n" + "2015-04-01,5.49\n" + "2015-03-31,5.70\n" + "2015-03-30,5.80\n" + "2015-03-27,5.68\n" + "2015-03-26,5.40\n" + "2015-03-25,5.83\n" + "2015-03-24,5.83\n" + "2015-03-23,5.30\n" + "2015-03-20,5.01\n" + "2015-03-19,4.84\n" + "2015-03-18,4.90\n" + "2015-03-17,5.13\n" + "2015-03-16,4.91\n" + "2015-03-13,5.18\n" + "2015-03-12,5.53\n" + "2015-03-11,5.58\n" + "2015-03-10,5.70\n" + "2015-03-09,5.60\n" + "2015-03-06,6.15\n" + "2015-03-05,6.19\n" + "2015-03-04,6.40\n" + "2015-03-03,6.32\n" + "2015-03-02,6.51\n" + "2015-02-27,7.00\n" + "2015-02-26,7.30\n" + "2015-02-25,7.50\n" + "2015-02-24,6.88\n" + "2015-02-23,6.05\n" + "2015-02-20,6.05\n" + "2015-02-19,6.09\n" + "2015-02-18,5.90\n" + "2015-02-17,5.98\n" + "2015-02-16,6.00\n" + "2015-02-13,6.20\n" + "2015-02-12,5.54\n" + "2015-02-11,5.25\n" + "2015-02-10,5.64\n" + "2015-02-09,5.18\n" + "2015-02-06,5.15\n" + "2015-02-05,5.27\n" + "2015-02-04,5.50\n" + "2015-02-03,5.69\n" + "2015-02-02,5.12\n" + "2015-01-30,4.80\n" + "2015-01-29,4.78\n" + "2015-01-28,4.45\n" + "2015-01-27,5.17\n" + "2015-01-26,5.82\n" + "2015-01-23,5.63\n" + "2015-01-22,5.16\n" + "2015-01-21,4.94\n" + "2015-01-20,5.18\n" + "2015-01-19,5.20\n" + "2015-01-16,4.77\n" + "2015-01-15,4.90\n" + "2015-01-14,5.03\n" + "2015-01-13,5.31\n" + "2015-01-12,5.20\n" + "2015-01-09,4.93\n" + "2015-01-08,4.76\n" + "2015-01-07,4.97\n" + "2015-01-06,5.07\n" + "2015-01-05,5.07\n" + "2015-01-02,5.55\n" + "2015-01-01,5.40\n" + "2015-10-28,10" ); </script> </body> </html> i can show a graph. now i want to higlight a date-area, like in the tutorial example: http://dygraphs.com/gallery/#g/highlighted-region my problem is, that i can't figure out how i can use the date e.g. : 2015-01-01 to 2015-10-28 as highlight_start / highlight_end -> has anyone an idee, how i can higlight a day-range 2015-01-01 to 2015-10-28 in my example? thx
  2. Pangu

    json echo

    found the solution: foreach ($myArray['query']['results']['quote'] as $k => $v) { echo $v['Close'] . " Day" . ($k+1) . "<br />"; }
  3. with: <?php $data = file_get_contents("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?env=http%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltables.env&format=json&q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.historicaldata%20where%20startDate=%272014-01-01%27%20and%20endDate=%272014-01-10%27%20and%20symbol=%27YHOO%27"); $myArray = json_decode($data, true); /* echo "<pre>"; var_dump( $myArray ); echo "</pre>"; */ echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][0]['Close']," DayX"; ?> i can read out the closing-number for the first day from a choosen stock in the yahoo-api. -> how can i read out ALL entries for 'Close'? -> in this example it would be: <?php echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][0]['Close']," Day1"; echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][1]['Close']," Day2"; echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][2]['Close']," Day3"; ... echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][6]['Close']," Day7"; ?>
  4. thank you very much! that already helped my quite a l lot!
  5. it still is the same task as in my first post!?
  6. thx, but for the final results, how can i sort: to "sort by appearance of keywords the script found"
  7. ok thx! think now it needs just one more step, to get good results: think, now that your script found the relevant keywords (red), it should sort them by appeareance (number): in this example: should be sort to:
  8. thx again! this seems quite good, but unfortunately not working 100% correct: e.g. the headline: -> why is it on it's own topic? it should be merged to the headlines containing "Iowa"!?
  9. i already fetched the data i need by database. usually about 10-100 sentences (each = "$narray[]"). now i want to sort it by script, so that same topic-sentences ("$narray[]") are sort together, like above but working
  10. this example is working, but with the big date-set from the begining, it isn't.. ?:/
  11. to put it more simple/general, see this example:
  12. array_unique alone doesn't work beacuse in my example: all elements from: [6] => Array ( Iowa ) and: [7] => Array ( attacks + Iowa ) should be merged, because: [6] => Donald Trump to Iowa boy: ‘I am Batman’ [8] => Donald Trump breaks the rules at the Iowa State Fair [9] => Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and the Trumpcopter descend on the Iowa State Fair + [11] => Trump attacks Facebook over foreigners [12] => Clinton defends, Trump attacks Saturday at the high-profile Iowa State Fair -> problems seems to be tricky, any suggestions? thx
  13. thank you very much. this helps me a lot! neverthelesee it seems that it has problems in some cases with bigger data-sets: -> let's say i use this data ("headlines about Donald Trump"): + add "Donald" and "Trump" to the stopwords-list-array. -> i get the following result: -> if you now look at [6] and [7] [6]-[7] and [7]-[12] is double entry!? -> can't figure out, why/any suggestions to solve this? thx
  14. thanks!! but if i use a different dataset: i get double entries: 13 & 10 -> how can i get a result like: -> "if one keyword is the same keyword as one of the keywords in another group, merge text from both of them in one groupe"
  15. i have the following php-snipped to sort text-blocks (source is $narray[] in my example) by topic: <?php $narray[]="1 bla blb ala bla bla facebook dfg"; $narray[]="2 b la bl twitter ba la bla bl dfg a"; $narray[]="3 bla sdf asd fb la fg dfg blb ala bla bla clinton"; $narray[]="4 b lad fg bl obama ba la dfg clinton dsf bla bla"; $narray[]="5 bla blb dfg dfg ala bla bla ds fg mircosoft"; $narray[]="6 b la bl Obama bd fg sdf a la bla bla"; $narray[]="7 db la dbl obama bd dfg sdf ad la bla bla"; $narray[]="8 bla df gd sfg blb ala bla bla twitter"; $narray[]="9 s ons ti ges sdf as df"; $narray[]="10 Twitter s ons ti ges sdf as df"; $narray[]="11 s ons ti ges Obama sdf as df"; $narray[]="12 s Clinton ons ti ges sdf as df"; function extractCommonWords($string){ $stopWords = array('about','an','and','are','as','at','be','by','com','de','en','for','from','how','in','is','it','la','of','on','or','that','the','this','to','was','what','when','where','who','will','with','und','the','www'); $string = preg_replace('/\s\s+/i', '', $string); // replace whitespace $string = trim($string); // trim the string $string = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/', '', $string); // only take alphanumerical characters, but keep the spaces and dashes too… $string = strtolower($string); // make it lowercase preg_match_all('/\b.*?\b/i', $string, $matchWords); $matchWords = $matchWords[0]; foreach ( $matchWords as $key=>$item ) { if ( $item == '' || in_array(strtolower($item), $stopWords) || strlen($item) <= 3 ) { unset($matchWords[$key]); } } $wordCountArr = array(); if ( is_array($matchWords) ) { foreach ( $matchWords as $key => $val ) { $val = strtolower($val); if ( isset($wordCountArr[$val]) ) { $wordCountArr[$val]++; } else { $wordCountArr[$val] = 1; } } } arsort($wordCountArr); $wordCountArr = array_slice($wordCountArr, 0, 20); return $wordCountArr; } $anzahlnachrichten = count($narray); $text = implode(" ", $narray); echo "Text:<br>",$text,"<br><br>"; $words = extractCommonWords($text); echo "Found Keywords:<br><font color=red>",implode(', ', array_keys($words)),"</font>"; echo "<br><br>Sort by Keyword:<br>"; for ($i2=0; $i2<20;$i2++) { for ($i=0;$i<$anzahlnachrichten;$i++) { $keyword = array_keys($words)[$i2]; $textx=strtolower($narray[$i]); //echo $i, $keyword, "-", $textx,": "; if(strpos($textx,$keyword)!==false) { unset($narray[$i]); $a="<font color=red>"; $a.=$keyword; $a.="</font> :: "; $a.=$textx; $xarray[$i2][]=$a; } } } var_dump($xarray); echo "<br>/everything else without keyword:<br>"; var_dump($narray); ?> what i can't find out: if one textblock "$narray[x]" has more than one keywords, it should be combined to the other keywords, because i suggest it should have the same topic. how can i combine/grouped textblocks with same topic in my script? .-> in my example "obama" and "clinton" should be combined: there is text with only "clinton" and there is text with only "obama", but one text has "obama" AND "clinton" in it, therefore the script should dedect, that they are both the same topic ("humans"). any suggestions? thx
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